General Discussion

General DiscussionTerrorblades hp problem solved?

Terrorblades hp problem solved? in General Discussion

    Instead of the tipical sny build after tread and aquila/drum why not instead get a vanguard like spectre? Tb is getting more legit now just like spectre and its a pretty common item on her. Hes naturally tanky, has alot of dmg early like new spectre so why just not spend a bit more on a big meaty item so you just survive early ganks and snowball.

    Just a thought.


      i tried it in 6.84, and honestly it wasn't that bad, but you will farm really slow, so probably it's better to go treads drums sny and still have good amount of hp
      for sustain you can get a morbid mask or a casual ring of regen


        Thing is you want to fight with tb now with this new Q. I find that afk farming isnt as efficient as it what before and its better to 5 man each metamorphosis to eat all t1 and t2.


          Isn't Shadow Blade into S&Y, disasambling to Silver Edge+Manta good on him right now ? You can rat easier with SB, cores usually don't have slots for dust & u can pretty much kill nearly any hero in 1v1.


            ^ Perhaps if your team can hold 4v5 but in pubs at my lvl, you simply cant rat effectivly.

            Dire Wolf

              I wouldn't rat anymore, just fight. Sunder is so good now unless they stun lock you to death. Go mid and crush unsuspecting victims.



                I played terror and yeah I did build vanguard, it does solve the hp problem.


                  vanguard is not the item


                    CAre to explain? ^


                      you dont need the roh for sustain
                      if you intend to fight, your probably going to fight in meta, so the block is weak
                      if you are planning to rat, it doesnt help your illusion at all
                      with regards to hp, tb has so many good items that are part of his core builds that gives him good hp
                      drums, sange, casual belt, point booster.


                        You don't need to be tanky vs physical damage, you need to be tanky vs magical nukes.


                          what do you use for hp regen then?


                            starting regen + base regen? u dont need anything more lol, you dont lose hp from jungling.

                            Dire Wolf

                              yeah if you are losing hp jungling you are doing it wrong. You make illusions tank that shit like pl but even easier


                                3 bracers currently, it seems to give what you need to pull a sunder

                                  Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                    how to know if a build is bad

                                    it includes vanguard