General Discussion

General Discussionmoonshard ta

moonshard ta in General Discussion

    ? <question mark>

    Giff me Wingman

      wat about it.


        is it good, do u get it over crit?






              no, it gives you lower dps


                it gives more dps than daedalus if u go phase deso but most of the time you get scenarios where you want the crit so u can just blink meld people and try for instant 2hit kills, especially if u have like aegis or something

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                  dps invokves the fact that you cant rly hit ur targets more than 2-3 times as Ta and need dmg over attack speed


                    it's ok after crit
                    deso crit moonshard, if you go ms before crit you have low damage as said


                      OP, let me answer some other possible questions of you. answers of the questions below are also no

                      -mjolnir ta?
                      -midas ta?
                      -meka sf?
                      -eul sf?
                      -eul any agility hero?
                      -meka any agility hero?
                      -will relentless ever gonna get out of normal skill bracket?

                      etc. etc.

                      the realm's delight

                        its good if ur whole team is having a good early game


                          Alright, before you fuckers start bringing stats out of ur asses, here's a confirmed fact.

                          Level 16 TA with Treads on STR, Aquila and Deso.

                          Moonshard - 1.89 attacks / sec with (166 attack damage + 80 damage from refraction) = 465 DPS

                          Daedalus - 1.17 attacks / sec with (247 attack damage + 80 damage from refraction) * 1.34 crit average = 512 DPS

                          Butterfly - 1.51 attacks / sec with (226 attack damage + 80 damage from refraction) = 460 DPS

                          Mjollnir - 1.64 attacks / sec with (190 attack damage + 80 damage from refraction + 28 damage from lightning) = 490 DPS
                          Assuming 25% base magic resistance, and doesn't take into account the lightning buff

                          Giff me Wingman

                            moonshard is 7th item, stahp getting it earlier.


                              dps comparison doesnt make much sense for low finite amount of time


                                Oh, and MKB = 446 DPS and manta without ilu 380 with ilu 450


                                  Buy anything after BKB.


                                    Also ur right, DPS comparisons aren't really good, but it helps get a feel of the expected output

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      Get AC if you want attack speed. Or even S&Y is fine, but Moonshard doesn't give any survivability at all.


                                        Do you really want AC tho? Shard is 1500 gold cheaper and gives you like 3x more attack speed. But i get the lack of survivability part.


                                          ac gives u additional -armor


                                            Yeah but that's like 20% damage increase


                                              the marginal utility of additional -armor depends on how much armor ur enemies have. the difference between 0 and 2 is more important than between 45 and 47.


                                                moonshard is actually pretty good

                                                idk why so many haters have you all actually tried it

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                                                  @Spooky Ghost

                                                  I tried killing rosh with 3 of your samples

                                                  Level 16 TA with Treads on STR, Aquila and Deso + Moon Shard = 18-19 seconds

                                                  Level 16 TA with Treads on STR, Aquila and Deso + Daedalus = 12 seconds

                                                  Level 16 TA with Treads on STR, Aquila and Deso + Butterfly = 14 seconds

                                                  roshan's bash rate was similar on all times.

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                                                    yeah because if you read his post he calculated the DPS based on refract being on, which is fine since you don't usually have time to hit the same guy more than 6 times

                                                    obviously the loss in damage affects an extended kill like roshan more than for daedalus

                                                    the good thing about moonshard is that you'll definitely want to have it sooner or later, unlike other items which you might want to eventually drop

                                                    or sometimes you're six-slotted with moonshard and you kill roshan, you can consume and pick up aegis without any of the awkwardness of dropping an item and waiting for the courier to pick it up

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                                                      in his post he says there's more dps with moonshard than butterfly but with butterfly i killed rosh 4-5 seconds earlier. i wouldn't mind if it was like 17 or 18 seconds with butterfly but its not


                                                        theorically butter lets you dodge some f the roshan hits that would have bashed you otherwise, so the timing difference is partly explained by this. its not about dps only then, the reesults are biased and not representative.


                                                          can you read

                                                          are you literate

                                                          i literally just explained it

                                                          items that provide attack speed offer a higher margin as long as refract is on, which is relevant when hitting most things not roshan

                                                          when you hit roshan you won't have refract on for most of the hits so it makes items which give damage look better

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                                                            kk moonshard best item 11/9 definetly would recommend it



                                                              Mind Games

                                                                Why would you spend pure AS items on TA? He's supposed to kill dogshits in as less auto-attacks as possible. :facepalm:

                                                                You might want to spend 4K gold on better items like Yasha + Crystalys post Desolator

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                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                  Zenoth only likes it because he farms a lot.


                                                                    Guys. Come on, moonshard icon is 1000x prettier than the daedalus one. It goes so well with aquila, treads and deso. Your inventory is so pretty!

                                                                    Mind Games



                                                                        only as last item, I mean 7th. x)


                                                                          aspd items like that are actually decent since you can dish out more auto attacks meaning more refraction procs but I dont see it being better than crit in any situation


                                                                            Why Abyssal Blade is so unpopular on TA?


                                                                              idk I usually prefer hex for disabling but im bad so theres that


                                                                                I would get it..... as a 7th item.

                                                                                Howard Donald

                                                                                  You're only getting abyssal or hex when there's something that you need to burst down during the disable duration. It's 3.5 sec vs 2 secs, so getting more attacks in is more damage than the +100 from abyssal, given that you're gonna have 400-500 damage by that point anyway.

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