General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat u think bout /gg option ?

What u think bout /gg option ? in General Discussion

    What do you think about a - /gg or as it used to be in dota 1 times - /ff option. When you are 100% sure team is going to lose, all teammates have to type /gg in order to surrender instead of wasting time.

    Pros and cons ? Any ideas ?

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      the thing you can't be 100% sure that your team is losing, because losing 1 rax isn't gg, but that's when people would spam it.


        its shit, comebacks are awesome, comebacks regularily happen, never add forfeit function, period.


          we lol now


            only when i get party stackers in solo ranked


              would be the final nail in the coffin of pub matchmaking. if someone wanted to gg they would just have to feed for a couple of minutes to persuade the rest of the team that the match is lost. if you want to give up now, it'll still take 10mins before the throne falls. many more people would force the premature gg.

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                Well i have the same feeling but somehow it worked in dota 1. Maybe because there was no mmr.


                  would be awful

                  Livin' Real Good

                    They should make a GG option for only 35 minutes into the game, no earlier than that, and 4 out of 5 people have to agree on it, if the vote fails with less than 4, then you have to play the whole match. Also, to make even more restrictions, you can't do it in pubs, only in ranked. Maybe to throw another restriction, make it so you can only vote for GG once every 24 hours, if the ranked thing isn't enough for you.

                    I can picture it now " Aw it's GG, everyone vote! " other guy: " aw, my bad, I already used my GG vote a few games ago today. " So that should keep everyone modest, and make them think twice before using the vote.

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                      Or just don't implement it at all.

                      Livin' Real Good

                        You're no fun, but that works too, screw you.

                        I dunno, it works in league, but we knowing how bad the dota community is, IF THEY WERE TO DO IT, they would need into throw a bit more restrictions on it for the Dota players.

                        Everything is fine as it is though, but sometimes you wish you had one though, but comebacks are nice though.

                        Nothing beats that feeling where you win a team fight you weren't expecting to win.

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                          ^ are u ok?

                          the realm's delight

                            would be amazing, would save me so much time

                            Livin' Real Good

                              Are you not okay ?


                                for some reason the profile pic of What a wonderful life annoys me so much


                                  its nearly as awful as gotvet's profile pic

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    Y... you monster....It's holo when she's drunk! Wahhh' I'm cry, tripple steal apparently hasn't experienced the magic of Spice and Wolf. It's nothing even close to Gotvet's ugly picture thank you very much. :)

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                                      i actually read the book of Spice and Wolf, and its not that bad, but this pic still distracts me


                                        No. I don't think this should be implemented. This basically promotes a defeatist attitude and will ruin far more games than this can save.


                                          i remember watching Spice and Wolf as one of my first animes but i think i didn't finish it after i had found out that it's not finished anyway

                                          Livin' Real Good

                                            Well, i'm sorry to hear that, TripleSteal, I may change it one day, well see.

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              Actually i'm going to change it, I think my old profile picture is a better representation of my current profile name. :L


                                                not needed, hon and lol sucked more bc of it


                                                  This /gg command could have a lot of negative effects in a game if you are not in a winning position, it's a strong incentive to stay afk fountain and spam "gg".


                                                    this one is fine :)
                                                    btw the problem with previous one was probably caused by my individual perception rather than some particular pic's characteristics; and i guess other ppl do not feel same way about it, so u didnt rly have to change it.


                                                      im sure everyones won impossible games before theres no way this option would be good.


                                                        I have seen comebacks against mega creeps. The game is not over until an ancient is killed.