General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Ench broken

New Ench broken in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Ok, so i gave up on my game becuase i had a shitstain from previous game in my match. So i randomed enchantress, played it safelane pos 1. I just went for aghs and atkspeed items + racecar, thinking that once people got bkb n shit, that i would be useless and feeding, but NOPE. NEW ULT GOES THROUGH BKB.

    #outcarried SF, Gyro, Alchemist and Riki in a 57min game.


      Nobody cares

      Giff me Wingman

        Oh the irony.

        Livin' Real Good

          Oh the sexyness.

          Mind Games

            I know this might be one of your rant/bait threads Blunty my love, but yeah, Enchantress is a monster. Especially at Overthrow

            Giff me Wingman

              No i'm actually srs. Core ench is so fucking legit now.


                ye core ench but shes probably just as good in offlane/duo off, safe lane is waste on radiant, maybe dire is ok, but must be solo/ +1

                Mind Games


                  How about jungle shes actually a good farmer anywhere

                  Giff me Wingman

                    If against a lot of rightclicker, ez solo offlane gayming.

                    Mind Games

                      jo~ is it ok for a 2k dogshit player to add you? I never get to pick any SEA 5ks from dotabuff i thought they were non-exixtent


                        ya go ahead


                          ure hotsauce ye

                          Mind Games

                            you're so cute BTW jo I shouldve included you in my list of 'people i wanna see IRL' on salza's thread GIVEN you look actually like your avatar

                            Mind Games

                              shes so cute 3h3h3 is he from kawaiitv oor something? looks really familiar

                              I have such a fetish for cute asian girls

                              Mind Games

                                I'm not necessarily a weaboo you shit Yorkey X)


                                  weaboo - said guy with anime pic :facepalm:

                                  Miku Plays

                                    post deleted


                                      she used to be from a cosplay grp called spiralcats

                                      Mind Games

                                        Ugh dat lips

                                        Mind Games

                                          Fk this I always thought I;m immune to this stuff

                                          saving private RTZ

                                            That moment when the 6k mmr guy doesn't read the patch notes.

                                            about thag, i'm pretty sure emchantress buff was ulti not being UAM so you can build skadi. Bkb-piercing is there for a long time

                                            the realm's delight



                                                So you're now ench picker? :D

                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                  nah, ench so broken, not even fair to pick it.


                                                    lol no silver edge, orchid,evasion or halberd still exist. also she sucks nukes

                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                      ^yea because bkb doesnt exist as well.

                                                      also thats the point, now you can get skadi so you can actually tank some nukes


                                                        Skadi rush for tankiness. Heart rush used to be legit but now snowballs work with ulti

                                                          Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                                            If only she really was broken, I would be so happy. But no the deer lady is still crappy.

                                                            Moosen Commando

                                                              according to dotabufff you didnt play a game a day ago

                                                                Этот комментарий был удален

                                                                  blinkers rape her especially AM no mana and the goat is useless ty