General Discussion

General Discussionis ember better this patch?

is ember better this patch? in General Discussion

    i feel like ember got buffed (altough it wasnt )because i`m getting way better results with the hero now. or is it just me getting better with it?

    the realm's delight



        Less nukes, less instant disables, less storm spirit — better game for ember. Also people just got better on him. Anti-mage had a 46% winrate in ranked vhs early this summer, then after TI5 he actually jumped past 50%. People were just watching ti5 matches and copying pro plays and this alone had a massive impact on am's winrate and perceived viability.

        King of Low Prio

          Nerfing that fgt storm spirit opened up alot of heroes


            Nerfing storm spirit and le electric radioactive goat is wonderful for Ember.
            Eul's now has a smaller casting range so you have more time/space to react to ganks.
            But there's also the fact that people are getting better at it. Phase used to be core on him, now I'd say it's a subpar choice of boots.

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              indirectly buffed by leshrac and storm nerf


                hes like top 5 heroes of the patch


                  doom, ember, spectre, windranger, and?


                    i saw ppl mentioning necrolye times to times, but his pickrate in higher brackets barely increased


                      i would vote for qop as 5th meta hero atm, i think


                        i think countering ember with wr is enough. Dont wait ember until he is getting his bf and daedalus. Its GG


                          doom ember TA wr, idk if i would put spectre in that list


                            PA is good too right? Qop too


                              PA is shit carry Countered by BKB and MKB but 6.85 directly buff him and indirectly buff cus less nuke
                              Qop is well balanced

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                              Livin' Real Good

                                Wind ranger, TA. Ember sounds about right from everything i'm seeing, everyone seems to be picking him, even in the high MMR spectate games on Reborn. I called WR and TA, but Ember is a surprise, then again, he shouldn't be, he was already picking up steam toward the end of 6.84, and it's not like he got any nerfs, so it makes sense he would be good. It's still early guys, keep playing!

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                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    Honestly, I thought the only reason people picked Ember was to counter PL during TI, and then he just picked up popularity after that.

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                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        I pick legion every time I see ember. He's most often built glass canon, and I build lc to be tanky as fuck, she just farms Ember all game with tanky items, BoTs and of course blademail. You need to have mad balls to pick divine as ember in a game where LC can just take them from you, and you can't do anything about that.

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                                            idk though if you go shadowblade you cant W yourself and duel him because he will have time to jump to remnant

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              I usually get blink but sb can work well too.

                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                They're both pretty good, I like using shadow blade in pubs with her though, cause they usually never ward or buy dust, in ranked Blink seems nice.

                                                But it is notable that the shadow blade gives you damage + attack speed + forces supports to buy extra wards and dust they probably don't want to be buying, while Blink does nothing for you more than just the active effect, dunno.

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                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    Spectre is overrated so much right now.


                                                      dealing with her and coordinating team to do something about her is a fucking pain though

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        It is really not, Arin. All you have to do to screw legion is to not overextend and go lonely/without wards etc, do whatever you would do against other solo ganker who can kill you before you can do anything (bounty can burst you down, riki can often fuck you up pretty bad, clinkz if he has orchid, etc), only this is an extreme version of that. Take precautions. On the other hand, a good legion player will get around this by organizing ganks with 1-2 more people so that he's not outnumbered when he goes blink-duel into a fight.

                                                        The problem with legion in pubs is that you might have an idiot or two on your team who goes alone all the time and feeds damage. Obviously it's bad to have feeders on your team, but with legion/silencer/pudge it just gets so much worse.

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                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          He was talking about Spectre :facepalm:

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                                                              not sure. I'm feeling great with the hero now

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                That's not true though, if she is an offlaner, there is like zero chance she can solo kill you. And if she has a support, any hero would be able to do the same anyway. People should just let her safelane, it's just a better Slardar I think.

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                                                                    Slardar offlane is pretty legit currently

                                                                    Played yesterday with universe, he went Slardar with an undying top, poor AM had brown boots vlads at 25 min

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      "With an Undying" "universe" Ding ding, Slardar good offlane you say?

                                                                      meow maniac

                                                                        no he's fucking shit. check my match history


                                                                          it was just an example, i've seen solo offlane slardars rek as well

                                                                          but my point is if enemy picks something like AM you can dual offlane with slardar and destroy their safelane

                                                                          lm ao

                                                                            Ember Spirit is like EZ mode for normal skill like me