General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is it with so many cancer retards in ~4.7k bracket.

What is it with so many cancer retards in ~4.7k bracket. in General Discussion

    We pick heroes, game starts WR goes top rune and dies to BH/Huskar and says in chat ''ok I don't care I go mid my core roles are stolen and I'm highest mmr''

    I just abandonned the game and enjoyed my -25


      this is where all the calibrated/bought accounts go


        Oh tell me about, I'm legitly stuck in this mmr range because of account buyers/smurfs etc.

        Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

          typical 4k trash

          Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

            I won't give mid to a player with a profile that play mid heroes most of the time and barely get to 54% (with only 1 hero , TA). Trash mid player

            黑鬼 [我不好]

              tbh you just suck. if u were better than the people in your bracket you'd be able to carry no matter the circumstances

              Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                Btw, the other day I had 1 guy , 5k mmr , with a name tag "try hard carry harder" and he intentionally feeding after a rough early. I look at his steam profile and he's in an university in marryland. It seems immaturity/retarded has reached to a new level.


                  @literal shit, you're actually retarded if you think you can carry your team no matter what if you're better, if you have 4 idiots on your team that are useless and feed how you want to carry? + I looked at ur profile and you are in normal skill bracket, you have absolutely no right to talk, keep spamming your retard spirit to climb to high skill.


                    its your attitude that is the problem

                    shit like this happens all the time how you handle it determines how it ends up


                    my last solo ranked game i had some guy pick jungle prophet to counter techies, oh well not the worst thing

                    then the last pick is ursa, he tells prophet to fuck off to the enemy jungle and let him jungle

                    what the fuck right? 5 core line-up at 5k+ mmr

                    but the prophet takes it like a champ, helps to buy courier and wards and demines with treants while the rest of us don't bother flaming the ursa and play our own game, turns out the enemy team had even more internal issues than us and we stomped them

                    moral of the story don't be a fucking idiot and throw games from the start just because you have idiots on your team

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                    Jesus Perez Ramirez

                      This game after closed beta seems to be completly pointless without 4-5 man stacking...


                        ^ it actually is lol, if you solo que or que 2/3 stack other party will be completely retarded and you will lose the game.


                          would be fun to come back to solo one day
                          everyone seems to be so braindead and retarded


                            Just played a game, I wanted to mid and I actually went mid but nobody was picking a hero so the game automatically randomed Broodmother for me, I've only played Brood twice so I don't know much about the hero but I played pretty well but as you already can tell, my mid was completely retarded she lost qop against sf lane went 1-3 early and just got her KDA up because of killstealing with her ulti. My carry (Slark) was an absolute disaster he fed so fucking hard he was useless entire game and Lina was just feeding and trash talking nonstop.

                            I'll probably never get out of this trashcan bracket.


                              i dunno lel. i think ill just set it as experiment here on dbuff once ill be back to solo q to prove ppl blaming other factors rather than their performance for not letting them climb.
                              if u r stacked in a bracket u consider tradhcan, then u r trash, too, in ur own eyes. wonderful attitude.


                                @ TripleSteal, I'm definitely not trash, that's 1 thing for sure.

                                1 year ago I calibrated at 2k solo and 2.1k party mmr, 1 year later I'm 4.7k solo and 5.1k party, my main roles are mid and carry, I'm not saying I'm a god tier player but I DEFINITELY do not belong in this bracket, no matter how good I play or try I will still get those retards in team that make me go down in MMR so I keep playing constantly on the same shit bracket and can't become better because I'm playing against low skilled players.

                                For me 4k+ mmr seems like you atleast should understand the game well and play okay but what I see is just inhuman.. I've had multiple times 5k-6k players in my team that just played so fucking awful but ended up calling me ''4k trash'' that I don't understand how they possible could have that MMR and then trash talk me when they're performing abnormally bad. Compared to them I would be a 9k player. Ofcourse you can say ''everyone has bad games'' but what is strange is that EVERYONE has bad games when they're playing with me, I looked up multiple Dotabuff profiles from people that were in my team that played really bad and we lost and what was funny to see that they won pretty much every single game but then played awfully in mine.

                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                  i didnt say u r trash, u did it urself.


                                    thats my whole point


                                      I'll probably never get out of this trashcan bracket

                                      thats an awful game perspective actually, as far as i believe. if u r stucked somewhere, it means u r same skilled as other people there, otherwise u would either drop (if you are worse) or gain mmr (if u r more decent than others). That's pretty clear, is 't it? But lying to urself about being much better but just unlucky is so sweet, isn't it? However, this lie is your drug, it gives you an illusion and prevents from being objective and seing the reality. Try to accept the fact that you start winning whenever you become better; that's just mathematically correct - you dont need any game sense to prove it!

                                      If you dont win, stop whining about other people in your bracket. Is it any fun for you to play solo q with such an attitude? 4.7k is quite a high mmr, and people play rather decently. You can learn a lot playing with ppl of different levels, too, because since u get 4.5k, you start getting into unbalanced matches with 6-7k players.

                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                        I will say this though, this is the only time where ''If you're good enough you'll carry your team no matter what'' happend

                                        But it's only because I picked Anti-Mage against their heroes + Lina ended up abandonning later after I kept running over them.


                                        Na, I didn't say I was trash, I said I'm in a trashcan bracket, that's 2 different things, I'll just show you more proof of how ''I always get the retards in team''

                                        Here have a look:

                                        黑鬼 [我不好]

                                          you have over 3,000 games played and u still suck. btw i've played against a team of VHS players w/ nothing but normal players on my team and have still carried.


                                            @TripleSteal, you can try as much as you want to tell me that I belong in this bracket etc, but I know I'm way better than these retards so it's fine with me and what you just said about me learning things from high level players, everytime there's a 6-7k in my team he plays like a 2k so idk what u want me to learn from them.

                                            @literal shit, you're actually literal shit stuck in 2k, just be quiet and don't talk to me.

                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                              i dunno
                                              what im going to say is so obvious, but...

                                              so, there exists a certain pool of players of this given level of mmr (4.7k in your case). you get them in your matches so that they are distributed into two groups - 4 in your team and 5 in the opposite one.

                                              in longrun, there is absolutely no skill difference between the two groups. sometimes your teammates player better than the enemies, sometimes the opponent team members have a good day. if you are part of the same skill group, your chances to win are strictly 50%. random deviation gonna let you shift up and down sometimes, but sooner or later you'll be back to your original 4.7k mmr - that's just a simple case of Nash equilibria.

                                              However, if you are a better player, you will win consistently, and the amount of impact your role has gonna affect only the rate of your mmr gain, not the whole trend - you will win by pkayig both cores and supports, but you'll grind till ur real level faster by playing pos 1-2. There is no way it could be false if you play long enough, and u seem to play quite a lot.

                                              黑鬼 [我不好]

                                                hunter, u mad that you haven't improved even tho you have 33 days logged? :{


                                                  @TripleSteal, everything you said pretty much is so incorrect but since everyone says it you pretty much say it aswell for you it's always ''you have to think about your self, work towards improving ur self if u are better than ur teammates bla bla bla'' I can guarantee you it definitely doesn't work like that, I believe there's a certain amount of good players (including me) that are stuck at 4XXX rating because they get nonstop retards in team.

                                                  @ literal shit

                                                  It's Hanter you 12 year old worthless normal skill retard.


                                                    did u even read?

                                                    Proud Boi

                                                      Dude, if you're really better then most of the the players at your mmr range, then u should over time see your mmr increase.

                                                      Think about it this way: Your team will always consist of you (non retard) and 4 randoms, while enemy team will consist of 5 randoms. If we then say that there is a 50% chance that every random player is retarded, then your team on avg will consist of 2 retards, while enemy team will consist of 2,5 retards ( in practice 2 or 3). You should therefor over a large amount of games play against teams with more retards than your own and therefor also win more than you lose.

                                                      It's simple logic.

                                                      黑鬼 [我不好]

                                                        Hey Hunter, glad to see you're capable of projecting how you feel onto others. Maybe if you weren't autistic you'd actually be able to win a game or two.


                                                          I can guarantee you it definitely doesn't work like that, I believe there's a certain amount of good players (including me) that are stuck at 4XXX rating because they get nonstop retards in team.

                                                          I can guarantee you it definitely doesn't work like that, I believe there's a certain amount of good players (including me) that are stuck at 4XXX rating because they get nonstop retards in team.

                                                          I can guarantee you it definitely doesn't work like that, I believe there's a certain amount of good players (including me) that are stuck at 4XXX rating because they get nonstop retards in team.


                                                            i dont know how simple the language i use should be to make it understandable, i couldnt avoid using the word equilibria, but well...

                                                            if u dont rly understand maths on this level, i can give u a more "realistic" parallel.
                                                            you have 10 dices, and on each of them there numbers 1 to 6. normal dices, you know. sometimes you get 2. sometimes 4 - depends on your luck.
                                                            then you invite your friend, give him 5 out of the 10 dices you have, and you start playing. you throw them all at a time, sum up the scores of all your dices, and the one who gets a higher result, gets a Point. The one who gets 100 points first, wins.
                                                            But you bet your girlfriend's virginity, and ur fiend was secretly loving her for 7 years, so he wants to win no matter what. He prepared his own dice and swapped it to one of the yours ones, an unfair one - instead of getting any number with equal (=1/6) probability, it only gives 4, 5 and 6, with 33,(33)% probability each.
                                                            It is just 1 dice out of the 5 and the impact is rather small - sometimes you win, sometimes he does. But you need 100 points to win, and in longrun u notice something is wrong. You are losing way more often than in 50% of cases. The average result ur friend gets is 19, while your one is just 17.5.

                                                            Actually your chance to win this game with such a small change is incredibly low. Im a bit lazy to actually calculate it, cz its rather difficult and I never liked using confidence intervals and fucking stata, but it should be less than 5%. A small change into a fair game turns it into extremely unbalanced one in longrun.

                                                            If it is somehow not obvious for you or you want to know more, start with reading about Nash equilibria and normal distribution in wiki.

                                                            Dota MMR system has actually nothing to do with dota mechanics and the game itself. It is a very simple mathematical model that places people according to how good they are in winning games, and in longrun the results are perfectly correct. Deviation exists cz the number of games each person involved into this system plays is limited, but the variance is small.

                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                              @TripleSteal, I pretty much gave up reading what you said, I heard it like 2000 times and it just becomes too repetitive.

                                                              @Leonardo da Vinci, over a large amount of games I have retards in my team while enemy team has professional IG/EG/CDEC stacks playing against me, the only time I go on a winning streak is when I drop down from 4.7k to 4.5k and then the next day I stomp my way backup to 4.7k, highest mmr I've got was 4791 and then wen't down immediately. After a while this game becomes boring because in the end it's all about who gets more retards in his team, the one with the more retards will lose.

                                                              @literal shit, glad to see you're in normal skill bracket with 45% win rate, maybe if you weren't bad you'd actually be able to get 50% win rate.


                                                                im not saying you need to become better, i actually dont give a shit. instead of reading what i write, you assume you guessed what i wanted to say and just skip everything.
                                                                a lot of people do it in normal life, but, you know, they usually have long hair. and no beard, except some rly extreme cases.

                                                                黑鬼 [我不好]

                                                                  Hey Hunter, glad to see you that DoTA is everything to you. Just remember that your imaginary Internet points won't mean much ten years from now. Apply yourself in other areas of your life and you may amount to something (compost pickup, window cleaning), but you're incredibly stubborn so I doubt you'll do that anytime soon. :^)

                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                    So what MMR should you be in? I partially ask because your recent games partied with people haven't gone that great either.

                                                                    Or is this where everyone who thinks they should be 5k-6k says the same things as ppl that are 2k-3k should be 4k?

                                                                    MMR circle of life whine posts?


                                                                      Stop whining guys and watch this.

                                                                      < blank >

                                                                        Ty for the video haha


                                                                          Another amazing game, 3-12 Huskar



                                                                            blademail huskar hahah

                                                                              Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                                                                @literalshit "normal skill"
                                                                                "get a life"

                                                                                黑鬼 [我不好]

                                                                                  Holy kike, the autism is unreal.


                                                                                    Stop bitching untill you play 1k mmr thx.


                                                                                      Idk but if you play at 1k mmr you should just uninstall and move to another game lmfao.

                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        Now we wait for somebody with 6k to tell you that if you have 4.7k you should just uninstall the game and move on.

                                                                                        I find it funny how people @ 6k, 4.7k and 1k complain about the same things.

                                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                          And what's your rating? Let me guess? 2.4k?

                                                                                          Just be quiet really, people in normal skill bracket should not post their opinions.

                                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                                            Well, 6k people can say the same thing about "4.7k trash", from their perspective :x Whatever you say of people of lower rating, someone with a greater rating than yours can say about you. It's actually really apparent when 6k people bitch about their "trash 5k teammates" :x

                                                                                            Also, people can post opinions, and you can choose to ignore them. Sometimes foolishly :x

                                                                                            Do you think you belong in 4.7k, or do you consider to be better than an average 4.7k player?

                                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                              @OP and others curious there are not as many retards at the high 4k bracket (or really most other brackets). This is coming from an Australian server player so I accept there may be some differences

                                                                                              I play solo queue quite often, (4.8k solo,5k party) and yea you do get absolute retards who will absolutely not listen to anything you say and will be a complete dick to your entire team for no reason every maybe... 1 in every 10 games?

                                                                                              But from the way you're posting OP you're making it out like 1 in every 2 games you've got multiple retards in your team fucking things up. From the way you've written in this topic you just seem like a massive whiner and it doesn't surprise me that this sort of attitude is what you propagate into your games to your teammates. Treat your teammates like your teammates first and you'll be surprised how much respect will be given. Until you improve your attitude, you won't be able to climb much higher because of all the internal disputes you'll have with your team.

                                                                                              like who the fuck abandons off such petty things? you've got some internal issues to sort out man

                                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                ^this. Also, as many better players (often 6k+) have said, you're the only consistent factor in your play. You can't whine about retards, because there's actually a greater chance the other team will have a "retard" than yours, if you are not a retard yourself.

                                                                                                It's simple statistics. As long as you are not the retard in your team, you have a relative chance of having less retards on your team since it's either some of the other 4 players on your team, or some of the other 5 players on your team.

                                                                                                Unless you abandon and rage like a retard and lose MMR like that. So in order to have less retards in your games, I think the best advice is not to be one, and try to play the game despite all the bullshit you see. I am guilty of raging often myself, and I tend to abandon like that, so I am not blaming others, I know I have my own issues and things will not change until I sort them out.

                                                                                                You're blaming others because you yourself lack some emotional stability/intelligence, and that's why you're stuck. I am aware of my emotional instability and that I fuck up quite often so I don't blame others.

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                                                                                                Selfless Teammate

                                                                                                  Yeah how you climbed from 2.1 to 4.7 with only retards in your team...just become a man

                                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                    Yeah, it looks like he got to 4.7k by having retards on the enemy team, if his logic is to be taken seriously.


                                                                                                      @literalshit ya you gotta be pretty autistic to only play normal skill your right


                                                                                                        this guy is like the new hael or something