General Discussion

General Discussion6.85 when?

6.85 when? in General Discussion

    It's been one month since the International and teams are already gearing up for the next major. Is Icefraud gonna force us to endure watching another big tourney infested with Storm, Gyro, BH?

    Livin' Real Good

      I'm tired of Storm, Queen, Shadow Fiend, Leshrac (originally a support)and Lina (originally a support) (obviously they can still be played support)

      For some reason, next patch, I think Mirana is getting buffed, i've seen her a lot today, and on stream, that Ring of Aquila + Drums build on her is turning her into a solid core, she can be the next Lina in 6.85 if she gets the right buffs (Arrow turns into pure damage if hit from 1000 units away or further? Kappa) then you'll start seeing people spam core Mirana, I dunno. lol

      Purge said Wind ranger needs buffs cause she was only used once at TI and that was by SumaiL, then raged at me when i didn't suck his dick like everyone else on stream. She doesn't need buffs, she's just better at pushing towers and getting solo pick off's or looking for opening to punish out of position heroes who stray to far from their team, this is a team fight meta, it doesn't compliment her game plan very much, that's what I think anyways, so that's why I don't think she needs buffs. Even as of now, she can support, play core, she can almost pretty much do it all, just like Lina. Even if she doesn't get ANY changes in 6.85, as long as the meta changes away from an early team fight meta, she's going to wreck everyone. Same with Slark, the only reason he's not good in this meta is cause he gets raped by AOE magic damage, just wait till him and Wind ranger get their hands in a ganking meta, or late game type of push pesudo push meta, they're going to shit on most heroes.

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      Miku Plays

        I hope 6.85 isnt teamfight oriented too, so lc will rape every hero she sees while going berserk mode

        Riguma Borusu

          ^one can dream, eh. I am tired of people five manning at 12th minute :( Makes my lc games a pain in the ass.

          Livin' Real Good

            Seriously, the moment the meta becomes less team fight oriented, Wind Ranger is going to shoot up to top tier, even if she gets no buffs, mark my words.

            If the meta changes into the meta I think it's going to be, then i'd say Slark, Mirana, Wind Ranger are going to be good.

            I really want the ranged mid heroes I mentioned in my previous post nerfed, and the melee heroes that were typically played mid alot before buffed to try and put them on even grounds. Seeing Kunkka vs Storm (nerfed storm) mid would be be amazing, or Pudge!? vs Queen mid (a nerfed queen) would be incredible. If only balance like that existed.

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              slark and wr are alrdy doing pretty much fine

              Livin' Real Good

                ^ that's what i'm saying, and purge said she was in need of buffs, no way in hell, once this meta shifts, they gon b gud.

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                    On topic, something should also be done about 1 click pure damage heroes. There's just no counter play against them. I'll be fine if there are some skillshot elements involved like Timbersaw (that's also what makes him weak atm, his pure damage ult is a skillshot)


                      how is slark doing "pretty much fine"? that heros like the worst carry in this patch


                        ^that's because literally all of the fotm heroes Counter him, if no one picks that shit he's still the same, which means he is fine, just the meta fucks him up

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Bloodcyka fucks up his regen when he's low and can fight back, Leshrac is a fucking AoE spammer, Storm can simply escape him and kill him if that pleases him, PL can fuck him up real bad because of his single target nature, Ember can escape him very easily unless he bashes him to death or buys an Orchid (not to mention he can burst him with fist even if they get equal level of farm, and there's nothing slark can do about that), Lina and TA can actually burst him down, etc. QoP is the mix of "getting bursted down" and "getting escaped the fuck away from", so it does not help. I can see him being good against Gyro and SF sometimes, but that'd be it... Usually Slarks can kill most people if they snowball real hard, but so far I haven't REALLY seen that in professional play, usually Slark's pretty underwhelming. The problem with him is that he excels at long fights where he gets to hit things for a long time, and in this meta, it just isn't really happening. Fights mostly look like children with ADHD blinking around, cancers zip-zapping around, etc, so slark does not really get the good value out of essence shift.

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                          Pom Pom 🍕

                            it took two months for the post-ti patch last year and before that, so probably won't come until after ESL.

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Slark would still suck unless the meta heavily favors him.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                Well, I don't expect the "all heroes fight 1v1 for 5 minutes, every 10 minutes, the winner takes base" meta quite yet.



                                  - Bloodseekers thirst speed.
                                  - incresed cd on Lesh Lightning strike.
                                  - WR needs a small nerf, idk which one but if she ever grabs deadallus + aghs she can kill a 6 slotted bristle in a single shackle even attacking his back.
                                  - Storm needs a tweak too, hes the biggest snowballer and hardest hero to pin down if hes a last pick.
                                  - Techies mine activate way too fucking fast after releasing them. I feel like the hero shouldnt be as good in the laning phase by just dropping a single mine on the melee carry and instantly detonating it and commiting suicide for ez kill.

                                  Buff, or rather brigning back some forgotten heros:

                                  - Elder titan, what does he even do.
                                  - Lone druid, useless, cant flash farm, cant 12 slot himself. Maybe make him and the bear share boots like meepo thatd be a start.
                                  - OD, Piercing W through bkb, why not if enchantress can.
                                  - LS, Countered by blink and forcestaff and supports are getting richer over patches, if only his open wound could cause leash effect like slark pounce or simple dmg so they cant blink.
                                  - Terrrorblade, revert all change beside the Q duration which was OP at 5sec at 1 point.
                                  - Oracle, nerf to ultimate killed him. WW doesnt everything but better.
                                  - Puck and pugna, everytime my team picks these hero, or rather, random and keeps these heros, we lose because they become useless after 25min, unless puck gets fat as hell but it never happens.

                                  saving private RTZ

                                    If the next patch will be less fight oriented, we might see classic hard carries finding their way back into the meta ( which i wouldnt be surprised, seing Spectre's buffs recently for example) and may return to the highround defending carries such as medusa, mb even sniper, as well as some solo gankers.

                                    You say that u are tired of storm etc, but making a less team-fight oriented will also make him probaby the most viable mid

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                                      maybe Valve will pair the balance patch with a money-making seasonal event (with new arcanas + pit lord/arc warden) and it will come about after the fall major


                                        btw does anyone know when/where the autumn major is taking place?

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                                            i mean soon


                                              ^after midnight im going to spam u with "yesterday u said tomorrow" messages


                                                nice !!!




                                                    Mirana used to be played as core two years ago, and wasn't reworked much since that. I guess it's still viable, considering a slight buff to Starstorm, which made it less random. But since pros don't use her like that, noone else is going to.


                                                      ^ Thats because there are better heros to pick right now. Beside her ulti i dont see a reason to pick her in competition.


                                                        The FOTM circlejerk is inevitable but I think this patch diverged a bit more compared to previous troll + sniper + jugg and tinker + void before that


                                                          Potm need either a +5 damage, or less mana cost to be really effective as a carry (for starfall).

                                                          Well i'd rather see a major nerf of all mana cost. Some year ago, lina would have been holded by mana issue, so is leshrac, and so is storm, and so is so much heroes.
                                                          Now you really need to be a retard, (or facing a pl ^^) to actually lack of mana on those -and actually on most heroes-, even if you spam on cd.

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                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                            Once again slight nerfs and small buffs please god don't do another huge meta change.

                                                            Oh yeah add earth spirit to captains mode.


                                                              i think es gonna appear in cm cz atm hes pretty well balanced, from what ive seen. not op as he used to be but still viable and picked rather often.

                                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                ^----also countered by a lot of popular support items and supports.

                                                                Bkb's are pretty rampant.

                                                                Oh and one of the most useless heroes to buy back on after big team fight engagements.


                                                                  i think you are taking it a bit too personal :D

                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                    In fact if you use all your remnants on ember spirit and die when buying back do you get 3 remnants again? I forget.

                                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                                      He still seems very strong imo.

                                                                      he has a 56% win rate in very high skill, I think the 2nd biggest winrate in VHS. If 4ks, 5ks can pubstomp so ez with him, I cant imagine what a pro experienced with him can do.

                                                                      tho its true, pros as well know how to deal with him, and glimmer cape is very strong vs him


                                                                        @last picking is for pus$ies (contains offensive language lol)
                                                                        remnants is a normal spell which has its own cd and charges, same as riki's blink and es' remnants. if ur remnants were on cd when u died, buyback wont refresh it, ofc.


                                                                          impetus is ultimate.
                                                                          ofc it shouldnt be blocked by bkb.

                                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies




                                                                              de nada, tio

                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                that is some sick level Spanish right there triple

                                                                                How much time did you live in Spain by the way ?


                                                                                  ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ giff 6.85 ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


                                                                                    @Robbin The Hood
                                                                                    half a year when i was there last time, a bit less than a year if we sum up previous viajes

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                                                                                      In 6.85, Techies' mines need to have the properties as wards, that they have no miss chance on high ground. Giving gold bounty to mine kills sounds dumb, and only worsens the state of gold inflation.


                                                                                        still long ago before 6.85?


                                                                                          ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ giff diretide ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

                                                                                          Jonas Kahnwald

                                                                                            Nerf Storm
                                                                                            Spirit, this patch still better than 6.84 (Troll Sniper Jugg) I think so xd

                                                                                            lm ao

                                                                                              @Yorkey you just want a metagame where playing your favorite heroes isn't dangerous to your MMR grinding


                                                                                                Every patch since 6.81 has been poisoned by inflation of mobility. Razor, DP, Mask of Memes, Leshrac, Lina, Storm, Blood etc. Some of the best heroes this patch are known for notoriously low cooldown which lets them use spells indiscriminately, in addition to already having good mobility in their kits or part of core items.


                                                                                                  U all say nerf storm, storm hasnt been changed for a long time, I remember playing him like this even in dota1....

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                                                                                                    S  T  E  E  D

                                                                                                      I think nyx needs a buff or a meta shift in his favour.

                                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                        ^you mean, squishy immobile cores without escape mechanisms to come back?

                                                                                                        Ho ho ha ha

                                                                                                        Also, bounty hunter's too good right now, though he doesn't counter nyx too easily.

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