General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do you really play ranked?

Why do you really play ranked? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    It's try hard, got terrible teammates, it can be a flame fest from minute one, can give u stress, and other negative things that is detrimental to your mental and physical health. Still, why u still clicking dat "Ranked Match" button. Thoughts?


      i went into party ranked only due to the reasons you mentioned.

      why not NMM party instead? cz the environment there is not competitive and people tend to abandon or give up too often. Moreover, I dont want to have 60-70% winrate just because I stack with (relatively) decent teammates, and NMM matchmaking is not perfect. Fairly balanced games are more exciting.


        because unranked is complete dogshit.???
        srsly do you even play dota or you spend all your time thinking what new thread you want to create?

        its like playing poker but without chips, just for the fuck of it.


          i live for ranked match. pub doesn't have any taste. no reward no punishment seems bland. they give up too early, lazy, and fucking leavers. i need some sort of punishment to keep my game in check.

          it's you that adapt to your surroundings. not your surroundings adapt to you. :v

          just mute everyone else if they fucking flame fest on minute one.

          no courier, buy courier. no ward buy ward. you can pretty much carry 1v9 in 3k games.


            there is a certain point in it, i guess. it's quite interesting to spectate ppl discussing stuff and expressing their opinions on different topics, so why not? the fact that you (or me) wouldn't do it cz it aint fun for us doesnt mean all the other ppl think in the exact way we do.

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            Bad Intentions

              @xan but i just played a doto game 7 hours ago :O lol

              but ya i tend to think a lot of doto things and try to get people's thoughts about certain stuffs

              Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                it's not unranked but normal. There is MMR but it's hidden and share with normal party. Try to raise your normal game and there will be a time when every games you meet is a stack of Chinese who all have above 60% winning rate and super try hard. I only played ranked party and not soloing ranked because my normal mmr is a lot higher than ranked mmr (4k mmr) and games are a lot higher quality.


                  my party is sub 5k. i use it to complete all heroes challenge.
                  i only ever play normal if vrok invites once in a blue moon. its dogshit.


                    have u ever tried to q as 5 in a stack with av mmr of 5k+?
                    how many ppl in ur opinion do it?
                    and how many of high ranked players would q as 5 in Normal Matchmaking? basically no one. it would be just unbalanced +5/-50-type games over and over again.

                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                      Honestly unranked is way worse. Unranked = almost always against 5 man stacks even when solo qued unless this changed.

                      Plus still all the try hards because there is tons of stupid people who don't realize it's unranked.

                      Not Russian

                        mmr means nothing, and i dont see people leave or give up in normal , in ranked there is always people that pick am and go 0/5 with worse items than support , and then blame others for no wards , really?

                        saving private RTZ

                          OP is like fuckn psychologist of the forums, he just starts disscusion between people and watch them. I am curios what his intentions are, are you gonna fuckng kill us or smth?

                          Bad Intentions

                            Ya know my intentions man, u know 😀


                              Lol ^ bad intentions you need to get hired by steam to make polls to gather information for them and post questions maybe take your fact gathering tithe next level and start a blog off the info.


                                In regards to unranked I can't enjoy it much Cuz If I try hard it's a stomp plus no gain from it. I enjoy playing against / with try hards I want peoples best shot .


                                  I play ranked because why not?

                                  I play unranked when I remember dota's still a game and want to fool around 5-man stacking with people I actually feel comfortable playing with or I know will fool around with me.

                                  game is bad

                                    Because unranked is too retarded.

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      I doubt Bad Intentions actually plays dota, he just sits and watches

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                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          Because unranked has terrible matchmaking. I still play both though.


                                            To get more mmr than my friends 4head


                                              act RMM is also pub, but it is more exciting i guess peopel have been sensitive with the raising an ddropping of figures.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Are you serious? Does anyone think normal is better than ranked? You say tryhard, you mean you want to play matches where people just fuck around and don't try at all?


                                                  2k trash here. Pubs are wacky, and more often than not people actually want to win. Flaming is not prevalent and only occurs in about 1/5 matches. I play mostly USE/USW on the evenings, so that may explain why it's a bit more relaxed.

                                                  I only recently ended my calibration matches, and must say that people in this trench ragequit, flame and whine about 5x more , so I'd rather keep playing unranked for now.


                                                    cuz pubs are cancer

                                                    and i dont have enuff decent friends to stack with so yeah

                                                    whiskey waters

                                                      i rly see 0 differnce btwen normals n rnaked

                                                      never soloqd normal tho

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                                                        Gaming is Dead

                                                          i play ranked bc i want to git gud


                                                            unranked is where i practice heroes
                                                            ranked is where i tryhard 5eva