General Discussion

General Discussionember spirit items?

ember spirit items? in General Discussion

    I have recently been playing this hero a lot, and im curious about his item build, what I usually do looks something like this.

    bottle>phase>maybe drums if im behind, otherwise battlefury>either skadi or bkb>tp boots>daed>whatever.

    I was watching some top tier players play him, and im wondering about manta style, and blink dagger.

    manta seems more split-push orientated which could work well with early tp boots. but im just never sure if its the right situation to get it.
    Blink dagger on the other hand I am just clueless about. at first I thought you get it if your team has no initiation, but then I saw miracle get one even though they had a tidehunter.

    any help is appreciated and I'm curious to see your guys' item builds or strats

    Thanks in advance :D


      get bottle threads aquila yasha then bf manta skadi deadalus then dr ggwp xD

      Livin' Real Good

        Lots of people have been trying to play him ever since TI5, i'ma try him next in a pub game too then. I like going Ring of Aquila on him instead of drums, it's CHEAPER, the build up is great (getting a wraith band is nice, or a ring of basillius) and it does ALOT for him considering he's agility.

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            bottle -> Phase -> drum -> BF -> Chrystalis -> BKB/Linken -> BF -> Christalis -> Daedalus -> Daedalus -> Mighty Rapier.

            insert BOT in the middle

            casual gamer

              phase bottle aquila BF BF daedalus ->bf/linken/manta/skadi/bkb

              linken bkb or manta earlier when applicable

              sometimes euls if you really need to get rid of GS on the cheap

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                  Octarine Core is new meta.


                    Keep in mind ember is very balanced so his builds are very flexible.
                    Just get the items you think are needed; obviously if you are in very high skill level you know what you need just mute others who make fun
                    of your build.
                    Because ember is balanced, the best build for a situation will just suit very well for his skill set; he wont destroy smart enemy players completely not like in 3 patches ago where he can destroy his enemy lane and snowball from there; your snowball is now very dependent on your team and enemy's lineup.
                    TL;DR : Get any build that is needed (i prefer treads, PMS, Drums, Aquila, BF) but dont expect he will be leshrac like. And dont play him against a storm as much as possible unless your team completely fucks a storm up or any counter in fact.

                    Pom Pom 🍕

                      Manta style is usually to remove silences if you're against orchids, skywrath, silencer, etc. Battlefury gives the most dps for him in team fights, even two of them.
                      If you're very behind you should probably skip drums and go straight for bfury since drums will just delay it and keep you hanging further behind. Battlefury really helps high ground defence. If you're ahead drums are good for early fighting and he benefits from everything it gives in the midgame (the extra mana pool is especially nice since he has 4 active spells and sometimes have to use ult twice to chase someone).

                      Battlefury on ember is like diffusal blade on PL. Often you wanna go a small item like drums, vlads, or yasha before diffusal. But if you get really shut down in lane you can't be that greedy and need to rush diffusal so you can unleash the cancer.

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                        I use -> PMS, Bottle, Magic Wand, Brown Boots, Aquilla, Travels, Battlefury. I think fast travels are better than PT, Phase, coz u still do a lot of dmg/have nice survability & still have v. strong early game, it saves u a lot of gold in long run, coz u use tp->remnant a lot as Ember & gives u ability to flashfarm. If u have a good game u will have PMS, Bottle, MW, Travels at around 12min. After those items I go Daedalus if I need more dmg, Manta if the have silence or Skadi if I need to be more like a front man. I also really often go for Linken on him, nearly never BKB.

                        You get Blink dagger mostly to safely escape from Sleight of Fist, not because of initation.

                        casual gamer

                          if u have decent timing you can activate remnant out of fist lol, dont get dagger just to blink out of fist pls


                            ^Blink gives u ability to remnant agressivly in, SoF & Blink out. If u don't have Blink, u can't use Remnant as agressivly as with it. It makes u much harder to kill & u can play more agressivly.

                            Im the Bully of my School

                              ^ virus click


                                i like travels more than any other boots, its more effiecient for farming/splitpushing safely imo.

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                                  There was an alternate build to Ember that's deceptively strong.

                                  The treads>maelstrom>manta is very strong if you get a good start. Do not attempt to play this build if you have to play catch up though.


                                    pms. aquila/drums. phase/threads. bf. crysta/yasha. daeda/manta. dr. bot. moon shard. bot double the bf.daeda.or dr instead.. BASIC BUILDS.
                                    bkb/linken if really needed
                                    skadi for more tankiness
                                    deso to cut some armor of enemies
                                    mael/mjo for farming and pushing. good for defending also
                                    other items may do but use it correctly and wisely. always depend on the situation.


                                      well thanks very much for all the advice I totally understand the need for blink and manta now. definetly gonna try all the builds
                                      cause it seems he's extremely flexible (interested in that armlet build). it also looks like im gonna be buying more small items, didn't realize they were that core