General Discussion

General DiscussionPugna, mid lane

Pugna, mid lane in General Discussion

    In my point pugna on mid lane looks very fine.
    I want to practice Pugna on middle

    Start game - 2 iron branch / bracer / pulled tango x2
    Early build - magic wand / bracer / bottle / arcana
    Between early and late - magic wand / bottle / arcana / blink(mekansm,glimmer) / aghanim's scepter (atos, eul)
    Late - guardian graves(Travels) / dagon(atos,linken) / Octarine / blink / aghanim's scepter / bkb(link, orb lotus)

    Pugna's ghost 3 sec = ez blink from enemies (not always ofc)
    Ez target = blink to enemy, put ward, ghost enemy, ult (very nice with agn scepter)
    Save our teammates. Mek, ult, ghost, glimmer
    Very nice pusher from mid lane
    Stuck jungle = ez farm by 1 skill

    I would like to hear your opinion, ty

    plz do

      dont. its a waste of time and energy, because he not stronk. more like a pos 3/4ish hero.

      Dire Wolf

        He's a strong mid, he just can't carry much late so you need a good hc in safe lane to make up for it. It's kind of like playing a skywrath or shadow shaman mid from that standpoint. Your job is just to push the tower asap, he pushes t1s really fast.

        Этот комментарий был изменён

          Ok, as a mid pugna player, i know what to do.

          Start game with: Null Talisman, Tango----> bottle ----> Arcanes ------> Agh's -----> Bloodstone -----> Heart -----> Octerine (throw in a BKB sometime after agh's if you need it)

          You will max your Q then your E, I like to go 3-1-1-1 at 6. I also like 2 points in your W so a skill build like 4-2-2-1 works.

          You really just want to spam at your opponent keeping the wave pushed up (careful not to get ganked). This will let you get every rune and you will beable to hit their tower every once in a while. Hopfully the other midlaner get sick of your shit and just leaves lane, take the tower, then rotate to a new lane to push.

          The item build allows you to go from very squishy to very tanky, if you can farm the items. with agh's, stone and heart, you have 3000 HP with an ult that heals you.... you are really hard to kill.


            Rubick is a very strong midlaner. No troll. He has a decent animation, long range and can zap their damage away. His Q is deceptively good in midlane as well when you throw them back into the wave for extra damage.

            But it doesn't work out because he doesn't scale as well as other mids. Precisely like a pugna.


              i think bloodstone is not bad on him


                ill rather have rubick mid than pugna mid tbh

                the realm's delight

                  why would anyone play pugna.. such a boring shit hero


                    wins lesh lina supposedly

                    Dire Wolf

                      But pugna does scale just can't carry. He can 1v1 people with aghs quite easily, he just suffers a ton from heavy disablers in a team fight. But he remains a top pusher all game and huge anti magic with ward.

                      I'm a big fan of warlock mid but no one knows how to play it. You annihilate other mids who underestimate you and then with aghs + refresher you're a beast late too.


                        He's great mid. Especially 2 years ago when VG stomped with pugna+BB push strat.


                          lol noway he wins vs lesh or lina


                            warlock mid is a thing, but pugna gets kinda rekt


                              yea i dont think he wins them in lane i meant mid game though