General Discussion

General DiscussionQuick question about the disparity in games thanks for the help

Quick question about the disparity in games thanks for the help in General Discussion

    How is it possible to play games and win 25-35 min and have my teammates say "commend support" then go to games where 1-3 people say "report support". I don't understand it. Is it a difference in skill level, difference in play style, compatibility. I have honestly and sincerely no idea except there is no middle ground. Any help is appreciated because I would like to get to he point where most games are enjoyable win or lose.


      You already know the answer, right?


        No honestly I don't. I don't get it and that's why it's so frustrating. I get 4 random other people (occasionally same person 2 games in a row). Yet some games run smooth (not necessary ez) and others give me cancer. Not trying to troll here...


          4 random other people
          there's your answer

          there are nice, friendly people and toxic people in every mmr bracket
          some mmr ranges are more toxic than other though

          i've heard that 4.5k is the biggest toxic pool in dota

          on the other hand anything below 2k is probably enjoyable because nobody knows what they're doing and they are just relaxing and playing for fun

          low 3ks were from my experience pretty enjoyable, too

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          plz do

            there are nice, friendly people and toxic people.


              Yes that's very true but sometimes I turn into that "toxic person" based on the circumstances (which as embarrassing as it is I am willing to admit). But I don't enjoy that. I would rather have somewhat pleasant games than rather than work hard for 20-30 min then finally lose it because it's too frustrating. (solution is play with a stack but that is not always feasible for me) I'm wondering if it is something that I am doing differently in those games but I don't see it myself. I try to play/behave the same way in each game... Life is hard, game is hard :(
              The only good thing is that I saw singsing have a "shit game" just like mine the other day so at least it's not exclusive to my mmr.


                people get salty when they suck, like sf dies mid 3 times and starts talking shit when it's clearly his fault he died solo to ember.
                and the salt from 1 guy makes other players rage at him and call him a trashcan for dieing 3 times mid and even the people who try not to participate in the arguement get salty cuz of it, or just cuz of the fact that the guy who started flaming is still feeding.


                  i guess maybe that's what it is. I wish there was a way to keep that from happening though because those games are definitely not fun.

                  Bad Intentions

                    Part of doto man, part of doto.


                      One of the reasons that I prefer to play with low MMR friends. They like to enjoy it than think of it as a competition.


                        There's always going to be at least 1 person in your game that's gonna be salty or start flaming.

                        If it really bothers you that much - mute all -> afk farm :D for me i kinda enjoy shit-stirring and drama-intense games.. that is doto

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                          good idea is trying to keep everyone calm and staying positive

                          if you let the flame begin, there's no stopping it and everyone will underperform

                          if you can't stop the flamers, just mute them and resist the urge to flame the hell out of them (which i usually fail to do :horse: )