General Discussion

General Discussionneed some help .. how to stomp games with storm..

need some help .. how to stomp games with storm.. in General Discussion

    see my games on it .. thanks


      start with this:
      at 50 minutes you should have at least 250-300 creeps


        cuz if you don't kill anyone and you don't farm, then what are you doing?


          watch blitz videos for storm laning

          once ur done with laning phase if u can do pick offs as much as possible if not just afk farm/jungle lanes /splitpush

          and then again do pickoffs on squishier heroes during teamfights/after that and so on once u get to that 50~ mana regen per sec and 250~ish rightclick damage u can kind of solo kill cores by then and u should have the game in the bag if u dont make mistakes

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            farm a lot if you can't kill anyone, or kill heroes.

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              Jungle Storm is not gud, tried it my last gaem

              E: Or my team was full mentally challenged

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                how is it not gud ?

                u farm as fast as solo mid and get close to same amount of exp as contested (good 1v1 mid matchup) exp

                item timings usualy even faster on jungle storm due storm being weak midlaner compared to heroes like qop lina sf lesh and so on

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                  Well, it's not good in games where people are just dogshit and need someone to gank, example match in the link above.


                    stack jungle when you can, aim for 25 cs/5 mins, 50+/10 mins. min 20 bloodstone. most of the times you should get bs 1st item.
                    you can get arcane then disassemble for bloodstone. works pretty good.

                    the big thing with storm its that its tempting to jump for a kill, and most of the time it will end in a 1 for 1 trade or just you dieing. dont die for a kill. carry a tp, split push, gang, usual stuff.

                    dont be afraid of using remnants for lane farm.

                    oh and 1 more trick. if you fight some1 early on melee range, and you have both remnant and vortex, do like this:
                    remnant, hit, hit, hit, hit, remnant, hit, vortex, hit. if you use vortex after 1st remnant, you will hit hard and he will run away if you dont have ulti. this pattern secures kill.

                    the mechanics of this hero are pretty easy, but decision making is what wins/loses games. see my profile, i got dogshit kda, because i cant resist the urge to dive and i lose.

                    1 more thing: for late game, dont be afraid to do long jumps to clean really big creep waves. long jumps meaning base- t2

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