General Discussion

General DiscussionGood sf players, any tips?

Good sf players, any tips? in General Discussion

    I just watched my replay, and what I can pickup was my cs was lackluster, and I should've maybe avoided some fights , specially with that void.

    Anything else I could look into, would be great advice, thanks


      your build is awful, no attack speed!


        I had the sny which i sold coz we were getting rosh.

        After that I was planning to get moonshard, but had to buyback to def, and chrono locked me down ez kill for lina gg


          why did you buy skadi? none of them even have bkbs
          if you went for satanic and butter, you'd do far better i think
          also, upgrading to silver edge might be a good idea here (not sure about this one though, i don't really like this item)

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            not much you can do with that void lmfao


              wwatch me huehuheuheue

              lm ao

                Yo OP. Your item choices are OK. Pretty boy Benao just wanted to introduce you to his "very unique" MoM gaming, which ofc is trash if you have no idea what you are doing XDDDD.

                This is my suggestion to overcoming 2K with any midlaner.
                Get good CS 1-8 minutes. Dont have to be a deny maniac.
                Rotate to other lanes. Push 1 tower. Jungle. Rinse and repeat.
                Win geim.
                Just try to control the pace. It works quite excellentlywith sub2k pinoys in my team, not sure in you case however.


                  ^bbbuttt u a pinoy sir.


                    i meant it though, the build is trash even with sny. Are you gonna stare them to death with your bkb and expect them to die?
                    you have zero dmg, zero attack speed only mobility items

                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                      I actually got 2 rax and game was looking like ez win for us. I had to buyback after a meh fight (4 for 5, i bought back), last fight winner takes all, void chronos entire team ez gg im so done.

                      I felt like tanking up seemed more ideal since i was in shit situations (chronos), and i was doing about 350 right click dmg when souls were maxed


                        so gooood, you got 2 rax in NORMAL SKILL pls tell me more! NOT LIKE YOU'RE THE ONE THAT NEEDS TIPS

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                            If you have a bad teammate i recommend getting a blink so he can initiate then you dont get stuck in chrono i like blink anyway so sick
                            Its a must get for me in alot of games.

                            Also SnY Isn't good 40+ so i recommend not getting it especially since you had BoTs, As well as having skadi you already had a slow so it wasn't good apart for the little stats and move speed it gives you but again you had BoTs so.

                            Im no SF god but this is just my opinion :)

                            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                              ^That's why I sold the sny.

                              @Benao: I'm not saying anything specific with the rax comment, just saying I thought I had enough dmg with souls, and game was on our side.