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General DiscussionA simple question

A simple question in General Discussion

    Hello guys ... finally i got to 13 lvl and i'm gonna start my calibration games soon and i wanned to ask any tips to have a maximum win rate of them (i mean to win most of the games) and i hope i'm not gonna be 2-3k lol!


      the only thing your winrate correlates with is your skill (edit: true for calibration, but not true for lpq/parties of 5 in 5k+/dubai server/etc.). the better you play, the more you win. pick ur best heroes, try to be friendly with your teammates, dont give up, play decently.
      what kind of secret magic tricks did you expect, srsly?

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        Try play carries who naturally get lots of hero damage/tower damage etc

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          10 calibration games barely matter, the games before those are the ones that matter. But if you will get disappointed by your MMR and don't play ranked, don't do the calibration because it will be very hard to go back to your true MMR after you decide to play ranked again.


            barely matter? you can get +/- 1000 if you stomp/feed 10 games


              I play mid main but sometimes random dudes ask me if they can go mid then i am going to carry safelane ... and also if i win like 6-7 games from them and i'm on 55% winrate how much mmr should i expect max?

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                @Reese that's either not true or outdated. It only works that if you have very low amount of games.