General Discussion

General Discussiondo u lose games on purpose ?

do u lose games on purpose ? in General Discussion

    I only play dota because i enjoy good games. Why would i waste my time with trash? If you're gonna play ranked and you're "supposedly" at my mmr, play like it or else fuck off or more like i will make you fuck off by decreasing your mmr!

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      Dire Wolf

        I don't lose on purpose but my team would probably beg to differ. I lose games all the time cus I don't save for buyback or get caught out by a stupid smoke. Pretty sure team thought I threw on purpose lol.


          Yes like 1 in 15, usually reasons are
          -when my team are regurgitating a bunch of dumb memes and other cringeworthy stuff
          -when team flame each other too much and get on my nerves
          -when i get an ally who i remember ruined my game before

          sounds toxic i guess but this is a computer game and this gives me more enjoyment than playing normally, in those situations, lol

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            Anyone who "intentionally loses" does so because they're extremely insecure and need something (anything) to rationalize their individual shortcomings and failures.


              I mean what's more fun, trolling allies with triple maelstrom zeus and saying u bought the account?
              or feebly trying to defend your t3s when you're 50 kills down and 20k gold behind?