General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere should I improve

Where should I improve in General Discussion

    Hi. Before any of u read further, yesm I'm 1.7k trash. However that doesn't stop me from wanting to improve. Basiclly, when i was noob lv13(about 9 monts ago), I calibrated at 1050 mmr. I was pretty happy abut it for some reason. I had very differing results, and started t tilt, after getting thrown to 850 mmr, i decided to focus on NMM fr the time being and improving. Later, somewhere on this summer(or little before), i decided I'd climb the ladder. Now, as u can see, i've climbed almost 1000 mmr, but now i can't seem to win anymore the same way, so i figred, i should find something to improve on. Could u guys help me(though i know i'm "1k trash")


      we're all "<insert number>k trash"
      focus on dying less, keep playing your best heroes, you have good winrate
      you can improve in literally anything, I'd say watch some pro replays and try to understand how they play the game


        Consdiering that you've played most of the heroes before, I think you could try counterpicking or increasing your team's spell combo potential: your "best heroes" are the default pick for your game, but if they are taken/would be a bad draft, you always have a backup.


          Okay, thank you for advice


            i think you should use the some tactics . First of all , list your all heroes in 3 category, Ranked , Pub and Lab. Ranked means ur best heroes that you can play in ranked games.Pub means you are good but u need to improve on these heroes for ranked games. Finally , lab heroes means u should work on it. After this categorization you can see how kind of player are you.Than you should try to improve your versality on your ranked hero pool.

            Another tactic is abusing.I was 1.8k mmr when i started to game and i abuse abbadon to improve 3 .5 k mmr which means i knew how to play abbadon like 3 or 4k player(not 6 or 7 or 10 k :) ). You can choose 3 or 4 hero to abuse which are proper for meta. For example, Bloodseeker , lesrhac, gyro, undy etc.

            Sorry for my bad english , if u want u can add me to another helps !

            Best wishes for you bro :)

            Bad Intentions

              Yo OP, Consistency man. Thats what i always advocate. Add me up and we can check your games.


                Looking at your profile a bit i can see that you are a mostly support player,so as a fellow support i can give you a few tips,though i don't play ranked matchmaking,i can give you a few tips that players are missing and that aren't really that easy to see:

                1st. As support your positioning is 50% of your work,you will want to be close enough to your teammates to be able to assist them in trouble,but far enough so that enemies can't kill you because you are too far or outside of their vision(some tanky supports are the exception here,like abbadon),also when teamfight spreads out you will need to be close to every1 so that you can hop in to any teammate.

                2nd. Map awareness,well you would want to look at them map as much as you can,as soon as you see that 3 or whatever you feel unsafe about enemies are missing,go back,and if you are with your team,get ready for a fight,looking at the map all the time will save your life a lot,and also,when you have free time look at enemy inventories,you will be looking for obs wards(when you see them gone if you watch a lot you can have aproximate assumption where they are placed),sentry wards(if you are invis hero),loth/blink(this will make you stay further back from enemy team be4 teamfights break out),scroll of portals(so you can know if you push who can come stop you).

                3rd. Carry a TP all the time,if you notice a teamfight breaking out near one of your towers(on the minimap) you would want to TP to help.

                4th. Pull camps to improve your teammates farm,and take the last hits that you see he is going to miss.

                5th. Try to pick heroes that combine well with you teammates(like if you have magnus pick a AOE hero...),and try to counterpick your enemy heroes(example is oracle who counters void with 2nd spell,lion and skywraith counter storm spirit,magina and other high mobility heroes...)

                6th. As a support you should be as noble and kind as possible,stack camps and leave farm for your team carries.

                7th. Do not get into a verbal fight with a teammate,as much as you will feel better it will ruin your teamwork and in most cases lead to defeat,just give constructive advices and if they flame or anything ignore them till match is finished.

                Well i wrote some far fetched things that you might already know,but hope i helped. Dearly your uncalibrated k trash. :D


                  Yeah, thanks all. I'll try tfat categorizing, might work.

                  Ty for the tips, most of it I allready knew, but i have to hugely improve, like map awareness and positioning.

                  I'll add the people who asked, would be nice to hear some comments on my gameplay


                    If you want the MMRs, abuse OP heores. ez.

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!