General Discussion

General Discussionee should be kicked

ee should be kicked in General Discussion

    his mind should be rinsed, thats all.

    > bumping quality life discussions.


      Lets be honest guys: We are all in no position to say who is the weak link on C9 (except benao ofc) because we are far off playing on that level.


        what ee is not good ? have u ever seen him play he does everything good ofc he does risky plays that usualy doesn't pay off in his case but he plays carry pos really good


          he's not good, he's smart.

          There's a bunch of player that make intelligent move, lead the team and so on, but that are literraly the easiest legit 6k+ mmr player to beat.
          Like wagammama or ee. Smart in what they do/how they lead the team.
          Don't get me wrong, it's not important to be that good when you are a carry player at that high level competitive (you can see how burning does, while being by far the best carry in the world).
          So in some way he has a more appropriate "skill" than most carry.

          But in pub, when a player much more skilled than them showup, the "power" ee gives by his lead isn't good enough, and the flow he is trying to give to the game to win will just shatter.
          --> you'll back to who has the most skill with his heroes.

          And there, it's more than easy to see if he is truly that skilled or not.

          Anyway, for his goal, it's way better this way, since the only downside is to get caught offguard. But as long as you are minding FAR ahead than anyway else, it's not that much a problem.

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            pubs are so fucking irelevant no matter how good of a carry you are if u don't get proper support u get demolished early game vs proper duo lane or even a good offlaner

            only games that matters is where u actually stack with 5 man that actually know what they are doing prettysure ee could play same carry as other teams does just play safe and farm like everyone else but then no1 would give a fuck about him like they do now

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              ee is a very good player, just needs like a coach to lead the team or a true captain that makes use of his strengths. And ofc get rid of bone322. Sadly they dont have a captain/picked/coach at the level to make it possible to win consistently

              Last picking is 4 pussies

                I personally don't believe EE would ever truly take a back seat to a coach.

                It's written all over his personality he is like a diva nba player that drives the coaches mad etc. and behind the scenes makes the coaches job harder to lead.

                C9 really need to win one decent tourney to get the monkey on their back and they will be fine and also bone7 not in captain chair :)

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                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  I really think Misery or even Fata should be the drafter. They have way more experience than the other guys.

                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                    I'd like to know who was drafting back in DAC.


                      I really doubt c9 survives as 5 through the shuffle.


                        bone322 is definitely getting kicked or they are going to lose a TON of fans


                          btw im gonna start streaming some low 4k games

                          plz do

                            ^ much better than TI, good dota is good.

                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                              I think c9's roster is probably as talented as it can get. Let's be honest who could they even sign potentially better than what they have.

                              These guys are just mentally beaten and need some kind of positive rehab or something.

                              I also think times they picked LC they should have safelaned it and ran aggressive offlanes.

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