General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips for playing support in 1.8k mmr

Any tips for playing support in 1.8k mmr in General Discussion

    My friend plays only support and he is in 1.8k mmr.

    When we play in party he plays a lot better support than most in my mmr (3.6k) .

    So any tips ?


      just dont

      King of Low Prio

        couple things

        1. MMR balances out teams so regardless of how shitty your friend is the other team will either get someone as bad as him OR everyone else will be much lower than the higher MMR party member.

        2. its easy to know what to do when your team is telling you what to do all the time.


          [color=#239edd]1. Figure out who's the most competent person on your team
          2. Protect that person and support the fuck out of them
          3. Don't die yourself[/color]


            Pick mirana camp mid ez MMR

            Blunts Low Prio Bot [Beta]

              Yeah, kill urself


                pick techies, get reported.


                  If he wants to lose hope in humanity and question his fate whenever pressing the "Find Match" button, let him continue doing what he has been doing all the while.

                  Else, just don't even bother playing support. Even if you play a support like you are in Na'Vi, your teammates aren't candidates for Na'Vi anyway.


                    no dont bother supporting unless u play in 3k and above

                    worse case scenario if u want support badly pick enigma or enchantress jungle and go greedy with midas and shit while planting ocasional ward

                    King of Low Prio

                      plz dont support at all until 4.5k ish plz. Most people below that point use it as a excuse for failing to farm well and bad positioning


                        3 kinds of supports I like for dogshit tier dota (I am 2.7k-3.3k, the trench never ends).

                        First kind. Support who can farm jungle efficiently and still be baller in lane. Witch Doctor and CM are the kings of this kind of support. There stuns are longer on creeps, and they deal some good damage. They also both have high kill potential thanks to there massive damage AoE ultimates.

                        Second Kind: Healers. Dazzle and Omni are two of my most succesful heroes simply because of their heal/damage nukage. Get arcanes and mek and enjoy keeping your idiots and the push alive. Dazzles damage is also all physical, so he can be a potential anti-bkb hero. His armor buffs and debuffs synergize well with his abilities too, and it has stupid low cooldown and mana cost to boot. Omni on the other hand is well known for his ultimate, which nullifies all physical damage, but his first two skills are what makes the hero. Free BKB is a godsend at the lower levels where nobody builds bkb. Cast it only on your allies. It can debuff some buffs on enemies, but at the risk of giving the magic immunity. Not worth it at all in my eyes.

                        Third Kind: Ambiguous supports. Undying, Abaddon, Tidehunter. These heroes are often considered "carries" although they can do well with little farm. Undyings skills decimate early teamfights and allow your team to snowball like crazy. First skill saps strength and can make that enemy sniper cry with his 200 health. Second skill heals and nukes, but unless you are solo laning I'd advise against leveling past 1 early on. The zombie totem creates so much chaos in the early fights. Slows, deals awesome damage, and will stop aggression. Ult has AoE slow around undying, and undying heals everytime a unit near him dies (this includes zombies). Abaddons Aphotic Shield purges debuffs, provides a useful shield, and an aoe nuke. Max it first always. Skip his first ability because it costs too much mana for what its worth early on. Third skill is maxed second. Slow, AoE attack speed buff (provided your team is attacking whoever you attacked), movement speed buff, stacks with Orb of Venom, and has cool particle effect. Last skill needs no introduction. Tidehunter also needs no introduction. Kraken shell should be maxed in my opinion so you can be super aggressive in lane in my opinion. Then just press R the rest of the game and win.


                          its fine to support in low ranks and you can actually have a bigger impact then the cores at that level. Personally I spammed lich to get out of the low level pits.

                          The thing to remember is that no one at 1.5-2.5k can farm, so if you pick a hero who doesn't need farm you have the advantage. Most of the people there will just feed you if you harass them in lane, so pick someone who can harass well in lane. Also the other team will huddle together like penguins in a snow storm during team fights so AoEs=EZ team fights. good luck.

                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                            There's usually one person on your team who is worth supporting - find that person and keep them alive.

                            Don't worry about being dewarded - place wards where they are best for you.

                            Play support - don't pick a support, moan that your carry hasn't 100cs and then proceed to sulk-carry.

                            Ignore the haters above - in an MMR where no-one can farm, the supports have a lot of influence - I'm sure there is a range of MMR where most people know how to farm reasonably but support skills haven't caught up. it isn't sub-2k though.

                            Welt aus Eis

                              at 1.8k mmr nobody has any idea of what they're doing or what is dota so just dont bother supporting, pick cores and try to learn the game. when you're above 3k you can start to think about learning different roles

                              Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                I been calibrated at 1.2k. Just play the supports you like, and protect your mates. I spammed jakiro, dazzle and maiden back there.


                                  To get from 1000 to 1400 MMR I played mostly vengeful spirit, skywrath mage, and sand king. basically make a game plan from the start and communicate it to your team. Buy a smoke at the beginning of the game and use it to gank mid once you have boots of speed and Lv 2-3 depending on your hero. The trick on sand king is to manage to stack every minuite while still having a presence in lane. Always thru-pull instead of stack-pull on sand king.

                                  After I got to 1400 MMR

                                  I got bored of supporting since you can't always win the game even if you go 5-1-16 on sand king. I started spamming luna and have won all games since because NOBODY in low MMR can farm well. Playing carry is def the easy way out of low MMR. Just dont pick a hero that sucks vs a dual lane like antimage.


                                    in 2k am is great vs dual lanes because nobody knows how to harass properly


                                      You don't have to pick a "support" or a "carry" in that bracket.

                                      Just pick something gay that people don't know how to deal with. Role doesn't matter.

                                      inst:  MissMissclick

                                        i played a lot of support at 2k lvl, and have had much success. i feel that u can have very high impact as a support at this level, contrary to what people think. i think it is harder to be a support at 3k+ lvl.

                                        pick high impact supports. ones that dont need alot of farm to do alot, and that have powerful ultimates. get better at positioning, the longer u can stay alive and the more spells u cast, the better. ward and stand behind potential fights (develop your game sense and map awareness). always carry tp. try to get one really early. people like to dive a lot and often go unpunished. youll be surprised what a difference this makes. get flying cour as soon as it becomes available. anyone can do all these.

                                        try not to steal your carry's farm. it actually makes a difference. focus on harassing the enemy out of lane if u r a ranged support.

                                        Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                          Before saying anything, I just want to let you know I play support in 5k party. In my free time, I play support in 4k mmr (my MMR is 4.5k) and my smurf is also support in 3k MMR basket (I try out new builds and testing stuffs - lose a lot). You can tell I dedicate my whole to master my role (support) .

                                          Supporting soloing and in a party is not really the same. Also, it's really depends on what basket you are in (5k, 4k, or below 4k). Below 4k, you should be more aggressive with playing support. Pushing supports or any burst damage heroes like lina are welcomed here. Or any supports that can transition to carry in late. I feel that below 4k or even in 4k, it's really hard to play full position 4 or 5. As someone mentions before "in your basket role doesn't matter". It's quite true. But doesn't mean you pick 5 cores and farm. Support is someone to make the game becomes a lot easier for their team, helps to maximize carry's potential as well as make it harder for the other team.

                                          Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                            For me , the best way to play support is pick a hero (like Earth Shaker) since I love how he can block people and his ulti can turn the table in team fight. Just pick a hero that you like and SPAM that hero like CRAZY. I played Earth Shaker in 100 games straight from June to July (both main and smurf). I know 2 of my friends (6k MMR). One plays Storm + Invoker more than 700 games; and the other play Phantom Lancer in 2000 games. They play other heroes very little. All is about dedication!

                                            pagpag merchant

                                              In my opinion it would be quite hard for him to get good games in ranked matches. I've seen a few 1.4-1.9k matches in an internet cafe where I usually play and to be honest most of the people in that bracket don't play for the team. They mostly focus their KDA stats and farm. A lot of the people in that bracket also always want to make "plays" which is usually why most of them play like shit. But tell your friend to not give up though.

                                              lm ao

                                                I remember them days. Ahahaha.

                                                lm ao

                                                  I used to main supports at 1.8K, got down to 1.3K. You know what happened next?

                                                  Polish Hussar

                                                    ^^^^^ You got to the best MMR ZERO?????


                                                      Few simple steps:
                                                      1. Try to play support as hard as you can
                                                      2. Downgrade your MMR to 1k
                                                      3. Realise that matchmaking and community sucks a lot
                                                      4. Delete DOTA 2
                                                      5. Install HotS\LOL
                                                      6. Be happy


                                                        @CMoon - i think you touched on the answer - support <2k is really just pick a hero that doesn't need to farm whilst the rest of the team last hits/autoattacks lane creeps. buy a courier and an observer at the start to stop pre-gong team raging and then proceed to baby-sit the safelane carry. be wary of stacking or pulling because your carry will most likely feed at the moment and blame you for afk jungling. if you really do have noone worth supporting you can easily catch up in farm later.

                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                          I personally dont play support anymore in solo mmr, as 3k people have such a big ego, so confident in their skill though they suck ass. Even if you do a good job if they manage to lose the game they will just say " report X noob support" as an excuse for their bad farming and awareness. So i just dont bother play support anymore.
                                                          I just put my icon on safelane, if i see a jungler in enemy team ( which willhappen 80% of the time as nobody wants to play duo support) i just insta lock anti mage or some other shit and tell my team to hug their towers after 20 min, do some smoke ganks or smth.
                                                          Really, its important to maks you team NOT to feed even if they get underfarmed but at least the enemy wont snowball as they suck at farming. + i see teams here tends to 5 man a lot so i just take their towers


                                                            Look if you are stacking ancients and creep camps, giving tons of vision for your team plus being wherever the team needs you and also hopefully getting your carry kills or at least stopping them from dying.
                                                            If you do all this you play a large large role in the game especially at lower skill level because the other carry won't be farming efficiently.
                                                            I think supports are underrated as a way to boost your mmr in low mmr games


                                                              One advice: ask him to create a new account, calibrate it, and hope for a higher MMR (at least 3300 so you can play with the average players). Your gameplay wouldn't level up on that ludicrous bracket so yeah.

                                                              (1.8k MMR, like seriously? Does this bracket even exist?)


                                                                "(1.8k MMR, like seriously? Does this bracket even exist?)"

                                                                you realise everytime you or someone makes a comment about "OMG! Didn't know MMR went that low!" you just sound like a nob? Even more so when you post it from your smurf.

                                                                You might be a sound chap irl but it still makes you sound like a nob.

                                                                Gameplay Booster

                                                                  don't play ranked. i got like 1.8, 1.9 or something and i think that people which i get while playing ranked are the most retarded people in the world. i don't wand to interact with dumb, shit and noob people. i switched to non-ranked drafts, i play supports whenever i can and most of the time the game goes good, sometimes it even ranks me as "high skill". people are usually nicer and less toxic as well, less russians, there is not that much retarded bristle and jugger spammers and i'm enjoying the game WAY more than i do in ranked, that's why i haven't played it for like an year.


                                                                    I play mostly support/offlane solo queue at the 5.5k bracket. My advice for you will be quite different than advice I would give to others at my level. The reason is, at the bracket you mention (2k) dota is a very different game down there.

                                                                    First off, find out which supports are you absolute favorite. Playing a hero that you enjoy is essential for improvement IMO. You're more likely to enjoy games and therefore more likely to improve win or lose. However, if you can pick supports that make a huge impact without relying too much on coordination, do so.

                                                                    I'd say the top heroes at your bracket would be:
                                                                    Omni, earthshaker, dazzle, lich, lion, witch doctor. All of these heroes scale incredibly well lategame (more so for lich in this bracket, people clump up a lot here), are easy to play, and don't require a ton of teamwork to work well.

                                                                    Anyways, I also provide coaching for those interested


                                                                      get your friend to remake a new account, tick on (I've an expert in Dota 2) option during the load up and he'll be reset to 3k

                                                                      if you're still consistently losing, you know your answer

                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                      big steppin'

                                                                        I'm not sure, but I feel you won't be able to escape the 1.8k's supporting, no matter how well you do it. If you really want to escape, learn to play mid even though probably everyone wants to play a mid/carry at that level. Learn hero's who have high kill potential, an escape, and a good ability to flash farm (qop, storm, invoker).


                                                                          you can climb through 1.8k supporting. look at my heroes - i've climbed through that level winning easily with heroes like omni,venge,visage,cm etc. - pretty much all >60% wr.

                                                                          you can climb with any hero/role <2k


                                                                            @EL CHAPO That's not true at all, I was able to win 100% of my games at 2k-2.5k playing support only on a friends smurf to prove a point. Granted, I usually outfarmed both my cores but nontheless it's quite easy to win games at that level

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                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!