General Discussion

General DiscussionThe International 5: Discussion Thread

The International 5: Discussion Thread in General Discussion
whiskey waters

    ok its on

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      This really looks like a 2-0. RIP predictions. Also casters don't even realize a fucking buyback.

      Last picking is 4 pussies

        Well that's the last tiem I think C9 lets bONE draft LC.



          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            C9 likes to roll in LB though.

            whiskey waters

              ok i propose five minutes of silence for DD and every other ee's minions, its bascially the time it took cdec to shit on c9.

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                Someone explain
                I don't get why Zeus is playing like he is? He will never save his ult for teamfights etc but he always ults when they don't have vision of the enemy team.
                But like why? It wastes the immense damage his ult does, and cdec sort of use it against them because as soon as he ults they will smoke and go look for a team fight....

                I guess hes not buying aghs or refresher, so hes making it mainly a scouting tool, but was this really a good idea?

                whiskey waters

                  cuz they had 0 control over this game, they didnt know what was going on, they had a wisp pick and they had to stay 5 cuz every tf they just got outplayed hardcore.

                  i called the 2-0 without hands btw

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                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Because they can't win a teamfight no matter what they do so at least they want to have info around the map so they can split push and farm more aggresively.

                    whiskey waters

                      do those guys have to talk for 1h before and after every single game ? no wonder it takes 10h for 4games..


                        QO you monster <3



                            ez rares ty newbee fanshits



                              in case anyone hasnt seen yet

                              ah twitch stream says it best

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                                  navi is back EleGiggle


                                    dendi was afk for the 2nd half of the game
                                    artstyle's contribution in the game was to give weave to fy


                                      BibleThump for all the navi fanboys HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE

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                                          navi and artstyle... I dont know what the hell their plan was.

                                          that team is in dire need of leadership. Xboct doesn't need to be kicked. He needs to be told what to do in game.

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                                              he had it at 15:18 and he was involved in a few fights... and he had treads already. The timing wasn't the issue.


                                                Some ez profit


                                                  Why are you abusing?

                                                  And xboct was the only one playing decent in this game, alongside with Sonneiko maybe, although he could very easily save xboct twice, but for some reason he didnt use relocate. He just let him die.

                                                  Let's compare Artstyle and PPD. Both has low individual skill compared to other professional players, although PPD is a mastermind, and Artstyle (from the looks of it) is both low skilled and doesn't lead the team well.


                                                    artstyle literally gave the win to VG, he got caught alone was gonna die 100% and thinks 'oh well why not gift weave to help their push Keepo'


                                                      Impressive impact :smile:

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                                                          So who's your top 10 players in the tournament so far?


                                                            i only watched empire game and half of the iG game...
                                                            silent MVP
                                                            yoki stronK second
                                                            i heard artstyle good work, possibly third or higher
                                                            and zeus from mvp hot 6 stronK plays

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                                                              Yeah it's hard to say when you don't watch all the games, but from the games I have watched these players really impress me:

                                                              March & QO (MVP)
                                                              Aggresif (Cdec)
                                                              EternalEnvy (Cloud 9 - IMO his supports let him down this tourney)
                                                              Arteezy & ZAI (Secret)
                                                              Maybe & Xia08 (LGD)

                                                              I haven't watched a single Evil Geniuses game :(

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                                                                me and my bro bet an euro on mvp phx because of QO. To win the tournament btw, they had 700 in odds xD. We really liked him in the group stages

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                                                                    what to say, awfull artstyle performance, funnik getting caught all the time, dendi questionable impact and xboct... meh.. Awful year, deserved place at TI, atleast they qualified.. What will happen with them, nobody knows.

                                                                    TOnight watching clown9 shitheads getting kicked out of TI, cant wait. Oh also, eg complexity, go moonmeander!


                                                                      I put 5$ on CoL, if they win, ez 30$ profit.

                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                        complexity wins ti5

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                                                                            maybe stronkest hands down


                                                                              I've been watching since day 1 of group stage and I'm pretty impressed by LGD duo, Sylar and Maybe. Especially by Maybe. I wonder can LGD truly challenge Secret in an elimination series or they looked good due to rather less competitive nature of group stage. But they made me buy their pennant and support them for the rest of the tournament. I hope they will be successful and finish in top 4 at worst.


                                                                                i hope they get rekt really fast


                                                                                  me too, sad empire had to throw and the picks for the last game... like whyy what's the point of stealing picks if you're not used to them

                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                    Normally Artstyle really plays a good Dazzle, maybe he was just on tilt or something.

                                                                                    the realm's delight

                                                                                      stream is up Kreygasm

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                                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                        Nice top 1 play 4Head


                                                                                          wtf was that top10 play? I wasnt paying attention, all I saw was some bottle abusing lol is that it?

                                                                                          the realm's delight


                                                                                            Blunts Low Prio Bot [Beta]

                                                                                              I want bet my arcana for CoL vs EG, but i cant bet cuz have any pc available.
                                                                                              I really want to lose that arcana

                                                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                                                this stuff is so cringe



                                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                    Fear vs Jeremy Lin 1v1 basketball match please. The winner gets TI5 prize money.


                                                                                                      oh my fucking god not again PLEASE VALVE

                                                                                                      ok its back already

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