General Discussion

General DiscussionPuck is currently way too weak.

Puck is currently way too weak. in General Discussion

    Like really, this is not a out of meta thing or whatever, that hero is just really weak right now. I don't know what happened but I feel sad to see one of the most fun heroes to watch fall so much.


      He hasnt had a nerf since like forever.. But its the way the game changed that made him get less and less relavent. Best Puck memories was from watching s4 cancel them tp's at TI3 finals against Na'Vi

      Livin' Real Good

        Yeah, he's pretty weak, every time i see him on my team, i already start thinking GG, one Zues ult, he literally loses half his health. Lol

        I used to think he was adorable, now she's just really annoying, especially his voice.

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          ^i like how puck changes his gender along this story. twice.

          good puck players against a team lacking of disables are still scary af. jukes are real.


            But man if he ever comes back and appears in every game. It would be really annoying. The Euls, 3rd, Blink, illusory orb, and all those kiting just drives you mad.


              also, puck received huge indirect nerf recently, cz two of his core items became way less viable than they were - eul (manacost to 175) and hex (no longer disabling passives).

              no incoming chat

                I would like to see improved BAT. He needs to be better in the late game, so there is a reason to give him so much farm. He is the weakest late game mid/offlane hero in the game.

                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  Honestly I commend anyone who plays a good puck on top of the fact they aren't playing the meta favorite heroes. A good puck with jukes is a boss.


                    He needs a buff because everyone else had one, him and fucking tb...

                    Óðinn H

                      According to my last game Puck seem to be fine :smile:

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                        so much storm pickers

                        la the yeezy

                          zeus, bloodseeker, wr demolishes him and these heroes are currently famous in the meta


                            he/she plays a really similar role to storm and QoP, but both of them are stronger right now. yah puck can disable multiple people at the same time, but puck needs blink to do much of anything, and doesn't do as much damage or scale as well as storm/Qop.


                              Storm can basically replicate Phase Shift if he times his ulti properly as well.

                              I rlly feel puck has little going for him though I do think his Aghs is really good (but noone builds it).


                                Ya I Agree hero is too weak to allocate mid levels/ farm to him.


                                  I actually 100% agree, he used to be one of my best initiator's but now he is shit. Sheep stick or dagon, both end up being meh, bloodstone meh, the thing with puck is you can do really well with him, but you end up having little to no impact late game with the euls / manta / debuff rework. Hell, euls even debuffs haste runes lol.

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                                    Livin' Real Good

                                      Late game puck has literally no impact, even supports tank his orb and silence ability (even though that ability is mostly for the silence obviously, but i'm talking about the damage) heck, even his ult does no damage to a decent leveled support late game. After he fires the Dagon 5, he literally has nothing left in the tank, and if they have BKB's (which good players will) he's done, he can't do a thing besides Phase Shift and just run away when he should be fighting.

                                      He can't do shit against a real mid hero.

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                                      the realm's delight

                                        who cares what a retarded hero anyways

                                        pls mods no banerino

                                        waku waku

                                          this loli is only good if there's another person who can do tons of burst damage on the team

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!