i rather need to recover from dota, hehe
i play horribly lately, i can't even click properly and pay attention
like i'd be playing lefthanded and drunk
except that i never get drunk
it's not like i have anything better to do in life
i should probably start studying or getting materials for high school finals but.. i'll do it later
Ayy lmao, easy
i think i can :D
nice spam dude
guys pls just give me some anime shemale porn thats all I want
Yeah triple only you can, YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE.
thanks god, makes me feel so proud
oh gawd im so fkin horny
I had a dream today in which I had sex with my grandma , does that make me gay?
Is she hot?
You were homosexual before that event
she is dead, died in my gulag
You monster!
Cant wait to get some cheap bugattis off the steam market
Its disapppointing that the caption isn't "addicted to getting pregnant"
I'm addicted to get Girls pregnant ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
replace ) ( with ] [
(youtube) video URL (/youtube)
^does it work as well? it worked just fine with [].. I thought it'd be something like [video][/video] cuz im a tard, ty anyway
hahaha defiant iq 15 ggwp
Who let wild doge out, he's posting in every thread at the moment
this forum is boring, same 10 people posting
There is no better feeling then the one you get after putting a huge dildo up your ass
Nice LeshREKT
so tired
and i didn't spend more than one hour in my first school day
at least i received a big envelope full of papers from math-physics uni lol
Oh dear, I guess you should play some doto to recover from this and after that, play some more
i rather need to recover from dota, hehe
i play horribly lately, i can't even click properly and pay attention
like i'd be playing lefthanded and drunk
except that i never get drunk
but i'm gonna play dota anyway
That's the price we payed, when we first started doto
it's not like i have anything better to do in life
i should probably start studying or getting materials for high school finals but.. i'll do it later
Ah the classic Later™
you know whats even better then playing dota? playing dota while being high
You said: ^ btw yoshi pretty much rekt our lane. would've pb'd my yasha time if I didn't feed in jungle
do you mean i fed too much? :S
dankest thread
i think you need a bit of motivation
newest arteezy dota 2 tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBTC8Vdod_U
techies as new triplesteal's nemesis confirmed
What a skrub
triplesteal and spunkif0l forcing me to play support and feeding in my game OpieOP
i exploded more often than arabs do
u having fb triple? i just saw this on my wall, too
btw i'm watching that sf replay and jeez, i was absolutely terrible at laning
but now i can finally see my mistakes and won't make them again