General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    the comments go so fast and it takes so long to scroll down that no one would ever know i watched all the episodes of My Little Pony


      oh well

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        There we go

        waku waku

          i love ponies they're cute

          the realm's delight

            why isnt arteezy streaming
            the mothafukin babaevinator

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              ^he's in low prio :D I watched blitz stream yesterday and they were talking and he was spamming his chat with shit. So probably that's why.

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                my anus is getting ripped apart!

                the realm's delight

                  poor arteezy

                  < blank >

                    I don't get it what you like so much about Arteezy stream. Listen to Drake and pick Ember and you got your own rtz stream


                      i think i havent brag a single time here, so ill do it now
                      im #19 timbersaw now, and i went 22->19 without playing a single game. pretty much ez.
                      i think its the highest rank i ever had.

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                        Well, after the Ranking rework you might even rise higher

                        the realm's delight

                          well if i had 20k viewers then maybe my stream would b as cool as his


                            ^ it already is as cool


                            why is this a thing

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                            the realm's delight

                              actually ill stream a few games of doto before going to sleep, im not going to play again in 1 week or smth cause im going to spain.

                     in about 10-15 minutes
                              if anyone wants to watch w/e not talking cause its 2 am and im also sick, playing on smurf

                              whiskey waters

                                nice offline

                                whiskey waters

                                  where the fucks rtz srsly..


                                    sunday driver

                                    whiskey waters

                                      lmfao theres a kid going mad on ur stream allson

                                      the realm's delight


                                        plz do

                                          12k gold and u lose gaem.

                                          whiskey waters


                                            the realm's delight

                                              btw hushhush i havent lost

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                                              whiskey waters

                                                meh lina was soso, u could have killed sf 10times lvl 2 imo

                                                the realm's delight

                                                  yea i kno i fucked laning early but it really doesnt matter in these games ^^


                                                    Close call

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                                                      Good morning dotoboff


                                                        i wonder if muricafags are mad because they miss all the good stuff

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                                                            mornin nabs, ready for some rubick boosting? lololol

                                                            anyway, gotta go to the city centre soon, take care of couple things then back to gaming

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                                                            lm ao

                                                              I'm top dog no ban for me 2day

                                                              plz do
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                                                                  @Yoshi while you away, I'll start your PC and bring you into low prio muahaha

                                                                  E: Wow, you got your 1500 Rubick games soon

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                                                                    good morning yoshi

                                                                    let's see if i actually win some solo rankeds today and reclaim my 4k

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                                                                      Oracle carry

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                                                                        ^ Oracle is the most OP hero since the fucking Gambler. Good Thing absolutely noone can Play him.

                                                                        I ragequit bot games when the enemy picks Oracle, that's how OP he is.

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                                                                            sounds like a plan :D haha

                                                                            also, yeah soon 1500 games, but takes a while for my goal (3k games)

                                                                            you can du dis, git gud and own them all!

                                                                            kvasius # KSVM

                                                                              Ah, you still of thinkings about it?


                                                                                carry oracle new meta

                                                                                should try in my pubs

                                                                                waku waku

                                                                                  plz do

                                                                                    ^ epic lol

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                                                                                      Q: Would you rather fight 100 sumail sized Universes or 1 universe sized sumail

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                                                                                        When I was a little boi, I always dreamed to play RMM with TripleSteal but this dream never come true BibleThump

                                                                                        lm ao

                                                                                          I am currently bored to death, so Im watching Allison play Lanaya.
                                                                                          Noob TripleStool SoBayed Kappa NotLikeThis SoBayed Kappa NotLikeThis SoBayed Kappa NotLikeThis SoBayed Kappa NotLikeThis SoBayed Kappa NotLikeThis SoBayed Kappa NotLikeThis SoBayed Kappa NotLikeThis SoBayed Kappa NotLikeThis SoBayed Kappa NotLikeThis


                                                                                            10/10 luna plays
                                                                                            i was disgusting


                                                                                              ddos and a lot of salt


                                                                                                report Tripleshemale for being too quiet during games

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