no i think it was the video from his stream and i want to see what did he do so all illusions attacked ad then retreated
like i can do it(not with all camps tho) if they just stand there and creeps hit them then i just order them all to move elsewhere but that way they could die too early
a week? about 14 times
nice, cuz im playing a mage right now and im trying to farm a nude mog, just worried that its gonna look shit felesbadman
^? SeemsGood
i have riki for the last quest of this path and omniknight for the pony one
lovely bug
wow jazz is actually good music? im amazed
= guranteed 3 stars? its autistic
how is this not on reddit yet, i guess ill go for the ez karma
i've been watching through meme videos on utube for an hour to find the moment where rtz stacked the jungle with phantasm illu
didn't find it
kill me pls
it's like 13 minutes in secrets video
ok tis not really nude but PogChamp i think
i have many mogs on my mage but this is my fave i think
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) post your shift stick sizes here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
what video?
I think you mean the game where rtz became 9k? Secret uploaded it to their channel from rtz's perspective
but he was playing tb not ck
no i think it was the video from his stream and i want to see what did he do so all illusions attacked ad then retreated
like i can do it(not with all camps tho) if they just stand there and creeps hit them then i just order them all to move elsewhere but that way they could die too early
ya that last ones good
MLAO i actually just noticed they repaired stormwind since deathwing destroyed it
what xpac was this changed in?
ok i give up i dunno how did he manage to do that fuck this game
in the legion prepatch LUL
took'm sum time to repair
oh cool i thught it was mop/wod
Guise ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
yea im sure mei and junkrat are the true cancers of overwatch not bastion
WTF i am watching csgo on danish TV sports channel
The future is now PogChamp
a german channel shows csgo tournaments aswell, pretty cool imo
theres so much focus on esports in Denmark right now super gud stuff
Man I like tb nice hero
party queuer
matched against tommen in hearthstone LUL
The littest
skyrim is the best game i ever played wtf
GOOD GAME..........
this shit still exists xD we're winning suddenly BOOM!!
easiest +74 mmr of my life today in 1.5 hours TERRORBLYAD GAMING
i want ievan polkka at my funeral
yay got spinal TB so bed rest for 2 months and no dota. Meds for 1 and a half year. Life's fucking FANTASTIC