General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
me, government hooker

    ej PogChamp

    Yowai Mo

      You haven't been in 4k for years, have you?

      me, government hooker

        hope i dont fall asleep


          i prefer game of throws


            Anyone getting high scores on aimbooster?
            I don't play much, but my best has been 1:19

            getting bj'ed and distracted

              Should I or should I not buy dirt rally on steam now?


                I really enjoyed Dirt. It gets a bit repetitive after a while though so I only played it casually in 1 hour bursts with music on

                me, government hooker


                  me, government hooker

                    I FUCkign hate emotes

                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                      oh yeah?

                      me, government hooker

                        i mean hs emotes

                        me, government hooker

                          nvm its lit


                            Lul not even 12 wins and a legend rank. Smh

                            me, government hooker

                              i just started playing


                                I never even began FeelsBadMan


                                  tfw infinite on NA and barely hitting 12's in europoor's


                                    that's either proof you have sub 80 iq and you can't even use proper grammar to assume and flame or you need to explain what you mean by that.

                                    D the Superior
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                                        Well, I'm not an inbred waste of flesh unlike, umm... You? Lowbobs rushing in to defend other lowbobs from their inner circlejerking club. How unexpected.

                                        D the Superior
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                                          me, government hooker

                                            FINALLY PogChamp

                                            me, government hooker

                                              and cersei wins again.. smh

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                                                  just do what the king did in the last episode

                                                  me, government hooker


                                                    me, government hooker

                                                      go go Daenerys !!


                                                        STRONG WOMYN TAKING THE THRONE
                                                        more like feminist propaganda being pushed

                                                        also that terminator "bad guy" returns.
                                                        holy fuck the production is so lame and unrealistic lately.
                                                        I mean even fresh prince of bel-air had better acting and directing than latest got episodes.

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                                                            Well, he jumped straight outta window. Like a true moron he was.

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                                                                I think he jumped from the upper floors of the castle. Might have something to do with height.

                                                                  Этот комментарий удален модератором
                                                                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                    Primavera is retarded


                                                                      Hi im a 3.5 k scrubs who plays in Team just to get rekt by 4ks every Match. Pls notice me.

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                                                                        analytical analizer

                                                                          reddit strikes again
                                                                          omni et pl abbadon listed as timber counters LUL
                                                                          80% upvotes
                                                                          yet another retarded guide writer who doesnt disclose his mmr

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                            Im more confused about bloodseeker, He just gona die in 0,1 Sec with q active. No?
                                                                            Always felt like bs is countered very hard by all Kind of burst dmg.

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                                                                            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                              what game can i buy, i currently have 9.09€ in my steam wallet

                                                                              getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                                                Did you buy a gaming wheel to play dirt with?

                                                                                  Этот комментарий удален модератором
                                                                                  getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                                                    *gaming wheel, pedals, shifter and handbrake. This IS dirt:rally after all.

                                                                                    Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                      well, no 8 bit graphics if possible, also no minecraft/sandbox stuff

                                                                                      otherwise im open for everything

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                                                                                        analytical analizer

                                                                                          hey where do you check how many people are queuing for a particular region in a certain time? or like how populated a server is at a point in time? i remember there was a site for it but forgot the link


                                                                                            @spunki CS:GO


                                                                                              i can't play with anyone because cs thinks i'm silver..

                                                                                              D the Superior
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                                                                                                  Этот комментарий удален модератором
                                                                                                  me, government hooker

                                                                                                    i was like 1-2 wins off global 1 year ago and then i lost 5 in a row and i quit

                                                                                                    D the Superior
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