Can't remember the name but there are like mutants in a cave and when people die they get thrown in a machine where they also get a mutant and for some reason a group go in there and one of the is a priest
i wish i could. but three months ago i was a weak shit again and got persuaded to take part in dancing performance in beginning with my class (idk how to describe it but it's a tradition that the classes who leave the school have this in beginning of the prom)
I just watched Prometheus. What's it about even.
Can't remember the name but there are like mutants in a cave and when people die they get thrown in a machine where they also get a mutant and for some reason a group go in there and one of the is a priest
Also The Wolf of Wallstreet is also so ResidentSleeper , I like Leo but this movie is just draining so much energy to watch
i liked wolf of wallstreet
I liked the song
i hate it when this shit happens
To think that this thread started like this...
less censored version
Nice, music business might be real for me
@allison stop spamming so many messages and you wont get banned, simple as that
im not even banned
Twitch noob spotted EleGiggle
well u get banned by twitch for 15-30 minutes iirc if u post too many messages... thats the "reconnecting in x seconds" hting
or its just ur internet being shit
theres an amount of msgs u can send be4 getting locked out (20msg/30 sec)
and i didnt spam that fast
my internets good
rtz stream when
4 hours ago
Carry Lion: you guys don't deserve to win
Riki: You don't deserve to live
whole team goes oouuuuuhh! lmao
i have prom next friday
i'll give you my sf arcana if you come to my house and kindnap me or murder me
cantu just skip it? i skipped both of mine
i wish i could. but three months ago i was a weak shit again and got persuaded to take part in dancing performance in beginning with my class (idk how to describe it but it's a tradition that the classes who leave the school have this in beginning of the prom)
Here where I live is a bridge, sometimes they find dead people there in the river, just in case somebody needs to hide your corps
it's not a rape if both people want to do it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
oh my god you guys
i just got a chinese duostack in solo q on russian server and they are spamming vocie chat in chinese
They always do, once I was the only european and 4 chinese talking non-stop on EU West server
lol turkish song with german meaning
Dear SpecGod, thanks for this MMR we're about to receive.
? epoch guardian?
hey hatsune, that manga only has until chapter 5 translated right? thats where ive stopped :<
a custom game changed his name to epoch guardian
Keep picking your spectre, my Storm is always gonna find you
Epoch Guardian is from Roshpit Champions fyi