General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    good on you for socializing and doing what you enjoy, arin, even if its hella gay




        Did you smash or not?


        good on you for socializing and doing what you enjoy, arin, even if its hella gay

        thank you

        i might post some more photos that weren't taken by me, apparently walking around in costume and taking photos doesn't go well with each other, especially with half broken camera and being unable to use any kind of touchscreen because gloves

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          why does qop have her tongue out bitch should close her mouth


            no idea

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              i came with




                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  this guy looks like zach hill crossed with benedict cumberbatch or whatever his name actually is


                    it's one of the teachers of the neighboring uni
                    one of his famous quotes is from uni forums where the dialogue was something like

                    "why do i have lower amount of points in the subject after last exam than before? do we really get our points taken for bad answers?"
                    "i never take anyone's points for bad answers"
                    "then how come that i have x points less than last week"
                    "because i give negative points to people who earn them"


                      im spooked


                        to me this looks like mental disorder convention

                        but the girl you took a pic with had huge tits though.
                        so maybe you're on to something...since of all the dudes on the pictures you're the best looking, so you could actually get some coochie if you tried, i think

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                          i'm a highly functioning autist at the best, getting a gf would be very unlikely even if i made the effort. and it would probably drain me much more than any other social activities right now

                          might as well do whatever i feel like doing, i guess

                          Riguma Borusu

                            Getting a girlfriend should not really be hard as long as you don't look like absolute garbage. Now, keeping the relationship going and making sure all parties are happy with everything... that's the hard part. Girls have this tendency to require so much attention that no sane human would ever want to give to another person, and it's very annoying. I should probably try to find a girlfriend that actually has a job which requires attention.

                            Nah, I'd win

                              those gfs get dicked down by tanner from highschool


                                "hey dud wanna play kyf in dbd"
                                *meka gets invited towards some random ass discord*
                                "monkeys are screaming endlessly, YOU PLAY KILLER EZ"
                                *meka picks a killer that gave him rank1 in 50 hours*
                                > after game voicechat
                                "THIS FUCKER HAS AIMBOT, KICK HIM FROM THIS DISCORD"


                                  fun fact is that dbd takes 0 skill to play as a survivor, but that impresses me how epople are still complainig that killers are op xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

                                  Guess who


                                      >order something from aliexpress
                                      >after 5 days, local post service finally acknowledges the existance of my package
                                      >weight: 0.0kg


                                      Story Time

                                        ^ordering ballons with helium to troll the post is priceless


                                          um,wat the heck did you do on that vr?



                                            chose deja vu for the memes but it was complete garbage song where the notes weren't synced with music at all


                                              i see lol

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                I need to do a project with 2 randos, i messaged them like 4 days ago (1 day after the project was announced), there is only 3 days left and neither of them even responded yet, great stuff


                                                  What kind of project


                                                    either u do it urslef or u hope they turn it in for u )


                                                      or hit them with the "HELLO?"

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        i hit them with the hello already. all i know is that i aint doing shit

                                                        Jay the Bird

                                                          What kind of project has a 1 week deadline tho

                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            the kind of project u can probably solo and if ur teacher gives a fuck just tell them ur teammates were afk and they will probably not get credit

                                                            Jay the Bird

                                                              That's what baffles me
                                                              If it's really a 3 man project it should take way more than a week, and if it's a project that can be done in a week it shouldn't really need 3 people

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                its not 1 week, its like 11 days (from monday to friday the next week, but the groups were formed on tuesday-wednesday). and yes its more like a homework but idgaf if i have to do it solo its like 5% of the grade. also it can be done in 2-3-4 people groups and apparently its not solo because in the old days people did it "solo" but just did it together anyway and all the papers just were the same.

                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                  also we got a message from one of the guys Pog


                                                                    My friend boutta smash a girl yet I'm here reading dotabuff comments


                                                                      so you're doing something actually meaningful
                                                                      i'm glad for you

                                                                      Jay the Bird

                                                                        I'm not sure if looking at pictures of you crossdressing can be considered meaningful

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          ^people just jealous because arin is cuter than their ex girlfriend


                                                                            technically it's not crossdressing

                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              ^actually it is, because Astolfo himself is crossdressing, you're also crossdressing when you cosplay him

                                                                              wearing the other gender's clothes is literally what crosdressing is, and you did that


                                                                                And you jerked off to it


                                                                                  actually i meant crossplaying
                                                                                  you are correct

                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                    And you jerked off to it

                                                                                    close but not quite

                                                                                    that booby girl is much better than arin

                                                                                    don't care about others in particular

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                                                                                      she's super cute, i already met her on previous con
                                                                                      back there we like talked a bit, then some ripped 190cm+ guy sat next to her and they started french kissing

                                                                                      made me :thinking:

                                                                                      if i weren't dead inside i'd probably fall for her instantly

                                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                      Riguma Borusu


                                                                                        don't worry, arin

                                                                                        I am sure there are other girls

                                                                                        that are going to crush your dreams just the same


                                                                                          i highly doubt that's going to happen, especially after i've spent past ~3 years with convincing myself that i'm going to live and die alone as a coping mechanism

                                                                                          i don't really care anymore, i guess there's some chance that i'll meet a girl who might make me change my mind but it's more and more unlikely over time - and even if that happened, there's a billion other reasons to fail so w/e

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                                                                                          Guess who


                                                                                              blessed page

                                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                defeatism is almost as cancerous as self-pity

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                                                                                                  i'm doing fine

                                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                    people who are doing fine don't say things like "i've spent past ~3 years with convincing myself that i'm going to live and die alone as a coping mechanism"


                                                                                                      ok cool