arin 30.05.2017 please don't treat your waifus like thisЭтот комментарий был изменён 30.05.2017ywn 30.05.2017w t f arin 30.05.2017 faw 30.05.2017one syllable anglo-saxon 30.05.2017fuck u arinTotentanz to The King: M ... 30.05.2017geber orospu cocugu = die son of a bitch in Turkish. The more you know SeemsGoodTotentanz to The King: M ... 30.05.2017Looks like you had a Turkish 3-stack in your team. Tinker's name means "the guy who doesn't use hook".faw 30.05.2017turks in team = gg ywn 30.05.2017turks in team = never show your mom the chat logJ-Man 30.05.2017@Arin I'm keeping that picture for my Animu shitpost forum. Could ya link me to ones like that?faw 30.05.2017Neko Hоmo Soul J-Man 30.05.2017also: ywn 30.05.2017lord of cringe is hereJ-Man 30.05.2017Better to be a lord of something, than an internet nobody. Amiright?ywn 30.05.2017Nope faw 30.05.2017no faw 30.05.2017ywn 30.05.2017my favorite is the "kicked out due to too much knowledge"severe 30.05.2017wait, where does the sound from those headphones come from? are the speakers on the top just props?faw 30.05.2017SPEAKERS ON THE TOP XD J-Man 30.05.2017Speakers on top. HD surround sound in the headphones.faw 30.05.2017hahah so when u watch hentai everybody can hear it SeemsGood u wear them in public? me, government hooker 30.05.2017i wanted to see if those things have a specific name J-Man 30.05.2017Also someone must love living in the past. I wish I can have a picture of someone's face and proceed to redicule them with their own quotes. Oh wait, I feel no shame so go ahead. My foolishness makes your life a little bit more meaningful. Sad, but go on ahead I won't judgeJ-Man 30.05.2017@Dragonface nobody There's a button underneath the thing for you to turn the speakers on or off. The adjust the volume. Also the hentai I watch is just the general popular ones so people would reconize it and move on.faw 30.05.2017xD ywn 30.05.2017Väinämöinen 30.05.2017bruh one evening of dotes +25 -24... +1 Thanks man from theh past that picks pudge mid and then gets second lowest GPM and hero damage aka ''WK you're solo carry have fun''J-Man 30.05.2017If you want a better, more shameful picture, I made a video with me screaming and holding a bottle of lotionarin 30.05.2017please do postarin 30.05.2017i might consider posting some anime nazi grills in returnD the Superior 30.05.2017Этот комментарий удален модератором 24.01.2018D 30.05.2017international matchmaking LUL D the Superior 30.05.2017Этот комментарий удален модератором 24.01.2018dioxgamingpro 30.05.2017Этот комментарий удален модератором 31.05.2017dioxgamingpro 30.05.2017Этот комментарий удален модератором 31.05.2017me, government hooker 30.05.2017one syllable anglo-saxon 30.05.2017asdasasdadone syllable anglo-saxon 30.05.2017adasdffgdfgone syllable anglo-saxon 30.05.2017dafsdfwe fuck tis pagedioxgamingpro 30.05.2017Этот комментарий удален модератором 31.05.2017dioxgamingpro 30.05.2017Этот комментарий удален модератором 31.05.2017one syllable anglo-saxon 30.05.2017qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ-Man 30.05.2017Dio, I'm a lonely virgin is probably gonna die a horrible, sad and probably tragic death with no one to care about me. But you are a whole another kind of fuckery to be dealing syllable anglo-saxon 30.05.2017wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwone syllable anglo-saxon 30.05.2017eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeJ-Man 30.05.2017Ask and though shall recieve Arindioxgamingpro 30.05.2017Этот комментарий удален модератором 31.05.2017J-Man 30.05.2017Speaking of which, Nekopara Vol.3 anyone?dioxgamingpro 30.05.2017Этот комментарий удален модератором 31.05.2017Чтобы оставить комментарий, пожалуйста, войдите в систему.Войти через Steam
please don't treat your waifus like this
w t f
fuck u arin
geber orospu cocugu = die son of a bitch in Turkish. The more you know SeemsGood
Looks like you had a Turkish 3-stack in your team. Tinker's name means "the guy who doesn't use hook".
turks in team = gg
turks in team = never show your mom the chat log
@Arin I'm keeping that picture for my Animu shitpost forum.
Could ya link me to ones like that?
Neko Hоmo Soul

lord of cringe is here
Better to be a lord of something, than an internet nobody. Amiright?
my favorite is the "kicked out due to too much knowledge"
wait, where does the sound from those headphones come from? are the speakers on the top just props?
Speakers on top. HD surround sound in the headphones.
hahah so when u watch hentai everybody can hear it SeemsGood u wear them in public?
i wanted to see if those things have a specific name

Also someone must love living in the past. I wish I can have a picture of someone's face and proceed to redicule them with their own quotes.
Oh wait, I feel no shame so go ahead. My foolishness makes your life a little bit more meaningful. Sad, but go on ahead I won't judge
@Dragonface nobody
There's a button underneath the thing for you to turn the speakers on or off. The adjust the volume.
Also the hentai I watch is just the general popular ones so people would reconize it and move on.
bruh one evening of dotes +25 -24... +1
Thanks man from theh past that picks pudge mid and then gets second lowest GPM and hero damage aka ''WK you're solo carry have fun''
If you want a better, more shameful picture, I made a video with me screaming and holding a bottle of lotion
please do post
i might consider posting some anime nazi grills in return
international matchmaking LUL
dafsdfwe fuck tis page
Dio, I'm a lonely virgin is probably gonna die a horrible, sad and probably tragic death with no one to care about me.
But you are a whole another kind of fuckery to be dealing with.
Ask and though shall recieve Arin
Speaking of which, Nekopara Vol.3 anyone?