"if someone put a gun to my head and said "i'll pull a trigger if you don't code something", there's like 50-50 chance that i'll survive this encounter" LMFAO
doesn't apply much to me since i'm doing jackshit for my stream and i'm not anyhow interesting, special or entertaining whatsoever
but the thing where camW H O R E S are getting several thousands viewers is triggering the fuck out of me as well
just watch rostovpapa u guys, the only decent ru streamer left, except mb aloha
used to watch stray ~1.5 yrs ago when i was 3k and it was pretty educational, but now it's garbage
arthas... let's just forget about arthas
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hoooly shit
post some real girls not these dolls
U genuinely don't find her attractive or what
anime cosplay girls are generally kinda ugly, also the amount of filters aplied of photos is annoying
This girl looks like she is 14, could be a guy too...
how is that cosplayer ugly
w/e u guys cant appreciate asian beauty
meanwhile amerifats and eurocucks slobbering over carcrash victims like asa akira LUL
I have nothing against asians but that girl/boy above doesn't resemble an adult in any way
moku is fargo season 2 good? i only watched the first episode and thought its kinda lame
I liked Fargo S2* just as much as S1, maybe it's not your thing if you didnt' enjoy it.
Moku did you watch "The Great Wall"?
isnt that some shitty movie? they are doing ads on spotify so i already dislike the movie
"if someone put a gun to my head and said "i'll pull a trigger if you don't code something", there's like 50-50 chance that i'll survive this encounter" LMFAO
thanks for this video
also why were j0's images deleted
cuz it was doll porn
there wasnt anything nsfw
same as on triple's pic
wonder if this gets deleted too
idk, jos stuff was sexually suggestive
still dont get why triples got deleted tho
Aimstronk, no, it's not out yet in Russia
maybe it was sexually suggestive to skim, too
sexually suggestive foreskim
can anyone re-upload jo's pics? im about to finish
I'm the one that baits, not you
yo wtf man cmon
thankfully i have the page still loaded and the images are still stored on dotabuff SoBayed
i just sent all those 10 or so links to the deleted images to allison
yeah thats a jebaited u guys i dont use ' as in jo's, only jos
^before i read, is this a copy pasta?
i agree with everything said above
doesn't apply much to me since i'm doing jackshit for my stream and i'm not anyhow interesting, special or entertaining whatsoever
but the thing where camW H O R E S are getting several thousands viewers is triggering the fuck out of me as well
dont you talk shit about karina sir
just watch rostovpapa u guys, the only decent ru streamer left, except mb aloha
used to watch stray ~1.5 yrs ago when i was 3k and it was pretty educational, but now it's garbage
arthas... let's just forget about arthas