ah i remember now, aren't russian dates somehow off thanks to russia not switching to gregorian from julian calendar, so the christian holidays are on entirely different days?
(afair russia didn't want even the julian calendar for a really long time and several years after they finally decided to use it, most of the surrounding world switched to gregorian)
@arin no, slavs are mostly orthodox = different kind of religion, they simply celebrate in january
Some jurisdictions of the Eastern Orthodox Church, including those of Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Jerusalem, mark feasts using the older Julian calendar. As of 2016, there is a difference of 13 days between the Julian calendar and the modern Gregorian calendar, which is used internationally for most secular purposes. As a result, 25 December on the Julian calendar currently corresponds to 7 January on the calendar used by most governments and people in everyday life. Therefore, the aforementioned Orthodox Christians mark 25 December (and thus Christmas) on the day that is internationally considered to be 7 January.
ah i remember now, aren't russian dates somehow off thanks to russia not switching to gregorian from julian calendar, so the christian holidays are on entirely different days?
(afair russia didn't want even the julian calendar for a really long time and several years after they finally decided to use it, most of the surrounding world switched to gregorian)
oh so this degrading of images while adding description to them is officially a meme now? nice
tfw the only time you felt a real love was during reading a visual novel
forgot part 2 of that copypasta
lmfao am at day 9 and its pretty good
@arin no, slavs are mostly orthodox = different kind of religion, they simply celebrate in january
i am actually 1000% sure that my serbian crush talked to me about this 2 years ago, when christmas was in january as well
u cant "just celebrate in january" retard, what arin quoted is the reason why
u retard when she celebrated christmas in january
im sure that was the case 2 years ago already, so not 2016 but 2015
it gets updated every year.. SMFH
this shits been around since 1924 or something not 2016 goodl ord
ok my reading comprehension took a beating, i drank too much
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someone go buy me a hot chocolate i cant move i will freeze
for free
arin what is that first meme
IMO treant aghs is one of the most overated purchases , havent had it contribute to winning a game for me yet
whoever has dotabuff+, add me in steam, http://steamcommunity.com/id/CooperateShowExeitz/ , would be nice if you help me with one question, people ^^
^ ask the question here and stop spamming the same again and again mb?
came back home to my 1920x1080 screen, why is everythig SO FUCKING SMALL WHATTHE FUCK
fucking kreygasm but human eye can't see more than 23.976 fps I've heard
aheHASHahsaHAh who CarEasasas
what game is that
cs go it was 999 but it dropped to 825 when I took a screenshot :[
lmao, that "for free" part got me
i need ur opinion guys
should i keep the pretty french lady

or should i go for memes instead
shes not pretty so the memes
no joke tell opinions how should i charge for a 5100 solo acc? 40 $ is good or higher?
i doubt u gonna get 40 bucks foran empty 5100 mmr acc w/o gams/skins/etc.
180 games no items no wallet empty shit ill go for 35 fuck it
ty tripple
fyyq ure dropping computer games entirely?
its his smurf or w/e
why does someone buy 180 games and sells the account afterwards then
nein arin just a xmas smurf, lal
play 180 games in 3-4 months ( in my case) have fun throwing and experiment with irl friends , calibrate, go 5k so u can sell ez,, sell = profit