General Discussion

General Discussionwhich heroes will get married now?

which heroes will get married now? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I always though AM and Invoker would make a nice couple, opposites attract?

    Bad Intentions

      definitely omni and cm

      Dire Wolf

        like to each other?... maybe you didn't get the direction I was going


          tide and kunkka, axe and warlock,...


            Riki + Bristleback


              Queen of Pain and Naga

              Misery Wizard

                gay & lesbian couples only

                < blank >

                  CM + Lina
                  AM + Terror

                  Pudge + LC

                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                    Omni + beastermaster of course. Serious grunts, almost pure gruntage

                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                      venge sky

                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                        Drow and Luna for sure.


                          spirit breaker + 3 spirits harem
                          ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                            ur mom and ur mom


                              Pudge + Undying + Necrophos. Death Squad confirmed !!


                                omniknight with lina, cm, and luna with TA as a side ho.


                                  CM and Lina are perfect

                                  Miku Plays

                                    jugg and lina

                                    sven and lc

                                    Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                      lmfao Skorbutix

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Cm and Lina are sisters u sicko. I was thinking drow and mirana but not sure how they swing


                                          ^Everyone likes a little bit of incest xD


                                            lol how's about wind ranger and cm . I think that'd be real good action .

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              What EB Hatsune Miku said, those actually sound cute, even Legion seems straight, but she's just waiting for a man that has more man than even her to sweep her off her feet. hehe'

                                              Venge + Sky = Obvious, it's meant to be.

                                              Kunkka + Naga a forbidden love between two different species, but the both share the same love for the place they met, the sea.

                                              I can't really think of any one else who would be nice. I was thinking drow and PA could have a little thing, but nope, not really. Or maybe Queen and Shadow Fiend ( Let's say he wasn't always "nevermore" and that the only reason he has that form was cause of all the souls he consumed corrupting him to the point he lost his physical body, and is now just a shadow type figure? That could work, i can picture queen at his side torturing souls, and her remembering him before he transformed.


                                                Umm I think thread was made for same gender couples due to legalized gay marriage in all states just being made.


                                                  Equality bro come on, it doesnt matter what they post any couple is fine bro cmonnn EQUALITY BRO

                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                    Same sex marriage is the start of WWIII, middle east is not happy about this Kappa

                                                    ED WUNCLER

                                                      evangelist verset 3.21 matthew .

                                                      the day men marry men

                                                      apocaplypse verset 11

                                                      jesus is coming

                                                      ED WUNCLER

                                                        shit we have alot of BPA in everything now and some article say it might turn ppl gay with the foetus with all these chemicals. People believe they want to encourage homosexuality so ppl can stop having children and alot of chemicals destroy the sperm too. then we will have a nice earth with only 500 000 habitant ! since we are too much and we cant afford to let people have more babys. gg

                                                        ED WUNCLER

                                                          Also if we could teach parent parenting before they are parents and breed only nice people then maybe the earth would be better like the fox experiment they did in russia !


                                                          evil fox breed with evil fox = black evil fox

                                                          nice fox breed with nice fox turn into =dogs !

                                                          like we did with the wolves that are now dogs



                                                            siren and meepawn
                                                            clockwerk and death prophet


                                                              I incest... I mean insist we have Lina + CM.

                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                sven + LC
                                                                CM + Jugg
                                                                Lina + Ember
                                                                Sylla + WR
                                                                Enchantress + cent
                                                                venge + Sky


                                                                  riki and medusa he can take her from the back to avoid the stone gaze women like to give.


                                                                    Someone should do an elimination straw poll on this :P


                                                                      I'd like to see dem meepos gangbang Lina.