General Discussion

General DiscussionHow is w33 so good

How is w33 so good in General Discussion
mmr scientist

    8k mmr. enough said


      Cuz meepo

      CAN'T WIN

        Because they are +6k skills, so they can allways keep the winrate +50% they get on one point where no one can beat them. And the system cant match them with people on their level.

        Idk if my explanation was understandable.

        Think u are 3k and all the othr people on the world is maximum 1.5k, you will allways have some advantage so finally u will finish on 12k if u keep playing this game beacuse u will ofc get +50%

        Look at me, Hector.

          meepo is 1500-2000 more mmr than they should have

          mmr scientist

            u see w33 owning pubs on every hero, not just meepo

            Bad Intentions

              who is double you three three?


                mmr above 6.5k is meaningless. not detracting from how awesome at dota those guys are but giving them team mates 1k mmr less than the opposing star's teammates isn't effective.

                valve should implement a new top end matchmaking process such as scheduled games or maximum mmr spread and then you could have a more meaningful pub star league (and I'm sure w33 would be right up there at/near the top)

                Look at me, Hector.

                  what u should do is sell the acc and upgrade ur pc while this game is still popular




                    W33 & Devilish, really high meepo tension in that game.

                    I think it's true that once you hit a certain bracket, everyone you play with be lower than you, and of "lower" skill. So you should be able to continue winning once you hit an apex rating.

                    Consider also that at least 2000+ rating on W33 in particular has come from ES or Meepo, credit to him, but just saying.



                      Because the higher you are, the lower your team will be, so there's always a limit, He can go 9k if he's capable of winning a 5k team with 4 3k allies... (impossible)


                        the nice thing about meepo though, is you can solo win with him. so 5k team vs. w33 w/ 3/4k ally is still possible.

                        meepo i think is out of the meta now though. he was painfully nerfed over the past 2 patches. devilish stopped playing meepo all together and then stopped playing dota. even w33 looks like he rarely plays him now. (1 in 8 games maybe?)


                          "Because the higher you are, the lower your team will be, so there's always a limit, He can go 9k if he's capable of winning a 5k team with 4 3k allies... (impossible)"

                          actually i think after a point it is easier to win with lower skilled team-mates because 3k team mates are more likely to listen to you than 4k wanna-be dendis.

                          Look at me, Hector.

                            if u have good ping to us east, then its usually 4 4ks/5ks and two players is 6.7k+

                            piss easy

                            Welt aus Eis

                              wait how th efuck were there two 7k players + h4nn1 which I assume must be over 6k on the same team


                                ^it was party queue i guess

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  1) Pick current OP heroes.
                                  2) Win games.
                                  3) Reach 8k MMR.
                                  4) ???
                                  5) Profit


                                    you all say he has 2000mmr cuz of meepo || es

                                    but what you always ommit to say is that almost anybody else who spam those exact same heroes dont win shit.

                                    Like for exemple mongol above me.

                                    go apply what you said and see if u can get 8k with it.

                                    Этот комментарий был изменён
                                    Mortimer Smith

                                      No, im not wrong if there is a limit as i think.

                                      Mortimer Smith

                                        Btw now he is not playing with 3ks he is playing with 4.5ks vs 4 5ks+ 1 6k.


                                          Just took a quick look over the leader boards. 5 months ago, top mmr was around 6k, now you got all these 7k people. There clearly is a MMR inflation if you ask me. They should create just some brackets like you have in starcraft and that's it. Once you reach the highest/lowest bracket there is nowhere else you can rise/fall.


                                            As a side note, I wonder if you can have negative MMR

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              HAHAHA, I'm an OP hero spammer now?


                                                well if you are good enough you can make any hero "op"
                                                there are just tons of heroes people used to play in order to gain mmr. you could just find about any hero being "abused" by good players.
                                                es meepo qop storm wr bs kka troll sniper lina lesh voker slark void tinker wk ta etc etc. fact is if you put hours into mastering any particular hero you can stomp with it.

                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                  Skolder no you can't go below 1 MMR afaik


                                                    I was in a party with Devlish and we got Hanni and W33 in the same game, this was when my party was a ton higher than it currently is so I think it was a 5.7K average game.


                                                      ^nice 1-4

                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!