General Discussion

General Discussionwyvern ulti cancels black bole

wyvern ulti cancels black bole in General Discussion

    goes through bkb. doesnt have to be cast on you.

    90 sec cd vs 180.

    its incredibly stupid, it makes enigma 100% useless.


      oh, and you get refresher, but guess what



        enigma can still farm way faster


          ye, but having an enigma with no blackhole is useless. its like playing 4v5.

          this is literally broken. there is no way to dodge his ulti and use bh. no bkb or linken will help you. didnt check lotus orb, but i dont see it usefull either.

          its the only skill ingame that fully counters bh. (except chrono, but why would you try to bh without getting their carry??)


            You can win plenty of games by casting like 1-2 black holes per game.
            Also silencer is way better counter since WW needs to be around to cancel it and silencer can be in the fountain.


              And there are plenty of go-through-BKB long range stuns out there.

              waku waku

                there are so many heroes that can potentially ravage your black hole it's not even funny

                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                    So the moral of story is pick enigma in last picks? I mean if you didn't in most games your going to get countered some other way anyways.


                      I guess many people either forget or outright don't know that all targets caught in wyvern ulti attacking ally receive 70% less damage.


                        That doesn't matter in this case.


                          Many skills going through bkb and cancel black hole like venge spirit ulti - necro - antimage - void - spirit breaker - warlock - medusa and ...
                          they are all able to cancel blackhole but dont worry enemy always make mistake and when they do just one black hole is enough for winning
                          the game

                          Plus, I think people using linken or Lotus Orb for this situations kappa

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                          Pom Pom 🍕

                            if you're scared of wyvern cancelling your black hole you just get linken too. Against silencer that does not work though.


                              ^ if there's any ally near you he can cast it on them and you will be forced to attack.


                                Wyverns ult renders the other enemys around tanky, so you cant really aoe rampage. On the other hand blackhole and RP... Ez rampage.

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                                  it matters in every case, since he compared it to bh.
                                  two are not the same.


                                    He didn't compare them, he's talking about curse being easy counter to black hole.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      Don't be retarded and save the BH then? There is a high chance she will have to use hero ulti at the start because it's an insta-cast BKab piercing stun and entirely blocks an area.


                                        As a wise guy wrote somewhere, Blackhole should be used as counter-initiation, not initiation. It's way better that way. Forget about these #mlg 5man bh it's not worth it as it will probably happen once in 10 games at best.
                                        Last 2 times i picked enigma, a scrub instalocked silencer right after to counter me - I still won these games : ) Just push and counter-initiate and you should be fine, even if you totally fail some black holes (at least at my shitty 3k mmr).
                                        edit : also vs silencer, wait for the silence then bkb to cleanse and then bh ez pz.

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                                          This whole time I thought the title was "Weaver ulti cancels black bole" I was so confused lmao


                                            "90 sec cd vs 180.

                                            its incredibly stupid, it makes enigma 100% useless."

                                            that is a comparisment


                                              silencer is nothing. if you cast bkb after ulti it will be gone.

                                              about necro ,am, void, medusa, why would i use bh if they arent even present.

                                              and i know its counter initiate, i always scream fight and trust me, fight and trust me, every enigma game.

                                              its not about my game only, i saw some friend's too, and their enigma got rekt at every single bh in a 50 min game. wyvern wouldnt show up until bh.


                                                Then it's 4v4 what's the big deal ?

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