General Discussion

General DiscussionI think void needs a buff?

I think void needs a buff? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    They should bring back that Chrono that disables all passive abilities. Thoughts? Same? Buff? What buff?

    Dire Wolf

      No, just make it not cost an obscene amount of mana. Actually they should leave chrono mana cost and decrease time walk mana cost to 40 mana. Then void could actually use it to move around, maybe even get a ring of aquila or bassy to sustain.


        Enemy hero that is very dependent on his/her passive ability will get rekt inside,so no

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        Bad Intentions

          Isnt that the whole point of void? Get caught in chrono and u pay the price. I mean, it was like that for the longest time before dat major chrono nerf.


            well that will be hard for hero like PA ? with just a MoM + power thread , PA will get rekt in no time on early game-mid game . Its just my opinion though

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            Dire Wolf

              Disabling passives makes him too strong vs certain types when really his big issue right now is mana not damage or chrono

              Miku Plays

                bring back passive destroyer lc too pls :D


                  i have been preaching this since they nerfed him

                  CAN'T WIN

                    Its fiiine


                      Was gonna comment on this yesterday but phone was not working. I think they should reduce the mana cost of chronosphere significantly, or make his timewalk has a shorter cast time and decreased mana cost (so he can cycle jungle camps with it)


                        All they have to do:
                        Revert everything they did to void since dota2.
                        Finnaly bring pause mechanism.


                          he's too strong late game, plus his last hitting is THE best from the start. Like, it is actually the best. i don't think it'll be much of a balance to buff him, as void u just hav to be careful the first 30 min of the game

                          i love u butt

                            to be honest void is pretty strong early and he is one of the few carries with an easy escape and initate

                            problem is he is no longer as impactful as in the past. He can barely kill a support b4 chrono ends if the game is close


                              Yes, his time walk should cost less mana... good idea.

                              Quick maffs

                                What pause mechanism matrice ?


                                  What if they made time walk cost less mana like suggested..

                                  .. and make chrono aoe much larger ...

                                  .. but make it so that being caught doesn't disable you but instead slow everything you do immensely (including spells) and mutes your items.


                                    Just bring back true strike in chrono. Or was it removed evasion on enemies? That was the biggest nerf imo, even though it doesn't seem like it.
                                    Or make it reveal Slark again. :D

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                                      jesus god no lets not reduce q to become spammable. Reduce mana cost on chrono but that's about it. Stupid hero still does very well with little farm, and he can manfight any carry lategame and wipe teams with 1 good chrono. Overbuff him and he's going to destroy 6.84 like he did 6.81


                                        Pause mechanism, was a special disable, that was pausing the unit -it was like stunned and debuff/buff timers were also paused-

                                        So basically, since chronosphere was pausing unit. if you made a single bash during the chrono, the timer of the bash would start countdown at the end of the chrono, allowing you to increase the disable time. The slow of timewalk was also not wasted during the chrono, so in case of no bash during chrono, you could still run after the target.

                                        That had also some hilarious effect, like extending the ultimate of enemy omniknight, bottle duration etc...

                                        The pause mechanism was used by sd and od's banishment (so you couldn't save an ally from a stun lock, since the stun timer would not countdown during the spell)

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                                          lmao so theoretically I chrono a dusa and I and troll bash her tits out, end of chrono she's gonna be stunned for what, 30 sec?

                                          Das Claw

                                            Why not buff Time Walk like this:

                                            -Time Walk no longer has a Mana Cost while Chronosphere is active.
                                            -Time Walk's Cooldown is Reset when an enemy dies while being affected by Chronosphere.

                                            Buffing Time Walk every two minutes or so, and even then; you really only get 1 or 2 free uses out of it. Seems like a minor buff, but a useful one. It opens up a lot of possibilities, and a skill ceiling too.

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                                              @giff sf arms, when several stun are on the target, the highest duration prevail all.

                                              So in that case, dusa will be bashed for 2 sec at the end of chrono

                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                Yeah, void does feel a little underwhelming this patch, i feared him before, but then again, i was a lot worse before cause i had just started playing dota at the time he was OP i thought he was insanely good, too good. But now that i'm better, and now that he got nerfed, he seems so weak now, even MoM speed got nerfed, so there's that. But late game, he's still a forced to be reckoned with. It's probably just too hard to balanced this hero, if anything, he's probably more BALANCED than ever (so forget what i said above) you probably just don't like him as much cause he's not free wins anymore, might be in your head. But that time walk costing less mana seems like a nice idea.

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                                                Miku Plays

                                                  ^ mom bonus mvmnt speed was nerf not the atk speed, void just needs to survive early game this patch and youll be fine


                                                    Why buff void? He's still one of the strongest late-game carries. I would be ok if they reverted all those nerfs if they changed backtrack. Seriously, dodging reaper's scythe/lion's finger/laguna blade is not funny. Would be nice if backtrack worked lose the HP but regain it in like 0.1s, this way a laguna to the face will kill him no matter what !


                                                      Make refresher viable again. Only buff he needs.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        "Why buff void? He's still one of the strongest late-game carries. "

                                                        that's why changing mana cost on time walk is so perfect, buffs early game a lot without changing how he works in a fight, and late game you have plenty of mana anyway so it's the same essentially


                                                          Silver Edge killed him


                                                            What? ^

                                                            Get hit by silver head? Timewalk away... ?

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                                                                In new meta void ballast.


                                                                  ^I think in english "ballast" doesnt have any indirect meaning similar to the one in russian.


                                                                    Increase bash percentage to 100% for fun and balanced game


                                                                      Change bat to 3.5 , give 100% bash chance . Make str hero . Give fat belly cosmetically . Give 3 points of str gain per level . Reduce agility gain to 1.0 per level . Change nickname to fatlock.

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