General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone can give me a HoTS introduction?

Anyone can give me a HoTS introduction? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    Ive saw some reviews of HoTS, seems extremly casual in comparison to dota (cant snowball, no items, unlocking heros, shared expirience). Anyone who played both can give any insight if its worth checking out?
    The only thing that attracts me so far is the warcraft characters.


      you need unlock hero in dota2 ? LOL

      Krazy Kat

        It is fun and casual. Games are shorter. It's like Dota after the first 15 minutes of farming. Try it if you like it.


          work friends got me to play lol a while ago, and i thought it would be a casual alternative to dota, but when i played i always thought "why am i not just playing dota right now?"

          i don't get that with HotS, the design choices all work together and it is something separate, not just dota with less strategy. Basically it takes away %90 of the things that can make you rage at dota, but overall is only %30 as fun, but since the matches are short that is a good tradeoff

          milk that tastes like rea...

            played about 10 games
            extremely casual correct, games are pretty fast 20-30 min
            it's all about securing objectives which help you push - the main objective varies from map to map, but there are also neut camps and a boss camp which, when cleared, go down your lane like super creep mode in wc3dota.
            as the objectives are pretty damn gamebreaking, it's pretty much a brawl fest with non stop fighting after the first 5 mins
            skill cap is much lower as the mechanics are very very simple
            but pretty fun

            Night 夜

              Wait for hero rotation to circle to Stitches. Pick Pudge. Win game.

              It's nice, like, when you are on a losing streak in Dota or just had some really shitty games. Go play Hots to cool off.
              Which reminds me, I haven't played Smite in ages :O. That's what I used as an alternative before HotS


                I don't know that i agree it is less snowbally. There are a lot of comeback mechanics, but games are short and they often aren't that effective. On top of that matchmaking is bad. While a stompy Hots game isn't as much of a hard stomp as a stompy dota game... almost every hots game feels incredibly one-sided. I stopped playing it frequently b/c of how one-sided the average game is.

                I think it's a fun game to play occasionally with less stress. I play it with my "casual moba" friends or friends who play LoL - since it puts us on equal footing. It can be frustrating to play alone bc it is so objective based - when you're in a pub with strangers and they ignore objectives it's incredibly frustrating. Great with a stack of friends.


                  Heroes are too similar to each other, especially before you unlock the really good Talents. I'm a bit iffy on how objective-focused it is, but the idea's not terrible. It has a Try Hero option that's so useful for trying out heroes that Dota 2 Reborn is copying it, despite the latter not having purchasable heroes. But mostly, I greatly appreciate how it's a commercial MOBA that does new things - mini-fountains, Talents, steeds, etc. - instead of being YET ANOTHER LoL clone because the companies that make MOBAs are cowards too afraid to try anything that's untested.


                    The most important thing is to play as a team. It's far more important than anything else. Don't go solo unless you know what you're doing. Don't give up it's very easy to turn games - win one fights, get objectives, gg. The correct skill builds aren't always obvious for new players so make sure you look them up if you want to be successful..

                    Das Claw

                      You're all forgetting capping the merc boss neutral camp on the map. Capping the boss is utterly gamebreaking at most points of the game. In HotS the gameplay seems so dumbed down to create a more casual game, that HotS needs silly gimmicks on every map to try and bring a sense of depth to it.

                      But, hey, I'll play it if one of my buddies gets tired of dealing with the 10 year olds on dota. It's just tragic, and sad, to utterly demolish a game of HotS with literally 2 people working together on a team.