General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone else have this problem

Anyone else have this problem in General Discussion
Last picking is 4 pussies

    Every time the other team has BS spammer they know what they are doing.

    Every time your team has someone pick BS they are an idiot who goes jungle/midas/radiance and is overall terrible.....

    This just cant be only me with this issue right?

    Oh yeah and 8 games in a row with BS picked awesome fun...

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      The opposite actually. Ally BS knows what he's doing, crushes his lane and stays active all game long.

      Enemy BS often crushes his lane, then builds a Midas or gets ganked and killed 2 or 3 times and later on YOLO dives my team when nobody was hit by his W. End result, he's always the hardest feeder in his team.

      You just have bad luck ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


        I feel like im always against you then. U jelly

        Quick maffs

          You really like that face dont you zano ?


            It's the best approximation of my expression when I take pointless pleasure in some random gamer's gaming suffering.

            That sounded a lot better in my head. Fuck English.


              This sounds like the Murphy effect of Mobas/team based games, where the enemy is always good but your ally who does the exact same thing is always terrible.

              You're just unlucky, but to answer your question: Yes, I get that a lot when I get Invokers and any hyper carry. Infuriating when enemy team has WK, Dusa, Sven or Slark and my invoker refuses to go QuasWex implying that QuasExort would be better for this situation.


                feels that way with slarks on my team

                Miku Plays

                  ^ says who play slark


                    pick zeus with a fellow bs picker and enjoy your +25

                    Mortimer Smith

                      I had that problem with last patch axe.

                      When i had a axe on my team he went for Vanguard and afk jungle for 30 min, when the other team had axe he rush blink and gank me on mid.


                        i know your feel, my wr goes force staff orchid, enemy wr goes aghs daedalus

                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                          Lol mid I just had an axe who went crimson guard against a team that was 90% magic damage....

                          Side note it did have one good bs teammate yesterday who went mid and the other team abandoned before 10 minutes..


                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                            Luck continues against a team with morph/pa and all str heroes get a exort only invoker.

                            And now I get a bs teammate he says jungle/support bloodseeker why god.....

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                              How did you come with the term BS spammer? He's nearly not as hard to execute as Meepo or Earth Spirit, and doesn't require hundreds of games to learn

                              anyone can own with him it seems :)

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                                Dire Wolf

                                  Yep, I'm with you, I get all the alchs that want to go jungle support alch and rush aghs for people. I get the bloodseekers who jungle or just play like garbage. I get the slarks who offlane that shit horribly. I get the techies that don't do jack shit, but enemy techies own us. And of course let's not forget retards that stack invis like someone picks slark and builds shadowblade when we have riki or bounty on the team. I actually had a guy build shadowblade on sven over blink when we already had a TA and they were bringing dust to every fight.

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                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      @Kitrak please watch a game before spouting off your insults. Once again $250 bucks for you to level a new account on earth spirit only or you can continue to keep spamming whatever hero is OP on the meta.

                                      Seriously you look at a game with from the scoreboard and instead of watching it to see how stupid 3/5 players were in builds etc. you hammer me on one item that I bought that was a stupid choice but fail to see why I went that way. Even if I had miracle farm and 6 slotted one item better than that we lose and it should be obvious to you why. Kind of like when I watched you suck balls on Sven safelane with all the space in the world while your mid and universe carried you then they lose anyways cause your about as talented as EternalEnvy's pubic hairs.


                                      Your magnus, yes indeed me buying one stupid item constitutes you having your I re-calibrated on tinker when every retard spammed him 5k trash talk.

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                                        Uh, he's right though. How exactly does dust counter an invis-initiation item?

                                        Unless that Sven was using it exclusively to escape, in which brain would hurt just thinking about it, so I won't.


                                          how do i get my post deleted for saying 'no regrets'
                                          and you comparing people to EE's pubes is fine

                                          #DoubleStandards #NoEquality #UnitedStatesians #NoKappa

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                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                            ^---because my post is in reference to kitrak and therefor factual?

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Ok you're right, dust doesn't necessarily counter the shadowbladed sven, but either way he never initiated well and we lost, mainly cus he sucked, that and TA took a bunch of retarded fights and forgot to use bkb in like all of them. And even if shadowblade was good he eventually sold it and bought a blink anyway! WTF it's just like wasted gold



                                                lost 2 games against bs as support , had to use tinker to recover back my losses -.-