General Discussion

General Discussioncan someone tell me what went wrong

can someone tell me what went wrong in General Discussion

    i don't know why we lost

    they went pretty aggresive early on and went with undying lesh rubick against us

    still, we killed them few times, i wasn't dying and i thought their trilane lost as they were underleveled
    then something went horribly wrong and we got steamrolled by everyone

    i tried to contribute to fights, yet it didn't help much

    is there anything i could've done better?


      lol leshrec and dirge are op heroes


        u go for tango salve 4 branch which is bad, u need slots for stout 100% and also stick since u should alway expect ud +1
        the only time where you go fury rush without treads is when you want to keep a static lane against an offlaner with no comeback mechanism, so the extra dps that treads provides (which can be used for hard camp for dire safe and medium/easy for radiant safe)doesnt come into play. for that game u would require your hero to have some fight, for eg treads pms stick/wand
        you dont check mana before voiding sometimes
        also vlads after fury when enemy team is knocking on your base is really bad, vlads strength is farming deep areas, ancient stacks, 1v1ing heroes who appear in your lane with impunity and split pushing.

        also u love to use courier for items which you could have gotten from side shop, not sure if that lost you the game but just something i noticed.

        its a nightmare playing antimage against a push lineup anyways.

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        I'm Fucking Back!

          Shoulda told your supports to stop feeding. Ward up their jungle and go smoke gank or some shit instead of engaging in big 4v5 fights and getting rolled on. Or you can simply bait and tell your shit supports to sit behind you.


            Undying losing his lane doesn't mean he won't fuck up his opponents' later skirmishes.

            I'm Fucking Back!

              Even if i'm up against a shit offlaner i would still go treads. Push wave and go jungle in between.


                honestly, you people had bad picks, they had a near perfect counter draft. Necro and ud shit on dk ridiculously hard, esp necro. Rubick can steal am blink and wreck havoc with double blink initations, or if he steals blink early, he can start ganking without needing to farm his own, also the amount of dmg they had was too much for dk/clock to tank.

                For you, I feel vlads on am is just bad now, you can jungle just fine with tread swapping, and a fast manta is much more helpful. Also when they push, ideally you could go pressure their towers, they didn't ahve anything from stopping you to


                  Against lineup like those you need someone that can defend like clear the creep waves. The only hero that could''ve done that is DK and he isnt good at it. You need to cut lanes to make space or split push (Didn't watch replay but I'm assuming you were fighting since you have so low cs).


                    You're playing against necro + ud + lesh + jugg and that's shit ton of heal and shit ton of push and you're playing am. Yes you could have played it better, farmed faster, outplayed them, killed them, split pushed, creep skipped and w/e, but your team could have played better too. They have better team fight than yours as well. Your team picks were shit, I don't see any synergy between them. You've probably lost every lane too. Their picks were just better.


                      Their team lineup is stronger