General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is my skill level bouncing around?

Why is my skill level bouncing around? in General Discussion
Trade Prince Gallywix

    Honestly think this should be a lot more consistent.

      Этот комментарий удален модератором

        3600-3700 mmr I think

        Trade Prince Gallywix

          I know but if I one a game in VHS why would I be in HS the very next game?


            Because games depend on 10 people's average, you might be 3800 but someones at 3600 or so.


              Who would even give a shit about normal games?

              Trade Prince Gallywix

                Smurfs trying to calibrate close to 4k.

                Livin' Real Good

                  You're probably on the borderline threshold hold for high skill and very high skill, and every couple wins probably puts you in JUST enough MMR to be considered high skill, then i'm guessing you lose the next two to three matches, and end it up back in high skill. :L


                    I dont understand smurfing... You need to boost your Ego with bashing lower peoples?


                      most smurfs manage to calibrate higher than their main mmr, and then these people are sure that it is because MM system is bad and it didnt let them get their real mmr before that. However, later on smurfs start to feel angry and blame their teammates/post theeads on reddit/db about how their team always sucks (i saw it several times), just because they are losing on smurf acc. However, the reason is because the mmr they had on main is representative and fair, and the smurf one is not. Your mmr represents your skill accurately if and only if you play a lot of games consequently.