General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play Alch in pubs?

How to play Alch in pubs? in General Discussion

    After watching Alliance vs PR yesterday i thought about how to play Alch in pubs, but I just can't think of any way to build him so hes useful in a tri lane and still farms 100000x times faster.
    -Would you max greed?
    - What items do you think are core?
    -Phase or Treads?
    -Do you make aghs for your teammates before you are 6 slotted as pos 1?

    mb someone knows the answers


      4) Imo you will become irrelevant later vs hard carries if you give aghs to teammates before you are 6 slotted and then can't end the game since Alch is still weaker than true hard carries when both are 6 slotted.
      His power comes from flash farming stacks etc, ideally you end up with 6 slots when the enemy carry has 3-4, and try to end early.

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      Pom Pom 🍕

        ^Can depend on what other cores you have too. If you have a mid or offlane who scale better than you late game it can be okay to give away an aghanim earlier (like an offlane void/juggernaut, or mid tiny/morphling/pa). Some supports have really strong aghanim upgrades that can often help out more than another carry item on Alchemist, same with aghanim on tiny and juggernaut (aghanim is very out on juggernaut now, but the 3 extra jumps with current jugger build still hurts a lot).

        Not every aghanim upgrade is worth giving though, you need to look at your team and see who has a really strong upgrade with a lot of impact. If your team just has mediocore aghanims it is better to wait until you're 6-slotted.

        Also don't rush aghanim, always get at least a farming item first like battlefury.


          I won't check you profile so my comment won't be biased but I'll let you know that aghanims is ineffective stats-wise and so giving to PA a sceptre is foolish.

          Pom Pom 🍕

            I was putting her as an example to a mid who scales late game, not to who you give aghanim. If you have a support WD, AA or ogre, you'd rather give it to them than the mid PA.

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              Make someone go mid Warlock, rush farm Aghanim's for him while he farms a Refresher orb.

              Enjoy a 17-18 min 4 Golems combo.




                  Different question: If you put him in a safe tri lane, which supports would you lane him with cuz hes obv garbage in lane

                  i had a alch / lion / Disruptor lane yesterday and we got destroyed by aggro WK / ES / WD lane


                    alchemist that rushes aghs = useless underfarmed alchemist
                    every strat based on aghanim alchemist is game losing unless you are playing vs retards


                      ^@ Reese did you watch PR vs Alliance yesterday? If not: it was an alch strat which involved giving an aghs to weaver and everytime the pushed HG alch tanked for a few sec and then weaver relapses him => all spells of Alliance were on cd => they cant kill alch. But yes, the strat was not entirely based on the alch aghs but it was a pretty big part of it.

                      waku waku

                        just don't you'll likely be useless unless your teammates aren't