General Discussion

General DiscussionMost common mistake(s)

Most common mistake(s) in General Discussion

    What are your recurring mistakes that lead to losses?

    Mine, from most to least frequent in descending order:

    1) picking heroes that I want to play regardless of ally/enemy draft :D
    2) believing I can play around enemy spells as a basis for not getting BKB when I need to
    3) playing too aggressive when team is behind / dying while split pushing alone
    4) not recognising occasions when allies can't assist you and going in (happens rarely, but still a thing)

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      1) me too
      2)or not using bkb for the same reason
      3)im too good for that
      4)very rarely but happens at crucial times

      5)i can add one more, sometimes when i feel the pressure of playing against someone 1k+ higher i tend to overestimate them, resulting in bad decisions.
      6)one more,taking next set of rax when we can throne ( not my mistake i ping like crazy on throne and that enemies have no buybacks, ut fuckers want big creeps)

      i also bought silver shit when i didn't need it at all, lost me like 2 games


        my most frequent mistake leading to losses is finding a match


          1) #yolo moves throughout the whole game
          2) stupid decisions in the crucial moments
          3) either being unable to snowball after a good start or to catch up after a bad beginning
          4) stacking with vlad (2 comments above)

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            i dont see how this is my fault


              its not any1's fault, just karma
              ok mb my fault //


                trusting my team

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                    Playing with my friends. UGUU~

                    I played poorly so I guess I deserve the loss. Q_Q

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                      being 3k

                      Pom Pom 🍕

                        Take too long to pick and end up losing gold
                        A lot of misclicking (especially walk-misclick when wanting to attack. Made me start a-clicking a lot more)
                        Being too greedy when I know I'm in risk of dying from it ("just one more creep..." is the most lethal thought in dota)
                        Expecting too much from others that I shouldn't be expecting. - also related to communicating too little with my team.
                        Following pings too much while low on hp instead of going back to fountain to heal (mostly as support, since I normally don't have any lifesteal or regeneration to heal back from, unless I can afford a mek/greaves)
                        Daydreaming while pushing a lane (easy gank from enemy)
                        Focusing too much on harassing my opponent as a support and get punished for it.
                        Forgetting to deny a tower when I tp to defend it.
                        Forgetting to say what team-item I'm making if there's already a potential other carrier of it.
                        Not watching the minimap enough while lasthitting.
                        Too greedy with using BKB
                        Forgetting to use mek to save my ally (:sad:)

                        I like this thread, makes me think what I need to improve (a lot).

                        King of Low Prio

                          shit supports not zoning the offlane
                          shit suppots not roaming mid
                          shit supports not getting runes


                            My most frequent mistake (and probably the most frequent one of all players) is to use phase boots right before i cast a spell
                            9k strats


                              doing a good overall game
                              but on the late game, make a bad desition or bad item choice

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                1) Thinking your teammates are close by and trusting them to not afk pass by u and ur enemy kappa
                                2) assuming enemy doesnt have wards
                                3) warding same place after been dewarded
                                4) Positioning too close to enemy and getting bursted down
                                5) Forgetting to put item ito your favorite keys
                                6) Going for usual item build while you need to get item that counters enemy like bkb or mkb
                                7) Focusing wrong hero
                                8) Not buying dust and smoke
                                9) Using tp to tower just to get there faster when you might need it soon.
                                10) Diving tower without thinking.
                                11) Not farming ancients when you can. (lots of ppl forget about them)
                                12) Pushing more next rax after taking one when all enemys just responded.
                                13) Forgetting to tread switch, put down item to get more hp or mana restored.
                                14) Thinking you are winning when your not, causing you to make poor decisions