General Discussion

General DiscussionI HATE BOOSTERS

I HATE BOOSTERS in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    It's the small things in life that keeps me goin.

    After 5 - 0 Stats tiny went to dotobuff and noticed the boosting, then he went full upset mode.

    He went on babbling about banning me and making a reddit & devdota thread. If he really does it and someone finds it, please let me know. He went full butthurt.


      Ahhh wow. I think I get boosters/smurfs once per 5 games & u know what ? I don't fucking care. You can also play like 5.5-6k MMR player & win. Not to mention they're playing in your team quite a lot too.


        Those filthy account boosters :(

        Big Daddy C

          it does ruin games, you basically have 0 chance of winning the game and have to spend the entire game getting wrecked. I don't see it that often in my trash tier so I'm not too bothered about it, honestly I don't see why we aren't allowed to just GG and end the game like in pro games, if that was the case I wouldn't mind at all about account boosting because I wouldnt be wasting my time.


            Boosters can go die in hell. Can't improve when they're here destroying my games.


              ^They actually help u to improve more than when u have retarded enemies. I also doubt u have them more than 1 in 50 in Normal Skill bracket.

              Этот комментарий был изменён
              Big Daddy C

                ^I disagree with this, playing against higher skill enemies consistently will allow you to learn more, but using your example of 1 in 50, it's unlikely you will learn much by just getting stomped on in a 20 minute game occasionally.


                  i love getting a booster in my games - shows me how crap i am and i learn a lot more from playing with them than the usual joke.


                    dont remember a single bosster in my game, but ppl who bought accounts are cancer :)


                      boosters are great. you get to play against better ppl and learn from them and get better because of it. i've never noticed them though, just seems like a usual game with a better player.

                      as triplesteal says, account buyers are fucking gay though. when your core has down's syndrome and acts like 3k retard.

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                        what triple said


                          ^ I second that

                          Giff me Wingman

                            DeM NoRmAl SkIeLz.


                              So, I picked Dazzle to get over with the easy compendium healing challenge fast. Then one dick on the other team abandoned 8 mins in.

                              Coincidence? I. Think. Not. Volvo pls. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                I actually dont agree with that. If you get Blunt in your team when he is boosting 1.5k account, you cant learn a lot from him since the last time he did it he got rekt hard :D


                                  people ask me if im an mmr booster and i say no..


                                    people in my bracket usually ask me whether im a reversed mmr booster, and I cant deny it


                                      The People in my games that say they booster mmr are usually ending up like 0:15:5 or stuff

                                      plz do

                                        i dont mind if youngsters can earn some cash w dota 2. im really glad its possible to make a living out of computer games. but i dislike that it has to be in my filthy shit bracket, which i will never get out of. damn to much bad karma lately.

                                        Look at me, Hector.

                                          beware of posting in this thread because OP is blunt, little shitstain autist thought he could go into hiding after he had his fourth mental breakdown and then come back and pretend none of it happened


                                          im gonna ask the people u bought accounts from cuz it'd be hilarious if u kept ur real name on paypal

                                          Giff me Wingman

                                            Beware of posting in this thread because above my post is Wave, a little shitstain autist kid he thought he could go into hiding after he had his seventh mental breakdown and 13th bought account and then come back and pretend none of it had happened.


                                            I'm gonna ask the people you bought accounts from cuz it'd be hilarious if you kept your real name on paypal.


                                              nice pastebin with 20 words and not a single evidence


                                                Rofl, this thread is hillarious, nice reply Blunt :D

                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                  You should have checked out Wave's stream. It was beyond epic.


                                                  LoL Still has the title. He bought a 6k account and played it down to 4k.

                                                  If i remember correcnly he also made a thread somewhere on playdota about the 'Hidden Pool'.

                                                  What wave basicially does is make a screenshot of something and makes shit up. Hence noone really takes him srs anymore.


                                                  It's a good read. It's basicially wave's excuse of downgrading his 6k account to 4k.

                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                    Hidden pool does exists tho, but it should not be excuse for playing like trash and losing games Keppo


                                                      this is good internet here lel

                                                      3rD wOrLd BoYs

                                                      Giff me Wingman


                                                        What internet do u heff sano? Giff screen :D

                                                          Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                                            i feel little bit weird when people complain about their internet, and the screens they attach show that their connection is actually better than my one.


                                                              mine is like wave's but it's good for brazilian standards


                                                                This is what i have atm, and today is one of those good days when i'm alone on the router. So i would be perfectly satisfied with 10/2 internet :D



                                                                  well u guys suck,
                                                                  this is mine on a very very bad day while im downloading porn (not really just some anime) and watching a stream


                                                                    ^i would respect you more if it was porn, not anime

                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      Internet D1ck Competition is on!


                                                                        at least u got the D+ in this test, lmao

                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                        bum farto

                                                                          Wave is an account buyer who has no success in life. He keeps buying 6k accounts and plays them down to 4k, he even streamed the whole process of him downgrading a 6k account to 4.4k (which was hilarious) and simply claimed that he is in a 'hidden pool'. He also makes a living of writing down science fiction stories about non existant people which he believes are on the internet. These information are mostly random links and stuff out of his ass.

                                                                          Undeniable evidence.


                                                                            A good russian friend of mine called Moonfang is selling 6k+ accs for 300+€. This is a lot in Ukraine, so why not let it be.
                                                                            Obviously it sucks, but I guess he needs the money. He's a cool guy nevertheless :cheeky:



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                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                aw shit 50 mb/s masterrace

                                                                                Suck it


                                                                                  You guys would get a damned stroke if I posted my shit ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                                    ^ No Pics no proof.


                                                                                      Edit: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]

                                                                                      Fuck it.

                                                                                      Strokes, come to me! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                                        holy shit zano


                                                                                          peruvians have it rough dude... having shit internet and no low ping server to play

                                                                                          and yet they're better than us BRs lel


                                                                                            fuck a bitch

                                                                                            Look at me, Hector.

                                                                                              blunt said i bought a 6k account and played it down 4k, must be true like 99% of the things he says :( will we be expecting a fifth mental breakdown from you very soon? i give it 2 weeks

                                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                You streamed it RoFl. How are you even trying to deny it? hahahahahahahaha

                                                                                                CAN'T WIN

                                                                                                  I hate u cuz u dont give am bashers


                                                                                                    When I play on US servers, not a lot of boosters.
                                                                                                    When I play on EU servers, seems like boosters every other game.


                                                                                                      Love me or hate me still an obsession love me or hate me that is the question


                                                                                                        get fucking shredded kiddies
