General Discussion

General DiscussionI think ive found a bug in the system

I think ive found a bug in the system in General Discussion

    ~3,5k here, currently at 3k. in my last 4 games i told people im 5k boosting this acc (im not, duh).

    never had better teams then now. they listened to me the whole game, asked for advices.

    in this game they pushed when i said, fight when i said, charge/tp who i said. it was so nice. not sure if luck or this actually works. people were impressed.


      if you are 3.5k, it won't help you to win cz your decision-making skills are roughly as good as everyone elses. but may be you will feel better cz other ppl follow what you say; i dont know whether this ego stuff is that important tbh.

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        i didnt mean that. i wanted to say that i didnt get any flames for insta locking mid and they actually played as i said. when i said get back, they all got back in a second. when i said gang slark then push, thats what they did. stuff like this doesnt happen.

        also, im not a great player, but my decision making is above mmr due to lobbys i played with/against organised teams and i had this proven in many cases before. i will keep doing this and see if i had luck with good teamm8s or it actually works.

        Mortimer Smith

          WHEN I SAY THE 2K PLAYERS IM 4K....