General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat CS per minute should I be aiming for? (on carries)

What CS per minute should I be aiming for? (on carries) in General Discussion

    Farming is something I am obviously very bad at, and it would be nice to have something to aim for

    I know different heroes are different so these are the heroes I would really like to know:
    If you play a hero well, please let me know what you usually get and I can have that as my goal

    Wraith King
    Spirit Breaker
    Drow Ranger

    Welt aus Eis

      depends on game but on AM you should aim for around 300 at 30 min


        with sven and luna you should aim for at least 8 cs/min
        with antimage 300 at 300 min is ok
        others 5-6cs/min
        this is optimal farm, but depends on the game obviously


          it's only significant for heroes like Naga or AM that can't fight without items
          everyone else, like Tiny, Sven or Bristle can still have high net worth with low cs

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            In general 7lh per minute is good on any carry besides AM, Naga, TB, Luna.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Don't aim for CS, aim for farm/networth. Sometimes you get less CS because you got into fights but may end up with more money.


                Last patch was mostly about farming , this patch you either split push or team fight it seems that farming isn't as rewarding as it was.


                  Okay thanks guys!!

                  My general conclusion from this is to aim for 7 last hits a minute for most carries
                  Just some heavy last hit carries like AM and Luna should be higher

                  I know it depends on the game, but if I can get good at getting 7lh a minute in most games, then it is easier to adjust to situations and also read the game and be able to play it optimally.



                    I don't think that is the case, in the last patch you could be farmed all you wanted, and sniper could have barely done anything, and then sniper killed you and suddenly he is farmed too. (and he probably only ks's from a powerful early game support)

                    This patch: If you are greatly outfarming opposite carry, he doesn't have much of a chance. So I think farming can be very important still and maybe even more important.

                    yeah I know there is the whole pushing strat, but in between teamfights and objectives I think you still need that farm.
                    Opinion of a low mmr player though :P

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                      since you're normal skill, start with basics

                      4 creeps per minute as carry/mid and 2 creeps per minute as anything else. -->lane creeps, not jungle creeps. Those are additional ones you need.

                      If you make it possible in every game, through early game, mid game and late game, you should be 3,5k in no time with around 60+% winrate.