General Discussion



    these are my last 3 games
    well my last 3 solo games the 3 of them had a duo party, being 2 of them with someone 2k mmr less than i do ( 3.7/3.8k) saturday night there are enought people queing, why the fuck i get on this 3 games IN A ROW? first one was storms, was actually trying that one, got really mad, next game someguy marks mid in front of me 2 minutes in the picking phase, gets pudge and literally say "i mid you noob i dendi" "can i go mid? my mmr is more than 1k higher than the average" "no i pt i want feed " well, i helped him with that, was already mad as fuck. third game pt, i just snaped. PLEASE VOLVO, PLEASE SAVE US
    i know i wasnt the best person in the world/played my best in the axe game or the wind game, but its just so frustrating, i at least tried to win on the storm game, after that i get again a pt that doesnt give a fuck. its not even worth trying. and the third in a row? gotta be kiding me. just cant play with pts anymore
    oh, and you better call me a hypocrite, but for vengence my PT mmr is 4054 ( my solo is 5.7) because i like REVENGE.


      its not even bad until you get into a 3+ stack with them

      Welt aus Eis

        vai si funde yoshida


          volvo should at least make them lose an additional 0.5 x party mmr loss to solo mmr :) -> and nothing if they win.


            this is 90% of my games actually, but on eu server you get 6300 party guy in stack with 5300 guy and they feed more than the 3
            4k players combined


              ^aren't you 4,5k aswell?


                Its odd cause you consistently play as bad as the lower tier players your with, they aren't even to blame in the majority of your games.


                  @beat the autism, yeah thats what i implied in my comment, didn't i

                  Welt aus Eis

                    Yoshida is a nice guy and I hope you don't take this in the wrong way but imo you're not in a high 5k player level, maybe with Storm only but that's it... When I get matched to some people like liposa, tmz, therence I know I'm gonna have a hard time but against you I don't.
                    I'm not saying this to make you feel bad cuz I've played in your team and watched your stream some times and you seem to be a nice guy, however that's how things work, your mmr got a bit too high for your skill...
                    Honestly the same thing would happen to me if I continued playing in this account, I got to 5.3k and I know I'm not better than this, I did it by playing slark and storm and that's it. I consider myself a pretty mediocre player with most heroes and don't feel like I deserve more than 5.2k.


                      not disagreeing with you, while i agree liposa, tmz , therence are pretty much better than me in many ways, they do have at last 6.2k each, thats 500 mmr. i am really inconsistent to but really think with a pool of 10~15 heroes i play ranked i can play 5.5~5.7 level. not that this have anything to do with partys on solo queue but nice to hear your opinion. highest i got was 5.9 playing only storm/slark, and tought the same thing you did, fuck this its not worth it, games are gonna get harder and harder and i will only possible win with these heroes. i started randoming and downhilled to 5.3, now im picking a 15+- hero pool and mantaining 5.5~5.7

                      hope to get to the top level someday, tnx for your nice opinion, not offensive at all. actually pretty surprised that you say im a nice person cuz in pubs sometimes i just rage to death

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