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General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    I dont know man, im on my phone at work and i have shitty service out here.

    Probably has something to do with it


      Good Game. U did your job and your carries winning the game. Your team also lack disable.but u done pull it off.
      Comment on riki or bh match


        Your riki game...the enemy team looked god awful. Must not have had any vision. Typical ns riki game i suppose :p nice work taking advantage

        stupid fuck 2000

          you did ok, 197 last hits at 50 minutes is pretty bad though

          herald rank prodigy

            You carried your game as timber nothing else to say. As long with good support riki of course. Good job.

            Этот комментарий был изменён

              Seems like all fighting no pushing game, radiant have better idea of objective gaming

              Sad for you though, you play well.

              ☪ Burnajew ☭

                good farm, a lot of damage dealt, best xpm&gpm. i hope you commended that ember lol
                they've pushed you hard but it was a deserved win
                gg you little blyat

                herald rank prodigy

                  Nice heal as omni, you supported your team to victory.

                  I can’t believe its not h...

                    You tried, lack of proper teamwork maybe ? Did morph throw or just bought those in the end of match ?

                    I still dont see PA as a mid hero

                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                      Great Hero Damage, did alot of it however your aggressiveness lead to alot of deaths and a worse KDA overall.

                      You did well as Huskar and obviously created enough space to take towers and win the game. If you're a little less aggressive your kda will be much better thus saving you farm and not feeding the enemy big killstreak gold that they could use to make a comeback.

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                      30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                        A regular stomp with broken hero ursa warrior that made od ragequit. Maybe enemy team blame each other and that made od cry.

                        Bad Intentions

                          Damn dats a tough game. Basically, maginas brother destroyed the whole dire lineup. Ironic since hes an evil hero :)


                            Holy shit the veno spam

                            Nice item choice, nice hero damage, but quite a lot of deaths...

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              Sad "I got outcarried" game. You had real potential early game, with that push heavy line-up and so much utility heroes. Slark fed enemy team to victory lmao. Still not sure about Basher on PL though, maybe heart would've been a better idea? Seeing Invoker and Void burst-damage, items to tank up seems like a better alternative. Good job on managing to drag the game to about an hour, but it is so goddamn sad to see ally Slark having 159 lh and maintain a support gpm/xpm on a 1 hour game. I can feel Tonker's rage just by looking at the stats.


                                nice support but why 2 maelstorm XD

                                Sumbo #HEFTY

                                  Good assisting for your team as roaming bounty.


                                    did decent but i dun get the linkens pick up.

                                    ps, someone pls help me see wat could be done for my am game

                                    stupid fuck 2000

                                      You got super countered (3 natural blademail heroes against PA) and your team composition was rly bad. Not much to do.


                                        Nice push game only 19 kills in normal skill.... Very strange, great offlane void game tho


                                          Blink in then skill one then ulti Riki. Repeat.


                                            I didnt like the deso pick, could be difussal instead

                                            codeine daddy

                                              Farm a bit more.


                                                Poor performance by you and your team. Looks like all the lanes failed.. better luck next game!

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  Good job finally ending the game before things got out of hand! I bet that Slark and Invoker made you sweat sometime during mid-game, the whole enemy team had comeback potential. Well played for successfully carrying your team to victory, your draft was great but still a 5-slotted Invo and Slark is scary as hell. Anyways great job on not letting your team down in the late-game, the last fight to defend the Radiant ancient was probably cool, seeing as how everyone had something up his sleeve.


                                                    You managed to not lose a tier two when playing against an alch and a morphling, and you managed to do it 4v5 too. Your team has some scary teamfight although how the slardar only has 5k hero damage in an hour long game I'm nnot sure even if he is playing support. Tbh I'm not sure how you managed to win this game but killing morph 17 times is a good way to win.


                                                      Enemy teams hero synergy was awful, but techies prolonged the game ridiculously resulting in a long and painful victory for you

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                        Win a tiny game, high hero damage but why the low kda ratio. Viper did well as a midlaner i think this is a high lvl gameplay.


                                                          Smurf stomp I'll say.. Their picks were bad and greedy and just about the perfect game to feed a roaming Riki.. Anyways well picked and gg

                                                          Swap Commends

                                                            noob legion spammer.wp

                                                            ☪ Burnajew ☭

                                                              can't understand why people buy items but forgot to use them, like your urn (only 338 heal to your team)
                                                              I don't think you had the best picks against theirs

                                                              Piguera- @Neoxa

                                                                Good job on your Slark game. Most of your team pwned the shit out of them. Nice divine hohoho!


                                                                  Your LHs were very dismal, especially considering you have aghs on mirana who can than burst down full creep waves.
                                                                  Your HD was really good though so well done for that, only Zeus had more HD than you but that is expected.
                                                                  Otherwise just work on your farming but well done and well played.


                                                                    Thank god enemy juggernaut was that bad, otherwise you would not be abble to turn the tables at 25min. After that, it was pretty much game over. Your team did good job not falling behind in large numbers in early mid game and then you took advantage and never let it go. You and lifestealer carried. WP


                                                                      Not much to say about this game, everyone is a smurf, level is around 2.5kmmr. Your team had 4 carries+ you, but sf dominated mid so badly that it was not a problem. Seems like either you did really good job roming around for fights. I would have liked early force staff a lot in this game (smoke+ cathing void and voker), otherwise great job.

                                                                      Swap Commends

                                                                        good joker .wp


                                                                          Hmm, pretty concerned about not picking up ice vortex and not maxing it over chilling touch. I see the Kunkka Throw Bot at the enemy team and basically your team composition is way better. Great job nonetheless.


                                                                            Road of atos for invoker it's been awhile since I seen one but u did very well.Well done my young padawan

                                                                            herald rank prodigy

                                                                              You carried your team hard, wp bro.


                                                                                You carried your team hard, wp bro.


                                                                                  No blink on Lion, 35 min into the game and in normal skill bracket. #SadBoys

                                                                                  KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                    Holy christ I can't find anything really positive to say everyone but the OD on your team did garbage......


                                                                                      Nice stomp mate, fun to see a good Venom player with a nice set up of items. GJ


                                                                                        solid pick to synergise with void. decent healing. you should try asking your hard carry to pick a strength core to maximise the heal output.

                                                                                        Massive Dynamic

                                                                                          Excellent gpm and few deaths. You truly carried your team to victory, nice work.


                                                                                            Easy, one sided game, your drow just destroyed their team, I'm guessing Rubik gave you some trouble by stealing backhole and turning some fights

                                                                                            Exit 23

                                                                                              U and ur team fed too much


                                                                                                close game, you did decent but you dont have much cs as tiny in a 50 min game

                                                                                                M u r d e r

                                                                                                  Looks like your enemy team wasn't very skilled, some strange item choices... Much like your Maelstorm Lion.
                                                                                                  (tell me about unknown skill void game ok?)

                                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    Great stomp m8, everyone did great on your team, maybe except the Batrider (could've avoided unnecescary deaths?). Would've been exciting to see the comeback and drag the game into a 2 hour game...


                                                                                                      Invoker, Shadow Fiend and Drow Ranger in the same team? I feel bad for you since the draft basically killed the team and timber was not even a bad pick since they have almost no magical burst.

                                                                                                      I know these games where you lose despite an opponent abandoning just because the draft has no fit. The Titan must have been a pain in the ass with his stuns.