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Creamer ni Don Cantoni

    Ez riki game but did very little

    Player 175043649

      1 hour game as od you're not 6 slotted yet, but your team got better draft for late game


        Good solo support!


          You need to hit creeps more :P


            Should have ended the game way earlier when it still matters.


              Kinda hard when they're all getting Blade Mails and my team insist on grouping up as a 4 to push tier 3s. I think Tinker was just a shit pick there.

              Mike Ehrmantraut Gaming

                Did well overall but lost because they couldn't push and end the game.


                  ur skill is already higher than ur hidden mmr, u should play ranked instead

                  Tony Push

                    im glad you won that game despite having both spec + pa and no stunner

                    Swap Commends

                      Won mid,lost the game.wp morph spammer :xd

                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                        carried, nice.

                        Rektdalf the White

                          Truly carried the team with highest tower dmg and second highest hero dmg, also 1k gpm - well played.


                            Nice timber game, looks like you created space and spectre shat on the after


                              Abandoned, but looks like your team was doing okay. Babyrage after a comeback or bad connection?

                              stupid fuck 2000

                                Well your team was absolute garbage composition wise and theirs was cancer incarnate. I'm not surprised you lost.

                                Swap Commends

                                  U carried your retarded team.Ember canser spammer.wp

                                  I can’t believe its not h...

                                    Slark and riki. Ez game. Riki died much though


                                      Played support elder titan and helped your DK and TA carry you by shredding the enemy since on top of not having any natural armour they also had a -5 armour aura and -7 deso effect.

                                      That said your enemy were pretty shit. Offlane Mirana/OD having only 22 and 7 cs against safelane DK/Tusk with 30 and 2 cs at 10 minutes. How the hell you get outfarmed as 2 ranged against 2 melee in that lane I have no idea. Oh wait, normal skill.

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                                      Life Is Simple in the Moo...

                                        good KDA for Phoenix player !


                                          that is one dense PA build. surprising how WK died just once vs a quas-wex voker. wisp also had a really good impact on your lineup most especially on you enabling you to dive comfortably with OP tether regen. questionable orchid pick ups on the other team.

                                          stupid fuck 2000

                                            You went for fighting Alch, seems to have worked pretty well.


                                              seems u carried ur team
                                              +25 mmr wp.

                                              skip my last bot game, check out the sladar game which i lost


                                                must be tough to deal with enemy's(mostly sven) dmg output huh?

                                                decent build using the new items tho


                                                oh and the game with ench was a party game with lycan
                                                he is som1 i know but he isnt the brightest of players

                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                  Odd building a linkens where the only reason why you would is to counter slark's abyssal blade active. Really should've built more dps / attack speed items. Even a bkb would've been much more viable in your situation.

                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                    0 hero healing lol. Probably didnt buy wards and dodnt skill his heal to deal more damage. Gg.


                                                      Game was hard but you did your best. Good job!


                                                        I like the idea behind skilling Glimpse first.
                                                        That match had to be massive stomp due to enemy team unable to deal with your team's Riki (even with bounty hunter)


                                                          Nice team you got there especially the sniper, but you did a good job too. But i really think you've been benefited a lot by huskar leaving the game early

                                                          Rektdalf the White

                                                            You maintained good score despite the game being even-ish (in kills), high hero and tower dmg mean you contributed to the victory in a big way. Wp


                                                              I could tell that you tried your best to support but it seemed that there was little to no control on the jug and the bh did die too often which was probably the reason you lost. But hey a support player is always well appreciated

                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                your enemy line up is so fucking cancer all carries wannabes , all of them presume failed with no lane to farm for all heroes.
                                                                and nice earth spirit there even though enemy is probably retarded. u probably do not give space for already hard to farm already map for those carries wannabes. WP


                                                                  u lucky, lion abandoned the match


                                                                    Things got easier after their support and cc dcd? :D WP though, looks like you guys have too much damage at the end for them to handle

                                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                                      we get it, aghs on mirana saves games


                                                                        gj supporting


                                                                          Solid performance. Nice and easy itemization. Although it wasn't you, Zeus looks like underperformed. 31 min game and only 14k damage?..


                                                                            WP on that cancer lancer. Lich had more hero damage than ''carry'' void rofl


                                                                              gj on that morph. I think you had a comeback?


                                                                                wp on your shaman! despite being support u had the highest kda


                                                                                  Good kill participation as support mirana. You probably had some great arrows.


                                                                                    Splitpush minus armor np, great impact i seems, wp

                                                                                    stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                      Played well, i don't know if getting bloodthorn so early is good but whatever, i suck at qop.


                                                                                        very good draft to play ember in, being able to gank and snowball from there. the enemy lineup was too greedy to start with and couldn't come online fast enough to go toe-to-toe. AM just feels very lackluster if you don't give him priority farm and space overall or if you don't play him into an early game impact build.


                                                                                          Farmed well enough got a pretty good KDA but didn't manage to buy the rest of his team aghs, 6/10 :P


                                                                                            Did pretty well as alchemist, on a side note though, not a single BKB was seen that day....


                                                                                              Did ok build on prophet,dunno how you lost your carrys had a lot of farm
                                                                                              Their teamfight with timber was probably better

                                                                                              stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                                Did alright, bought battlefury on ursa for some reason. Should'vd had way more farm but I guess it's hard when you also have an ember and a pa in the same team.

                                                                                                Life Is Simple in the Moo...

                                                                                                  good kda for ember when enemy got axe and bc.... wait all core ? BrokeBack


                                                                                                    Looks like you were the MVP, the difference maker. Wonder you bought that Rapier or Ember dropped it. BTW, I would have reported that kinda Prophet. 100 min game and only 3k tower damage with Aghs-Octarine build? And Ethereal Blade?..