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    20 min match, overwhelming raped.

    I guess all were solo farming in your team else if might have been a better match


      Strange match, you guys own them mid game but fail so hard in the end. I guess one of your team bought Divine and then died. Overall, tough lost man.


        @ Minerva

        Looks like your Ember Spirit intentionally fed?

        Unlucky. You did alright though!


          looks like you were playing maybe a bit careless as you got 9 deaths. But it looks like you guys pulled through in the end.

          Dazzle ulti with PA is godlike. (+ solar crest) ^_^


            Great support performance.Seems like hard game but comeback was real.

            >Well played!


              Excellent shutting down the other team and perhaps causing one person to rage quit.

              Sexo Meister

                Bot match is fun if you pick some difficult to play heroes kyubey

                Forced 50

                  Ogre magi with higher impact on the game than invoker, top kek.


                    Good TD, you helped your team which is nice, but i don't like your build that much. Ovearall nice game!

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                    Rektdalf the White

                      Rape, nuff said .
                      Prime example of how to carry a team, leading the game in all aspects. WP


                        It's saddening that all of you play decent but still losing
                        The problem is in pick, i think? When playing hard carry such as Spectre, Naga, Medusa, AM, (former) Void, Syllabear, etc, you need your team for playing 4v5 for about 25 min. And your team is lacking of pushing power compared to theirs, I think.
                        Also, why Diffusal - Skadi before Manta? Radiance + Manta accelerate your farm faster since you can take 2 camp + lane at the same time. You can get Diffusal later

                        I thought that Diffusal and Skadi doesn't stack each other, do they? Isn't Skadi only stack with lifesteal? cmiiw

                        Edit: and objective. DotA is won by destroying Ancients, not kill their hero. Why not even 1 tower?

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                          Descent farm and tower dmg as AM, but i guess you could have fought more and make it easier game for your team. Pretty bad kda for an AM.


                            You could have ended that game early.

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                              puni puni butt UWU

                                zombie man out last hitting EternalEnvy


                                  Seems u got rekt m8
                                  Jug no bkb against stuns and invokerings ez lose
                                  Dunno how u performed tho cant imagine (lost to es deso FeelsBadMan)
                                  That's why i just don't like pos2 qop


                                    Nc venge assist, usual NS game, you need to play more, many little flaws here and there


                                      lolz dem pa itemz
                                      Dem 100% crit chance
                                      I wouldve gone butterfly + another or 2 rapiers instead of 3 crits


                                        You pushed a bit, you fought a bit and it was enough for za win :)


                                          hit creeps > hit heroes> rape towers> win game.

                                          puni puni butt UWU


                                            I was roaming

                                            skip me

                                            Player 124137522

                                              @Nike(E) > Windginger picker DansGame > Good shit that's some good shit :cool: > Good game, well played!

                                              P.S: lycan with the rat, still lost
                                              >Alliance are BACK!
                                              P.S.S: shitstain windranga, reported for ddosing kids.
                                              P.S.S.S: nice kda carried your team to victory, good performance thank your supports, and goodbye.

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                                                Nice Sven game, now if only I wasn't shit at Sven and literally anyother strength hero ever I'd do just as well.

                                                Good carry, 12-3, people better have commended you for taking up the slack for that lazy looking Ursa.

                                                Maxing Storm Hammer last tho, that's a new one to me. Must be cause I stopped playing Dota prior to 6.86 patch and only recently came back to do some cheesy shit.


                                                  Oh hey you won as arc warden, good job, but it seems like your team did a lot of heavy lifting before you were able to come online. You might want to look into how vaxa builds him to have more of an early impact.


                                                    Quick and clean


                                                      Got owned at first. If only Shadow Demon didn't abandon, your team will lose that match.
                                                      Anyway, your impact is really low there, apart from your ratting strategy which is NP job. Your item build is strange and it's horrible. If you're not going to fight then why bother building Mjolnir and Linken's ? There's so many better item you can pick there, for example Orchid or Scythe to deal with AM and Viper. Those item is so much better than selfish item like Mjolnir and Linken's.

                                                      Overall - lucky match for your team.

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                                                        did well as a pos 5 support with 1k + tower dmg!


                                                          Really nice KDA and top hero dmg, you really carried your teammates good along with Jugger.


                                                            You must have been pretty sad to lose this game. Seems hard to split push against that line up with all the lock down.


                                                              Ez game nice farm nice tower dmg. I guess wk throw the game after u beat him in lane


                                                                crushed them so hard with excellent kda. carried!


                                                                  I lost a similar ursa game a while ago (you seem to have done better of course), although, orchid pick up might not have been the best considering jugg and ember can be natural manta carriers. Maybe taking a hex or finishing the abyssal would've been more worth it (although neither of those solve the problem of being kited).

                                                                  Good job nonetheless though


                                                                    Quite interesting match. Both you and the enemy team has many nasty AOE combo (although your team is better because of Fissure from ES). Because of that, i think six death on AM is quite okay. Btw, looks like your team got wiped around 43 minutes mark because Rapier surprise from Ember.


                                                                      Kills everywhere :o and nice come back from your team. Sad to have players like BS in your team


                                                                        did very well, you and ember carried pretty hard, don't quite get the s and y however.


                                                                          You appear to have carried the game to where PL could actually do a thing....... Well done


                                                                            You did far most hero dmg on the map and you carried your time towards victory. You could get a lot more last hits tho in a game that long.


                                                                              Worst dota 2 fucking player the world has ever fucking seen. Tried to carry his shitstain 4k team to victory but they obviously fed too much. Gg


                                                                                normal skill slark shitstorm. not much else to be said i think. Looks like a really bloody game even with your team's classic 4 core draft.

                                                                                On the off chance that im wrong and you aren't a smurf... Very well played!

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                                                                                  Well, not much to say. Looks like the enemy didn't bother you at all in those match, making you able to make 1k GPM as an Alch. GJ farming those number.

                                                                                  NB : To the next person, please comment my KOTL match that has 1 hour+ play time. The recent one is horrible with many player abandoning the game.

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                                                                                  Sexo Meister

                                                                                    To get a kill with kotl is something i cant do, so congrats!

                                                                                    Sad its abandoned


                                                                                      Good team ez win Axe-actly!


                                                                                        Wow, good job there farming those people, 800+ GPM is huge. You don't even need TP boots to beat Ember in terms of farm.

                                                                                        Three Leaves in Jerusalem

                                                                                          Very one-sided game, but it looks like you played your support role quite well. Didn't die too much, and a good pick against heroes like brood / PA.




                                                                                              Had bad start, recovered, caused some opponents to rage. 4,5/5


                                                                                                got rekt after jugg got fed

                                                                                                юность навсегда

                                                                                                  good game well played by AM but at normal skill bracket

                                                                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                    Entire Radiant has horrible farm. You lost to Zeus + 3 melee + min 0 leaver. PA maybe smurfing or idk.


                                                                                                      nice od mate