General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Monster WK game, great KDA, dominated the game basically. Though its only a normal game, still did a good job.


      Nice contribution as Bara support, you did descent dmg with little farm taken :)


        Seems like you guys just had the superior draft; better lanes, everything went smoothly, clock raping everyone to make space and they just couldn't def against wl and superfat naix. WP


          Invo 12-0, 732 GPM, ez mid.

          smol brain

            Ez Riki gaming.

            KGBlue Lives Matter

              For the amount of exp difference that the enemy team got none of you seemed to have an inordinate amount of deaths. Anyways nice enough job with doom as you got farm and built to help your team.


                Good sf, lots of kills though.


                  That Slardar spam though, Puck has mana boots and force staff wut, but win is win i guess


                    Puck phase boots, rly? But still good skill. But 1500+ games and normal skill


                      I'm actually High Skill, normal skill games are when i play normal matchmaking with my friends

                      KGBlue Lives Matter

                        @Rush: Nice job not just going cookie cutter builds and instead building to counter. Sheep to counter cores and provide lockdown as well as solar crest and halberd to prevent sven or jugg from raping your team. WP WP


                          nice game as sf, good build and wp dude


                            You tried to carry the game but the weight was too heavy.

                            BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                              Stomp stomp stomp


                                TB is back... but must be a boring farmer game..

                                Player 124137522

                                  well you tried your best as a winter wyvern. Tough game, better luck next time.

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                                  Kung-Fu Dugong

                                    Gr8 lina m8, but game too heavy for u to carry, pick slardar itz better

                                    smol brain

                                      Decent picks, which explains the length of the game, 28 deaths on ancient o.O. Ancient should die less than most heroes, I'm pretty sure. Weird game maybe cm abandon actually helped them.


                                        You got nice last hits but sadly the game wasn't long enough for you to shine :(


                                          The enemy almost make a comeback there - maybe because some bad team fight by your team. Make sure next time whatever it is won't happen again.

                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                            Great KDA, considering playing Raptor vs PA, Slark and SB. WP mate.

                                            Proto | 改善

                                              pretty much a slark stomp.wp mate

                                              smol brain

                                                Dagon Chen is not optimal I guess ur just having some fun.


                                                  Just a normal day using Drow.


                                                    Top dmg in your team as axe, descent job.

                                                    dooooogshit team

                                                      nice game duration and gameplay. u should keep goin as party


                                                        Nothing special to say, descent tower dmg and a lot of deaths. But you won, thats what counts right :)


                                                          those picks are way too OP.


                                                            Looks like a stomp. That TA doe.

                                                            smol brain

                                                              Nice win but I dunno why not ac instead of solar

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                                                                dont know how 2 moonshard fares, but how about pick cuirass instead? for moar minus armor?

                                                                Proto | 改善

                                                                  try to itemise better and be more active in the team fights


                                                                    It is not good enough to play a good riki, overfarmed shadowfiend can rip everyone apart in your team :(


                                                                      Try hard visage, but still can't win the game single handedly

                                                                      Player 124137522

                                                                        Great game on shadow fiend. Single handedly carried your teammates. Good shit.


                                                                          Great game on Juggernaut. Item choices may not be optimal (like no MKB etc) but you did not get punished for it because you crushed the enemy team so hard. You may need to work on that in the future though because that can make or break your game.

                                                                          pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                            oooh a VHS game. high kill participation rate by the looks of it. I could imagine some really neat winter's curses initiation pulled off in-game and it seems you net some good assist cash from it. the lineup permits some really aggressive play so it looks like a really fun game right there. Overall, well played m8

                                                                            note: on my last game I drafted for the team. first time I did a draft.

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                                                                              As far as the picking goes I'm a little surprised you let them get slar and tusk based on this meta, and you didn't get any hero that counteracted the reduced armor from slar's ult. As far as the play goes, you got a lot of kills and looks like you're the only one that played relatively well, but I'm guessing they ganked spectre a lot throughout the game cause his farm doesn't match the length of that game.


                                                                                Nice space you made with BH dude, solid performance :)

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                                                                                  Looks like the Windranger rage quit and screwed your team out of a win

                                                                                  EDIT: got it Ragezeus. Sorry to hear that

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                                                                                    Nice Medusa play, you rekt your opponents and made her work even before 35 mins which is quite good.. But then again, it's a Vanguard drow, Euls bane and well.. Bloodseeker.

                                                                                    Also, I didnt rage quit, my internet just died in an unfortunate moment!

                                                                                    The Nugget Collector

                                                                                      gotta love stomps with wind, and I feel you it happens to me to with my internet.

                                                                                      also that game was lost but king and I pulled it on!


                                                                                        red heroes lost you some games :D
                                                                                        good medusa skills


                                                                                          im sure all 5 of ur team contribute nicely in fight , gj .


                                                                                            you have a nice winrate.

                                                                                            nah i'd win

                                                                                              when i saw the anti mage game i was like "meh" then i saw the timbersaw games and HORY SHIT BYUTIPUL DOTA


                                                                                                Good Anti-mage for normal skill bracket dude. Second highest hero dmg and that tower dmg, you did good job!

                                                                                                smol brain

                                                                                                  Wr dc'ed and u lost unfortunate.


                                                                                                    Wow, gj there considering it's 4 vs 5. You and all of your teammates is too fat for the enemy to handle.


                                                                                                      Textbook case of your opponents picking a low-impact slow late-game team composition against your team's high tempo lineup that spikes incredibly well around levels 5-11 and has good lane control. They went balls deep on a mid-game to late-game team composition (that can form a pretty good deathball later in the game), but forgot that they can't generate much momentum early with that team.