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Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Okay nice stomp, you helped with 30 of the 58 kills, really good, and you got the second highest Hero Damage as Lich, sick. Also, Hex, Euls and Glimmer instead of straight Aghs. Really wp.

    Aephie ☆

      Nice KDA with spectre, assuming you rushed radiance, but farm wasn't that good for a 43 minute game. Amazing HD and kills though, I'm sure you carried your team.

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          Blademail wasnt really needed in my opinion on wk


            got really farmed on AM but fell to the multiple cores of the other team... try giving other heroes some farm :)


              I too have my last game as WR :)

              Well, you didn't die even once, great no of kills, KDA . Opposition could never handle you and Spectre.

              Spectre deserve more credit than what KDA shows

              Player 124137522

                GG your windranger, highest game impact. Good job dude even though it looked as if Dire was gonna come back from that.

                My last game was literally dogshit players that have no clue what theyre doing, and no idea on what to do. Literally watching Enigma prance around doing nothing, no black holes or anything. Checked his profile, 2k solo mmr, and I wonder why he's so shit he won't admit it. Had to follow him and spammed "Good Game well played" before he actually initiated with his FIRST EVER blackhole of the game which was towards the end of the game where we were defending rax. So fking dogshit... LOL, these shitstains give me high blood pressure in all honesty. Still muted from communicating, so no way I can wipe the asses of these players.

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                    Lots of ups and downs but Juggernaut proved too good at last for ur team... BTW... Is enigma requires a high skill level as all the time that hero was pitted against my team they fed a lot as they were too squishy


                      Went midas on enigma, that makes for a really slow blink and thus team was unable to teamfight properly.
                      I also think ignoring your Q as enigma is stupid

                      EDIT: was for 2 posts up, dude posted in the meantime, BigJoe had a nice game on Lich, supporting his team. BigJoe likes to play lich a lot and seems like a new player (amount of games). keep at it but try some other heroes too XD

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                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                        Seems like a fairly straightforward stomp, despite your team's greedy lineup and limited options in team fights.

                        No shadow word/stats skill build seems to indicate to me a support role rather than position 2 mid.

                        Your item build was fairly standard warlock. Too bad the refresher didnt arrive in time for golem-sanity eclipse fountain diving shennanigans :D

                        Your team somehow won despite being a greedy lineup with minimal lockdown.

                        Wouldnt know for sure without seeing the replay, but i am guessing from their scores that clock and tusk had to be roaming a lot and creating the necessary space for spect and od.

                        1 level of upheaval before 6? Not flaming but did you have to use the skill at all early on?

                        Also, void is somehow underfarmed despite having a decent escape mechanism to find space for his own farm and (on paper at least) having the slightly better lineup compared to this dual core spect/od lineup.

                        My guess is that their team had poor skills / map vision and died a lot to ganks before late game, and also didnt stack neutrals for their carries.

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                          Looks like a tough match , nice job winning it.
                          You were support and nice thing you also got Veil along with Aga

                          It was obvious pudge and silencer can't carry a team that late

                          Want forgiveness , get re...

                            reasonable performance given the circumstances, there team was gank central whilst yours was farm central for the most part. 0 point in getting silver edge if im not mistaken ( no passive to break) probably better off getting something else.


                              Not a good game to pick ember with so many disables, rough game you had hun? Still you managed to pull through and ended up helping you team Most assists, 2nd HD... Maybe you should have gone manta/linkens before going damage items? 'Cause if lifestealer wasnt rekting their team and the game gone to late game things could get nasty.


                                Nice carry from what I assume was a jungling position. Nice stats in the heals, tower damage and hero damage. Looks like an all round solid carry. WP.

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  Really good ember play, seems a lot helped by zeus in a way since he seems to have created a ton of space. That being said, the game seems fairly onesided and it seems you've had a lot of safe farm.

                                  Player 124137522

                                    What a legion commander game. Could of gotten more last hits but I guess you had a hungry lineup, so good job anyway. Nothing else to say but well played.

                                    Gawr Gura

                                      Highest GPM in the game on a losing side. But whose fault was it really? The lack of aoe against cancer ofc. :p


                                        NIce shaker plays. Easier win vs no support team, cant believe they didnt buy a single ward the whole game O.o and they have pudge, a hero who needs vision jees
                                        A single ward from them and the game may have been different!


                                          A sad game with 2 useless players, not really much you could do probably. More hero dmg then your carry too, more luck next time dude.

                                          Giff me Wingman

                                            trash void Dx


                                              I don't know what to say, this is kind of confusing; it looks like you guys stomped the shit out of the Radiant, yet they managed to get some racks before ultimately losing.

                                              Underfarmed Spectre at 54 minutes, Silencer with a whole lotta low impact written all over. Leshrac and Gyro lol, the previous cancers of 6.84, giving it their final "I'M STILL OP FUCK YOU" stand.

                                              Well Played!


                                                Farm wise, not a lot of cs (just about 4 cs a min) but nice KDA. A unique build going for offering which i like just because you seem to be solo safelane against dual range. Maybe i'd suggest a magic wand + urn, would've benefited ur aggressive spec playstyle.

                                                Player 124137522

                                                  43 kills in 1 hour 15 minutes. Pretty much a farmer's game (along with techies who somehow is still relevant in this patch with all the nerfs it received) in all honesty. Troll warlord not as good as he used to be but still decent hero. You managed to pull through it despite basically losing all your towers and having an exp disadvantage for the whole game. Looks as though you turtled your way through it all with techies and ultimately won it late game through Medusa. Not sure how techies is still relevant this patch but your techies managed to pull it off. Kudos to your Medusa.

                                                  Proto | 改善

                                                    Wow dude.. thats a big throw. Grats for not giving up. That ember must have hit some really big crits huh?


                                                      Must be nice to get carried by Clinkz... JK nice play good stats good kda. Looks like the two archers reked this game. Not sure why it took 40 min to finish the game I guess you guys were having too much fun stomping. Ez game Ez life


                                                        GET GUD GET SPHEREBOX!


                                                          You clearly locked down AM a lot which undoubtedly saved you the game. You clearly rotated and 5 man pushed a lot earlier than they were prepared to. GG

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                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                            54 68 69 73 2e 2e 2e 0d 0a 59 6f 75 72 20 74 65 61 6d 20 68 61 64 20 6e 6f 20 63 61 72 72 79 20 28 45 62 6f 6c 61 20 53 70 69 72 69 74 20 66 61 69 6c 65 64 20 75 73 29 0d 0a 59 6f 75 20 64 65 63 69 64 65 64 20 74 6f 20 62 65 20 74 68 65 20 63 61 72 72 79 20 61 6e 64 20 67 6f 74 20 73 75 63 63 65 73 73 0d 0a 57 68 79 20 42 66 75 72 79 20 77 68 79 79 79 79 79 20 72 61 64 69 61 6e 63 65 20 69 73 20 65 6e 6f 75 67 68 20 66 6f 72 20 61 20 66 61 72 6d 69 6e 67 20 69 74 65 6d 0d 0a 61 6e 79 77 61 79 0d 0a 32 20 65 6e 65 6d 69 65 73 20 77 65 72 65 20 63 72 79 62 61 62 69 65 73 20 28 64 65 66 69 6e 65 74 6c 79 20 72 75 73 73 69 61 6e 73 29 20 61 6e 64 20 6c 65 66 74 20 74 68 65 20 67 61 6d 65 20 63 6f 6e 73 69 64 65 72 69 6e 67 20 74 68 65 79 20 63 6f 75 6c 64 20 63 6f 6d 65 62 61 63 6b 20 77 69 74 68 20 74 68 65 6d 0d 0a 0d 0a 49 20 6f 6e 6c 79 20 73 61 79 0d 0a 57 65 6c 6c 20 70 6c 61 79 65 64 20 3a 29

                                                            Translate this on this site from Hexadecimal:

                                                            Saia da line #Flaahk3

                                                              Good KDA for a support, good build and Hero damage

                                                              PS: WTF was that bloodcyka?

                                                              Pale Mannie

                                                                Bloodсука is just doing сука things...

                                                                Bruce Almighty (smurf)

                                                                  Nice support. You made your carry fat. GGWP.


                                                                    Why new account? :(((( no need for smurfss
                                                                    BTW LOve jim carry!


                                                                      A casual stout is good for ds.

                                                                      1 value point in vacumn is good at level 4. Wall can actually be leveled up later at level 8.


                                                                        You really did your job as a ganking/support Spirit Breaker but i'm very sorry that your core teammates didnt build MKB against a very well fed Windranger.

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                                                                          Superior draft (enemy have almost no stuns and a useless Io + 4 carries) + Superior play (You outplayed everyone) = Easy Win, even though your Gyro and Shaman are idiots.

                                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                                            Good job in getting gg and ags, decent performance, prob die a little less next time? kda a little bit low.


                                                                              Not that much to say, 5 riki and 3 bh in the last 10 matches.

                                                                              had good game on riki, looks like a real stomp with everyone on the team having nice stats. Personally would not agree with the moon shard that early, there are other items that would help more, but it could have just been a troll item

                                                                              Player 124137522

                                                                                Looks like some deathball game and that they couldn't handle your teamfight. Nothing really to say, perfect Undying game, second highest damage output from your team, great impact. Good job.


                                                                                  Not much to tell. Single-handedly won. 36 kills, 48k total damage. Well played. Grats for not forgetting Moon Shard, tho.


                                                                                    14 kda, good job not dying. fucked up picks all around so really hard to say anything. Maybe silencer was not the best pick on your part but good performance nontheless


                                                                                      Pretty good GPM and XPM, Id say you did the best on your team. Bad that you lost :/ I dont play Medusa at all, but IMO, Phase, Drums, Manta, Skadi, and Maelstrom is really goot for 37:00. Nice work.

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                                                                                        Your team had a weak offlaner, looks like your trilane did not do well against lc either. I think maybe your supports are to blame. Everyone lost every lane so nothing anyone can do. Wise decision to split push by you, though i imagine with tinker it must've been hard. Fighting them would've been even worse tho.


                                                                                          Your skill build and item build is a bit out of the ordinary. (items more than skillbuild) but i think you didnt have to go for mael, if u want to farm maybe go for yasha > Skadi. If the invoker had gone QW over QE think your team would've lost much earlier. Your alchemist didn't do well either, bad farm for an alche and terrible item choices.

                                                                                          Mos Likely

                                                                                            Seems like a str8 push to throne. game must have been fairly close. probably needed a lot more disable to in order to turn team fights in your favor.

                                                                                            Bad luck on the lost

                                                                                            Hustlehard Harold

                                                                                              Dirty timber mainer.

                                                                                              Game started off a tad concerning with the enemy invoker outplaying your TA a bit, but as soon as you and wk got your cores and the team decided to five man, fights swung your way big time. Invoker tried his best to create problems but after awhile he began to lose relevance, your TA had recovered from his tough start and you guys pushed your way to the throne.

                                                                                              Rush(2nd ACC)

                                                                                                Good mid late game. But some problems with GPM

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                                                                                                Proto | 改善

                                                                                                  @ Storm game : next time max the first spell is much more cost effective than maxing the passive. Plus if you have 3 stacks in woods you can get 1 lvl in less than 30 seconds. Good game overall , try to deny more.

                                                                                                  KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                                    That lina game didnt really go well. Maybe you should have gotten a blink/euls before the aghs as it looks like you died quiet a bit while not participating in a lot of kills and the mobility could've helped.

                                                                                                    Proto | 改善

                                                                                                      That game was doomed from the start. Brew was picked into Doom and we had a crystal maiden jungle 30 mins. Oh the 5k Games.