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    it's about Ancients not kill
    can't decide late game arc warden
    no bkb no rapier
    ez lose


      Dunno why maxed 1st skill bfore Glimpse or Kinetic field. To nuke and kill?
      But still went to (31) Assists tho..

      Potato PC

        Nice KDA and pick. Soul Ring & Tranquil would be better, unless your team desperately need mana.


          I had more assists than you 😎
          Reason - IDK what spirits do

          Potato PC

            Nice KDA & being full support/items, especially you barely play IO. But i have better damage/heal per minute.

            Your skill pick/build is unusual IMO. Usually max spirit > overcharge > tether is better in many situation.

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              Saving slot for Potato PC, I don't have time to write an insightful comment but I would very much like to.

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                you couldve ended the game earlier around 25-30 mins because they got trash sups but nonetheless flawless am play


                  U laned well .. u won ... U farmed most yet arc out farmed u 😂😂
                  Pushing was u r key to victory


                    you got carried son


                      You reaaaaally think you're good at dota when you do this shit don't you


                        [SK game] You guys stomped except for Ember who singlehandedly kept the other team in the game for 50 minutes. You have more CS than CK and the highest xpm in the game, you must have shat on the laning phase and mid game.

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                        Choke on your sanctimony

                          IDK, dont like the item progression of PL, and i guess u took the crimson coz PA was too much to handle but it anyway doesnt stack with PL's Vanguard. Cant say more coz i dont know who was which lane. PA should not have won the mid lane ( if she was mid) if DK or veno was mid against her with a wand and a ward on hg. And PL could have gone mid against PA or MK mid. Some support reactions could have helped lane easily and just snowball with veno and dk while making some space for PL(which he actually doesn't need, he can snowball with u guys but he doesn't seem to be good). BKB would have been nice agnst ES and WD. Also why are these supports rushing midas? :/ and they kinda threw at 23 minutes but came back again. RnG probably helping PA wit crits and misses and dagger bashes :( sad game

                          Choke on your sanctimony

                            ^ lack of stuns early on was really a problem, lich and veno are really strong laners but only stuns were dk and jak icepath.


                              @RIP.ggwp.Yurnero Yeah pretty close :) I won mid vs PA but my team fed horribly in lane, I tried to buy as much space as possible for PL with shadowblade but was tilted and got caught a few times. I knew I had to tank hence Vanguard (but i didnt check PL items or he didnt check mine) but PA and MK would just three shot me. Sad describes it well.


                                Your team lineup come online very late, especially when your team cant find the space to farm. Also, IMO blink is better this game, your job is to initiate, and let pl do the job, unfortunately his damage output is too low to kill anyone


                                  Nothing flashy from your numbers but the track factor was definitely a factor in the win. Your build is all over the place though, with a deso pickup and blink. You tried to mix high utility and damage.

                                  Ps can rater rate night stalker game? I don’t like the CK game cause it was a mess but the NS game was a party and I was pos 4, my natural party role.


                                    really nice decision to go on dagger you get a better positioning in fights


                                      Pretty tough game for you. UL makes it very hard for you to kill people, and despite the counterpicks tb managed to close the game before medusa got online

                                      Your build was fine, your item progression just died after aghs, presumably you have to bb

                                      Choke on your sanctimony

                                        ^ idk if that was a stomp but cant believe u got away without having to buy anything against the void silver edge. Ur gpm and xpm are up in the air. WP. They probably couldnt kill u after you got that pipe against invo and lina. Underlord should have prioritised damage onto you which he probably. And sniper as well. Their team lacked saves pretty much. Void always escaped most fights leaving his team to die coz none of u could stop him anyway. Overall nice game, better and balanced team won the game.


                                          You played very sub-par, but luckily had the AM vs Storm matchup in your favor

                                          Potato PC

                                            You played well with good item build, but your teammate Viper and Lion didn't do well. Lion no blink and viper no BKB.

                                            [RR53] RR

                                              What the fuck? Highest hero damage, very strong heal, very good building damage. idk how u manage this with Wisp.


                                                God tier weaver game, how the hell did a lifestealer and wisp manage to lose a lane against a weaver? Good job anyway man, not only did you win your lane you also carried the game with as many kills as the entire enemy team combined.

                                                Bad Intentions

                                                  Good clock game.

                                                  Good HD. Seems you initiated pretty good.

                                                  Standard items.

                                                  Overall you did what you had to do but the team composition was not good enough.

                                                  WARNING! TILTED CONTENT!

                                                    Tb spammer for MMR grind by the looks. Aeon Disk seems like a real scrub move haha. Haven't seen the game but could see the whole thing going down. Down HP in jungle, walk up to enemy with no HP, sunder and proceed to kill. What cancer haha!!!! Might give it a go sometime.

                                                    Potato PC

                                                      Nice item choice & high kill amount. Enemy can't counter you well.

                                                      Choke on your sanctimony

                                                        That dire was raped. Dont know how u spam the most difficult hero for me in dota and get this mmr :P Heard the skill cap has reduced after they reworked the spirits. But shitty itemisation by QoP. And sven was pretty much fodder for even your pos 5.
                                                        Have fun games like this more. (Y)

                                                        Muhammad Sumbul

                                                          You guys couldn't take objectives and i think thats the reason you lost the game. Supreb performance.
                                                          (I am not playing because i am staying in a hostel with a shitty internet so all i can do is post)


                                                            GG random bonus, extra mango too stronk, you walked all over them with axe.
                                                            Not a fan of phase boots, but it worked, so I can't judge

                                                            Potato PC

                                                              BS as pusher? Nicely done since there are enemies with global skill and many of them bring TP.

                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                Monster IO game. Great Hero Healing, sexy item pickups, it also helps that youre in a 3 stack.

                                                                Overall, great game impact that certainly contributed to your teams win.


                                                                  A bump in your terrorblade road I'd say.

                                                                  Looks like you were outshined by the other cores on your team.
                                                                  The lina had more hero damage and LHs. Not what I'd expect to see in a terrorblade game.

                                                                  Of course the Bara abandon makes it an irregular game to begin with

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                                                                    That's an unusual build on lich. Satanic? Bloodthorne? How are you supposed to defend against the drow+sniper?
                                                                    Seems like you got carried by the Kunkka.

                                                                    Choke on your sanctimony

                                                                      I keep hearing from streamers and casters that visage is incredibly spammed in ur mmr range but i dont see this much spam in divine ranks. good job u just ran over them troll and dazzle, do people in that bracket not know what to do against visage? Hell, i have no idea what to do myself, my bracket noone plays visage , i have never tried.
                                                                      Also U spamming just for mmr? Is it even fun mate? 1292 on Visage and next up in 108 games on veno? my god u deserve some special place in hell xD JK
                                                                      Gl next games


                                                                        You guys won 50-10, i dont think i can say anything insightful to that. IO mean you guys completely wrecked them. Good job :)


                                                                          bad item choice mate its a 4v5 idk why u still build that item u can just go full right click luna bb can easily take your ulti as advantage and he will trigger his bm then you start dying .... maelstorm luna ? nahhh


                                                                            Ez game


                                                                              Pick io when your team has a bunch of tanks. Makes sense well done why no urn of shadows is my only real question?

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                                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                                Seems to be avery conservative gameplay. Good job on not dying too much tho. Standard CM items. Very good game, with key saves i believe.


                                                                                  Lost your lanes, won the game. Your tower damage seems lacking, for a Terrorblade.

                                                                                  [RR53] RR

                                                                                    No Pike vs PA? Hmm. At least you won.

                                                                                    Potato PC

                                                                                      Nice item choice, but looks like you're not aggressive enough.

                                                                                      [RR53] RR

                                                                                        Carry Wisp is carry Wisp. IDK how u manage to win with this shit.

                                                                                        Potato PC

                                                                                          You totally dominate the game despite enemy have lots of disable skill and item and looks like BF and Mjollnir counter PL well.

                                                                                          P.S. I'm playing Wisp dual Roles, since i'm doing 90% warding and both Mirana/PA barely do anything. Also, spam spirits is enough to disrupt enemy on lower bracket IMO.


                                                                                            potato pc I could not decompress the last replay so I did it with the one before (match 3888928771).


                                                                                            ahh... apparently im judging someone with such mmr difference... oh boy :P

                                                                                            anyway. lanning phase had a great advantage. provided good vision and made a lot of denies.
                                                                                            somewhere after you understood that top is fucking hell so you jumped there and provided a good gank.
                                                                                            after that you basically roamed around the map ganking the enemy team and helping push towers.
                                                                                            you and lc had the highest denies and LH rates at the time.

                                                                                            had an amazing play of relocating and dualing bb in min 12.
                                                                                            that probably really surprised him.

                                                                                            you probably got heart attack when AM's illusion came at you at 19:00-20:00 considering the excessive pinging.

                                                                                            yea but your team basically dominated the entire game and it was ez win for you (all t3 & t2 towers of enemy fell very early, had much higher NW etc).

                                                                                            would like to give more insight but I see so little supports in my bracket, and even fewer of those are IO's so can give much

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                                                                                            flourishing new leaf

                                                                                              Arch scrub but nice items
                                                                                              The tear of the fountain fairy princess was a nice touch of skill (min 7)

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                                                                                              Potato PC

                                                                                                3 defensive items, but have highest DMG/BLD with good KDA. Well done.


                                                                                                  Satanic carry io. Very interesting, but only possible in bracket or lower

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                                                                                                    ^Looked at your last ranked Kunkka game, none of that turbo crap
                                                                                                    That casual kaya actually lost you the game, methinks. Absolutely senseless purchase