General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat MMR do you need to get first page in the client?

What MMR do you need to get first page in the client? in General Discussion

    Not sure how how getting onto the first page is calculated but since I'm gonna hit 5k soon I've been kinda wondering.

    Havoc BOGI or someone have any details on it so i can set myself another long term goal?


      5k+ and the chances are pretty high

      usually better with avg of 5,5k -->6k teammates and shit

      and as there are fewer such players at night time, the chances of getting displayed on the first page increases :p

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          Quite true, this is another key sign that there can be less than 60 players playing over 5k in the world playing at a given hour of the day. In other words, less than 1500 players over 5k play dota on a given day. This gives you an idea of the size of that population.

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          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            It used to be more consistent, but now even quite low level games get on first page. It's about luck I think. I mean, I fucking get on first page sometimes while playing non-ranked with my 4k cousin.

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              ED WUNCLER

                ^ ^ ^ relkentless vs KiTraK. tomorrow morning we'll see more of that fight.

                ED WUNCLER

                  sop trying to add Relentless in your friendlist KitraK plz.



                    Ah kk thanks, i spoke to havoc lastnight after i made this thread and he said something similar...So its really not that far out of reach then nice to know :).


                      I think you can wait for the #1 game on the first page to end and (if you're on the same server) then there are big chances that most of those players gonna queue for the next game so you queue after that game ends and if you're high MMR there are big hcances that you gonna be on the first page or even #1 game.

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                        theres no rules set in stone tbh. it used to be highest mmr and in that order. then they did "that" change and it got a bit more random.
                        yes you can get a page 1 (top game even) thats a 4k game, or 5k barely. im not saying its a rule of a thumb, just that it happened quite a few times.

                        in theory 5.5k average game should be in top few slots.

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                          ✔️ DemKy Nigerian Prince

                            what is "first page on the client" ?


                              On the first page of the live games tab within the client.


                                "Quite true, this is another key sign that there can be less than 60 players playing over 5k in the world playing at a given hour of the day."

                                More like over 600 but ok

                                Guess whos back

                                  I dont know If I have been on front page, but I'm 5840 MMR.


                                    Keep us informed


                                      my friend who was 4.3k at the time got in a front page game once, i think there was at least one other 4k on his team too


                                        i think its about the pages lagging. but you can be on firstpage if you are playing unranked with high winrate (65+) or playing games closer to the peak of that time! And this does not have to be 6k! trust me there arent that mane 6k players and or games that they are on. meaning top games are usually 5.5 ish if even that.

                                        Look at me, Hector.

                                          before it took the highest mmr player from both teams, now its average mmr per team.
                                          thats why someone with 6k in 2014 after summer would be page 30 or some shit while a bunch of 5ks would be page 1